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What Is Formerlyme?
from CP September 2021
by CPmagazine
FormerlyMe.com presents “On The Go”
Jim West
FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “On The Go” days of my journey.

In September 2021 I had a Cybersecurity conference in Arizona I was a VIP Speaker for and since I was so close to the Grand Canyon I decided to arrive a few days earlier to tour the canyon and also make the drive to Monument Valley, Utah.

Most people will know Monument Valley from the film, Forrest Gump where he was running across the United States and the scene where he decides to quit running is in Monument Valley. Making the drive out took just a bit over 5 hours from Phoenix, but well worth the drive.

Next up would be one of the biggest natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. Words cannot come close to the feeling you get when standing at awe of such a immense sight and colors the canyon has to show. Cut by a erosion, wind, rain and a river over millions of years the canyon is simply astounding.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover more unique experiences. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial