Blaenau Gwent Children and Young People’s Partnership
Child Poverty Self-assessment Report 4th June 2009
Page 2.
Self Assessment Bulls-eye
Action Points Summary
Workshop Results
Workshop Evaluation
Action points
List of participants
Introduction Blaenau Gwent CYPP members plus invited guests participated in a fact finding workshop on 4th June 2010 at the Municipal Offices, Civic Centre, Ebw Vale. The group undertook a self-assessment exercise on behalf of the CYPP. The focus of the assessment was to assess the partnership’s current approach and ability to act on reducing child poverty and to identify barriers to achieving success. The session, facilitated by Geraldine Murphy from the WLGA Partnership Support Unit and Ross Chamberlain from Save the Children, Child Poverty Solutions,, was very well attended. The agreed aim of the workshop was to develop a shared understanding of the child poverty agenda and draw out ideas from the participants to inform CYPP action planning for child poverty. Workshop presentations are attached at appendix 1. The organisational themes to be self-assessed are set out in the self-assessment tool on the Child Poverty Solutions website. Each theme incorporates 6 questions. The themes are as follows: 1. Leadership and Corporate Governance Leaders have developed a clear vision for Child Poverty and positioned it within corporate/partnership 2. Policy Development The partnership has a clear approach to delivering outcomes relating to child poverty reduction 3. Performance Management The partnership has a culture of performance management in addressing child poverty 4. Partnership Working There are robust partnership arrangements in place to deliver on Child Poverty 5. Capacity & Resource Management Appropriate resources have been consistently matched with Child poverty priorities
Methodology 1. Participants were grouped into 5 separate teams 2. Each team started at one of 5 tables. Each table was dedicated to a single theme with a facilitator who stayed at the table for the duration of the exercise. 3. Facilitators were as follows:
Policy Development (Sharn Annette) Leadership and Corporate Governance (Kate Witcomb) Performance Management (Phil Diamond) Partnership Working (Maria Allen) Capacity and Resource Management (Andrew Parker)
2. Each table was provided with a copy of the self assessment questions, set out in a pre prepared matrix, from the relevant theme. Group participants were invited to discuss and record examples of strengths and areas for improvement under each of the 6 questions and agree a final score between 1 and 6 for CYPP performance under each question. Score key 1 = No action taken yet 2 = Intending to develop 3 = Starting to develop 4 = Developing 5 = Developing and embedding 6 = Achieving 3. On completion of the task the group moved onto the next table and set of 6 different questions under another of the 5 themes. The facilitator explained the previous group’s comments and participants we invited to make additional comments. Comments could be added but not deleted. This process continued until all 5 themes had been visited by all 5 groups. 4. Once back at their original table the group’s task was to:
review the strengths and weaknesses, agree a final score and identify a key action point for the partnership with a what, how and who (there should be six action points per theme).
5. A spokesperson gave feedback on the scores and action points.
What Next? The report will be considered by Blaenau Gwent Children & Young People’s partnership as part of Children & Young People’s Plan development.
Self Assessment Bulls-eye The self assessment bulls-eye uses the final scores agreed by each group to plot the CYPP’s status with regard to it’s organisational ability to act on child poverty. It shows how much progress has been made under each of the themes and which areas are most in need of organisational development. The bulls-eye is an easy reference tool that can also be used to plot organisational progress over time. Use this report as a baseline and after a period of action, say 6 months to a year, simply revisit the questions under each of the 5 themes and honestly score your organisations position. Visit and use the self assessment on line tool to input your new scores and compare the resulting bulls-eye to this baseline.
Action Points Summary Action Points - Leadership and Corporate Governance Question What 1 Child poverty on all agendas as a standard item. Awareness raising, bite size for all agencies. From top filtered down to all levels – briefing notes. What do you do? How does it impact on CP? How does CP impact on you? 2 All workers have child poverty included in their inductions. All managers to be expected to demonstrate their impact on child poverty. Training to all workers on CP, same as process for Child Protection. 3 Objectives to be clearly defined. BGCBC to define what child poverty is. Good practice. Community strategy needs to reflect child poverty. But in at all levels. 4 External scrutiny – save the children. Communication. Reference in all documents and strategies. Monthly meeting sheet. 5 Elected member and representatives in organisations to champion child poverty – full training. Collective reporting on child poverty – coordinated approach. Pro-active not reactive. 6 All of the above needs to be embedded for this to take place.
