al quran mission broucher

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To make people aware of the Creation Plan of God

The present world scenario has made people inquisitive about the Quran. People at large want to know what it has to tell mankind. The purpose of AlQuran Mission is the world-wide promotion of the Quran, so that everyone may become acquainted with its message. What is the message of the Quran? It is the Creation Plan of God. That is, it tells man why God created this world; what the purpose is of settling man on earth; what is required from man in his pre-death life span, and what he is going to confront after death. The purpose of the Quran is to make man aware of this reality, thus serving to guide man on his entire journey through this life into the life hereafter. Since there is no other prophet who is to come to the world after the Prophet Muhammad, it is obligatory for all Muslims, to perform the task of conveying the message of the Quran to all mankind. The Prophet Muhammad himself assigned this responsibility to Muslims, saying, “Allah has sent me for the entire mankind, so convey the message (of the Quran) to everyone.� Al-Quran Mission is an international, non-political and non-profit organization, founded by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan under the aegis of CPS International. Its main aim is to make the copies of the Quran available at affordable price in different languages. With the help of our members and partners, we have been able to distribute a large number of copies of the Quran to people around the world and place them in hotels, hospitals, prisons, libraries, schools, colleges and mosques. We invite you to join us to fulfill your responsibility assigned by the Prophet himself by involving yourself in Al-Quran Mission. Centre for Peace and Spirituality 1, Nizamuddin West Market New Delhi 110013 Mobile: +91 9810558483, Fax: +9111 45651771,


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