English Quran Translation-part-2

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rain upon it than it begins to stir and swell, and produce every kind of luxuriant vegetation: 6 that is because God is the truth. It is He who gives life to the dead and He has the power to will anything. 7 The Last Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt about it. God will raise up those who are in their graves. 8 There are some who dispute about God without having any knowledge or guidance, or any enlightening Book. 9 They turn away arrogantly, leading people astray from God’s path. Such men shall incur disgrace in this life and taste the punishment of the Fire on the Day of Judgement. 10 [God will say],‘This is the reward of your misdeeds. God is not unjust to His servants.’ 11 There are some who worship God half-heartedly, then, if some good befalls them, they are content with it, but if an ordeal befalls them, they revert to their former ways. They lose in this world as well in the Hereafter. That is a clear loss. 12 He calls on, instead of God, something that can neither harm him, nor benefit him. That is indeed straying far away—13 he calls on that which would sooner harm than help. Such a patron is indeed evil and such a companion is indeed evil. 14 God will admit those who believe and act righteously into Gardens watered by flowing rivers. God does whatever He wills. 15 Anyone who thinks that God will not help him

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