What is this book called the Bible? Where did it come from and why is it important? Why is it arranged the way it is? How do bible teachers get so much out of just a few verses? How will reading all this history and these lists of names and stories help grow my faith and love for Jesus?
Biblical interpretation is something everyone can do. The technical word for this practice is “hermeneutics”, a term that comes from a Greek word meaning “to explain, interpret, or translate.” Using the verb, Luke informs us that Jesus explained to the two disciples on the Emmaus Road what the Scriptures said about him (LK 24:27). Paul uses the noun in 1 Corinthians 12:10 to refer to the gift of the interpretation of tongues. In essence, hermeneutics involves interpreting or explaining. So don't let big words or new ideas stop you from diving into the depths of biblical understanding. The tools and techniques in this curriculum will open up a new world of biblical literacy and ultimately, effective, obedient discipleship.