Mastermind “For ambitious entrepreneurs who are DEADLY SERIOUS about transforming their business.”
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A note from Vanessa Lanham-Day I’ve been running my marketing business since 1988 - that means I’ve successfully survived TWO recessions and am still here to tell the tale! In that time I learned a great deal about what it takes to become a successful and sustainable business and I’m passionate about sharing that knowledge. In 2011 I took on the role of running the Entrepreneur’s Circle in Surrey and, over three years, I was voted ‘Business Growth Advisor of the Year’ and I grew the most successful EC region in the UK. I take no credit for my members’ considerable achievements but I’m rightfully proud of having helped them to recognise and fulfil their potential. The experience most certainly helped me to recognise my true skills and purpose..
Running Mastermind was the natural next step for me as it brings all my coaching and mentoring skills into play. I joke about my style being a combination of ‘kid gloves and a pointed stick - in equal measure!’ - and both are often necessary to help people achieve their potential. After all, it’s a lonely world out there running your own business. And if a combination of me genuinely ‘giving a sh*t’ and ‘holding people’s feet to the fire’ works, then I’m delighted to play my part. The group has been a great success and you can see Mastermind members on video talking about their experiences...
Put simply - I LOVE running Mastermind. It’s what I do best. And it works. Which is why I’m developing more Mastermind groups and why I’m looking for more ambitious business owners who want to take their businesses - and themselves - to the next level.
According to Jim Rohn, you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So you can be sure I’ll spend a lot of time making sure we get exactly the right blend of people in the group, with the right mix of enthusiasm, experience and expertise. And I promise you will learn just as much from their sessions as you will from your own.
I know a small number of businesses will be transformed by my Mastermind next year - and I would love it if yours was amongst them.
Vanessa Lanham-Day
Investing in your success The fee to participate in Mastermind isn’t cheap. And nor should it be. In fact it needs to be at a level where you take the commitment VERY seriously and where you are guaranteed to do whatever it takes to succeed. I fully expect you to look back and decide it was the smartest money you’ve ever spent on your business. That said, I guarantee you’ll get great value for your investment with masses of support available to you - all of which is explained in this booklet. So take 5 minutes now to read it through. If you are sure it’s not for you once you reach the back page, then that’s fine. But if you are interested, please do get in touch with me. The application form can be downloaded from my Mastermind web page ...
Joining me at the Mastermind table is Chris Waters... Chris is a super-experienced business owner as well as being a powerful and challenging coach... ...he’s never afraid to ask the difficult questions that need answering and he won’t ever let you duck the BIG issues. We make a fantastic Mastermind team.
Gaining power through the “Master Mind” The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of PERFECT HARMONY. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune. Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial statue.
himself, for the DEFINITE PURPOSE of manufacturing and marketing steel. He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this “Master Mind”. Analyse the record of any man who has accumulated a great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the “Master Mind” principle. “Men take on the nature and the habits and the POWER OF THOUGHT of those with whom they associate in a spirit of the sympathy and harmony.”
The Master Mind principle, or rather the economic feature of it, was first call edto my attention by Andrew Carnegie, over twenty-five years ago. Discovery of this principle was responsible for the choice of my life’s work.
Henry Ford whipped poverty, illiteracy, and ignorance by allying himself with great minds, whose vibrations of thought he absorbed into his own mind. Through his association with Edison, Burbank, Burroughs, and Firestone, Mr Ford added to his own brain power, the sum and substance of the intelligence, experience, knowledge and spiritual forces of these four men. Moreover, he appropriated, and made use of the Master Mind principle.
Mr Carnegie’s Master Mind group consisted of a staff of approximately fifty men, with whom he surrounded
This principle is available to you!
“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind”
Extract Taken from Napoleon Hill’s; “Think and grow rich” [1938]
“I promise you, you will not be dissappointed...” “I’d been told by others that I’d really need to be fully committed and raring to go if I was to ‘survive’ Mastermind - I now know exactly what they meant! Mastermind really pushes you outside your comfort zone; it demands more from you than you expect and is a sure-fire way to get stuff done!!! “I’ve had my best 6 months in the 13 years I’ve been trading and I have no doubt whatsoever that this is due to the Mastermind effect. I would urge anyone thinking about moving it up a notch and taking the next big step to just go for it! “I promise you, you will NOT be disappointed!”
Marie Cross, First Impression Training
“Getting off the fence...”
“Mastermind helped me actually get off the fence and make a decision. I wouldn’t have got as far with some of the marketing ideas that I’ve done – unless I’d been in the Mastermind group. I’d probably still be six to eight months behind where I am now.”
Steve Gubb, Ultimate Integrated Electrical Solutions
“A radical shift in thinking...” “I have been part of Vanessa’s Mastermind group for six months now and it has been the most radical shift in thinking I have had about my business since I started over 9 years ago. “Being in a room with 7 other business owners plus Vanessa means that I have my own board of directors who will advise me on the best route forward for my business. “I have created a brand new product aimed at Independent Opticians which I would never have thought of without being in Mastermind. We estimate this one product alone has a value of £500k even if we manage to sell it to only 5% of the sector.”
Aarif Merali, Managing Director - D2rcrossmedia
“Inspired to do something special...”
“Having at your disposal ten other experienced and sometimes very successful business owners around – it’s inspiring and it almost forces you to do something special.”
Neil Humphrey, Studio Maximus
Why Mastermind could be the perfect next step for you... You’ve had a good 12 months rather than a great one? So what are you going to do differently in the next 12 months that’s going to make the difference? What’s going to change your results from ‘ok’ or ‘fine’ to “Fantastic” and “Exceptional”? That old brainbox Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” and that’s certainly the case in business. If you just keep on keeping on, doing the same stuff next year that you’ve done this year, you can’t expect anything other than very similar results. Which is fine if you’ve had a great year, with new customers flowing into your business and new profits flowing into your bank account. But if that doesn’t sound like you, then something needs to change.
