Our Living Whole class will grow out of one overarching question: What is God’s original design for healthy human living? This question will lead us to ask and examine a multitude of others. We will work together to identify a theologically sound metric for healing and health. We will ask ourselves and each other if complete health is maintainable, if it is transferable, and if the enemy is powerful enough to distort the truth that “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life”. We will also ask things like: “Where can we find play in the nature of God?”; “What is the tension between faith and information, and how do we navigate it?”; “What tools are available to me as I seek completeness?”; and “How can I define and measure health so that I can minister to others who are seeking it?” This will be our ultimate goal: to launch you into your God-given calling and purpose, ministering from completeness.