How Low cost or outcomes funding/ save the children?
Who Every Chair of every meeting promoting the agenda item. Voluntary sector network.
Action Points – Policy Development Question What 1 Mainstreaming Child Poverty into wider poverty agenda and community strategy
Consolidate strengthen Assessment
and Needs
Take best practice and get into ‘other groups’
How Overarching, well understand agreement linking child poverty to Community Strategy. In the 1st instance a separate action plan.
Who LSB, key partnerships (CYPP) but ensure that ALL partners know the partnership arrangements and know how they can engage regardless of their legal duty. Get a better feel for As above child poverty in Blaenau Gwent (below a LA level) NEETS, 11 to 25, Consistent approaches Vulnerable Adults etc across partners
Recognise Gaps
Use evaluation techniques Get intention and Communicate All Partners direction understood Community Strategy by staff and citizens Show links to Child Poverty/Poverty agenda Ensure a consistent, Mutli-agency approach All Partners understandable to scrutinising poverty. approach to Use flag system to monitoring. linking thematic agenda to poverty, Making sure people Signposting project All Partners know their entitlement. initiatives, advice and guidance to individual. Ensure understanding at operational level for them to take ownership.
Action Points – Performance Management Question What 1 Increase awareness and inclusion of all services in relation to C/P objectives and targets. 2
How Who Better mechanism for Public, voluntary communication and statutory. integration of all key services. Signposting. More measures against Wide sharing of data WAG guidance. More local and research indicators. Ensure all projects. Partnership agencies are acknowledged in contributing to C/P objectives. Better communication. One Everyone giving real measurement mechanism. communication to C/P Realise what partners can agenda. Introduction bring to the table and what is of simple out there. measurement mechanisms. Influence operational Awareness of what is structures and resources. working (best (Funding streams) = Time, practice) Recognition action, outcomes. of good working practices. Use of most appropriate organisations with local knowledge. Member’s C/P training. Commitment from Bottom up approach. senior management Commitment from all levels. and members to attend C/P training/workshops Consistency from Core Aim Celebrate success groups. Sharing best more vigorously. practice. Communication.
Action Points – Partnership Working Question What 1 Greater awareness of ALL staff of what child poverty is and how their work/service links to the broader strategy/agenda
Highlight expectations of their roles and responsibilities in regard to child poverty. To recognise/ identify impact of services on each other.
Shared vision promoted by LSB.
Greater joint commissioning. Greater understanding of funding opportunities.
Appoint child champions.
Increase level and effectiveness of joint commissioning/planning/SLA/ value for money.
How Breakfast meetings – short focussed updates. Lunchtime seminar (monitor attendance /representation) Reduced number of priorities. Existing networks/ communication See above. ‘Workshops’. Service Buddy. LSB Audit – contribution of partners to child poverty. LSB audit. Evidencing contributions. Celebrate success/ achievements. See report on progress. Setting up a joint commissioning group under LSB. Share information. Identify champion (borough/partnership) Including young person with experience of poverty/disadvantage Use existing networks/reporting mechanisms.
Who LSB/PartnershipA ll partner contribution.
Partnership – All partners.
LSB European Officer Borough/ GAVO/EVAD Youth Service, Participation Officer
Partnership, Joint commissioning group. This group instead of Health Wellbeing Framework.
Action Points – Capacity Resource Management Question What 1 Develop a Universal System (Aim) but need to identify at what level in which organisations we can improve and adapt to develop this tool.
How Identify at what level and who. Draft a Universal system. Consultation. Buy in from top level (not just in Blaenau Gwent as a lot of is Pan Gwent, 5 local authorities involved) Make Councillors Training compulsory. accountable to the Child Poverty Priorities. Build into CYP a joint commissioning and procuring guidelines/ good practice. Establish an office with expertise in CP leading on CP who is coordinating funding bids and priorities. Common assessment This will have framework. Common local resource indicators that are used implications. Need across services to identify cohesion on auditing. outcomes against CP Otherwise no money priorities. for doing anything else. CYP to identify priorities, Tell CYP what we budgets to be applied are doing and why according to priorities. Give (how there views are CYP an understanding of being held). costs. Understanding of what things costs. Training and awareness. Getting perspective from Vulnerable group.