If you’ve got the desire to make a major step change in your business this year, AND you’re the kind of person who’s not afraid of speaking up and getting involved, then you should definitely consider applying for a seat around the Mastermind table.
“We’re not looking for dreamers or ‘excuse merchants’. This Mastermind Group is no place for losers or the half-hearted.” Your Mastermind seat means you are committed to growing not only your business, but also yourself. We’re not necessarily looking for the biggest businesses or the most profitable companies, but businesses led by someone who has that determination and desire to grow and share that experience with fellow Masterminders. A leader who’s not afraid to make decisions.
Insanity - “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
As a Mastermind Member, you can look forward to... A 1-1 Mastermind Accelerator Day The idea is to massively accelerate your plans for the forthcoming 12 months. In a full day of intense planning one to one with me - we’ll crack through the BIG issues in your business, analyse your marketing funnel and prioritise your planning. In short we’ll get you in great shape, meaning you can focus your Mastermind experience on properly ‘making stuff happen’ across the year. Based on my tried-and-tested Super Success Accelerator which would normally require an investment of £2000+vat.
A reserved place on the Mastermind Success Summit A super-charged kick-off session for your Mastermind experience. The purpose is to ensure everyone is thinking, acting and behaving in the right way right from the start. This is a full-day session where we work together to get to know one another, understand you and your business and to discover what you want to get out of your Mastermind experience.
Six intensive one day meetings These are full-on, highly-interactive Mastermind sessions, usually running from 8am to 6pm. You’ll get your dedicated one hour ‘hot seat’, as well as contributing to everyone else’s - and these are often where you’ll learn the most!
Six informal Mastermind dinners These are held the evening before each meeting (the dinner is optional, the meetings aren’t!) and they are a great way to get to know one another and to let the barriers down.
Scheduled coaching calls with Vanessa Lanham-Day in between core meetings These are designed to keep track of your progress and keep you moving in the right direction. We don’t want your progress to falter because you lost your way or got stuck for some reason.
Email and telephone support If I can help you along the way - I will. I just ask that a common sense ‘fair use’ principal is applied.
Exclusive Mastermind Facebook group To help you maintain momentum and share ideas, progress and updates between the formal meetings .
A bit more about the Mastermind sessions... At each meeting, every business receives their own hour-long intensive ‘Hot Seat’. You’ll get laser-focused recommendations specific to your challenges and your opportunities. It will all be about you and I guarantee it will be a ‘No-theory Zone’ - what you’ll get will be 100% practical guidance, advice, direction and help. As well as your own Hot Seat, you’ll get to listen in and participate in all of the other Hot Seats. Believe me… this part is invaluable. Most ‘masterminders’ will tell you they get as much - or even MORE - learning from other people’s sessions as they do from their own session. I know it’ll be the same for you.
“Money well spent ...” “I already had a successful business and wanted to step it up to the next level. It’s definitely money well spent – by the end of this year we will have got back several times our investment in growth.”
Derek Mason, Super Structures Associates
“Kicking procrastination into touch ...” “The power of Vanessa’s Mastermind group is not just about being in a room with like-minded people for an entire day really focusing on our businesses; the value of the ideas that come out of it; or being stretched and supported by fellow Masterminders… “…it is the accountability to the group that has tremendous power and kicks procrastination into touch.”
Lesley Howes, Director - The Car Network
Vanessa Lanham-Day Vanessa has been a business owner since 1988, with her inspirational consulting business OnTrack Marketing. That’s in addition to also having owned a high-street and international online knitwear business between 2004 to 2011. She has the habit of getting results for her clients by sheer determination, passion and absolute enthusiasm for helping business owners achieve their potential. Vanessa has an insightful and analytical business mind and is all about finding ways to ‘make it happen’. She’s energetic, direct, open and honest - and likes to ‘say it like it is.” She’s most definitely a ‘tour de force’ to have as part of your business team.
My promise to you... n Giving the best of myself – when we work together you’ll always get my energy, interest and commitment to helping you achieve your goals n Inspiring you – the work we do together isn’t about me – it’s about YOU and you need to leave feeling inspired to act n Empowering you – giving you the knowledge and resources to do what you need to do to grow your business n Supporting you – helping you on your journey wherever and whenever I can n Being honest with you – if I don’t think I can help you, I’ll say so n Being direct with you – there’s likely to be a lot to do, so we won’t waste time avoiding the key issues n Having fun – I need you to feel inspired and enjoy working on your plan … which is why having fun is an important part of my style
Chris Waters I couldn’t have put it better than this quote I found on Chris’s website ... “Chris is an extremely experienced, inspiring and knowledgable businessman. He is friendly, positive and humorous but is always ready to challenge you to ensure that you get the best out you.” And his advice comes from hard-won experience as he was part of a management buyout team for a software business that then built the company from dot to multi-million profit and market leader over a 7 year period. He is a super-valuable addition to the Mastermind table.
“Helping people achieve their goals...” “I am passionate about helping people work out what their goals are and then plan to achieve them. Nothing better in the world than seeing someone achieve their hard fought goal.” Chris Waters, Business mentor and coach
Does the Mastermind concept really work? In short, yes. Unequivocally. Absolutely. Yes! The Mastermind process will have a dramatic and long lasting impact on your business. It’s likely to be one of the most meaningful things you’ve ever done. Watch a five minute video featuring Mastermind members talking about their experience and results Download an application form to be part of Vanessa Lanham-Day’s Mastermind and transform your business success next year e: | t: 01483 426577