Who Grant recipient bodies GAVO, COOP, EVAD.
Workshop Results 1. Leadership and Corporate Governance Leaders have developed a clear vision for Child Poverty and positioned it within corporate/partnership Theme Score 2 There is a level of awareness and understanding of child Score between 1-6 poverty and its impact on services for children and End Score 3 (3.2) young people Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 L1 4 4 2 3 3 Senior managers Senior across all agencies management have a high level of should work on the knowledge ground Partnership working Senior managers already exists to develop mechanism for The Local Service identifying with Board is key issues affecting our CYP. Further awareness of commitment and cost needed Further work is required across voluntary sector and Health. Further awareness of ‘success’ project and initiatives Members and top managers regard child poverty as a cross cutting issue and have advocated the contribution their agency has to addressing child poverty and motivated others to engage in reducing child poverty Question Strengths Areas for Improvement L2 Engagement, Housing benefits and financial engagement and inclusion social services CYPP provides a Do we have the platform for wider right people partnership working involved at events and engagement. and workshops (CEO’s etc) Service managers and delivery on the Child poverty ground needs to have a link across all aims and action
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 (3.4)
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 4
plans Some services have to create a ‘borough’ focus A culture change is needed, this is not just for ‘others’ to deliver Needs further embedding on the ground.
There is a clear vision and objectives for addressing child poverty Question Strengths Areas for Improvement L3 There is some Allocation of understanding thro collective resources CYP plans (pooling) There are individual No thorough pockets of understanding understanding and across all agencies, clear vision needs to be developed Action plans, core aim 7 and LSB’s Objectives not clearly defined Borough focus Outcomes
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 (2.4) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 2 2 2 3
Leaders have actively participated within the corporate management arrangements which has resulted in better understanding of child poverty and cross cutting agendas and influencing corporate decision-making Question Strengths Areas for Improvement L4 Involvement in NA Adult Ed needs to be and prioritisation higher on the across the board agenda, a change in service delivery is needed. Communication and knowledge of LSB work programme Better communication between statutory and voluntary organisations Further work required to enhance engagement Full commitment needed by leaders and members Scrutiny review and
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 (2.5)
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3/4 3 2 2 2
ongoing monitoring External scrutiny
Leaders welcome and can demonstrate how internal scrutiny and external challenge has assisted in continuous improvement of the child poverty agenda Question Strengths Areas for Improvement L5 Touching on it Presentation of already performance relating to poverty as one Statutory (not just education, obligation / social services silos accountability etc) Child poverty as a key area in community plan Develop links to child poverty and priorities for action Worklessness is not high enough on the agenda Coordinators approach / communication Elected members and champions for child poverty at different levels Leaders have created a culture of collaboration, innovation and cross departmental planning and working to address child poverty Question Strengths Areas for Improvement L6 Leaders have not Management and done it but officers leadership need to have ensure there is a cross cutting Lots of joint approach to working and development encouragement by leaders Budget advocacy LSB has identified Full buy in, need to it develop a mechanism An understanding of the impact of child poverty on work Develop workshop for members and CMT
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 2 2 1 2
Score between 1-6 End Score 1 (1.4) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 2 2 1 1 1
Action Points - Leadership and Corporate Governance Question 1
What Child poverty on all agendas as a standard item. Awareness raising, bite size for all agencies. From top filtered down to all levels – briefing notes. What do you do? How does it impact on CP? How does CP impact on you? All workers have child poverty included in their inductions. All managers to be expected to demonstrate their impact on child poverty. Training to all workers on CP, same as process for Child Protection. Objectives to be clearly defined. BGCBC to define what child poverty is. Good practice. Community strategy needs to reflect child poverty. But in at all levels. External scrutiny – Save the Children. Communication. Reference in all documents and strategies. Monthly meeting sheet. Elected member and representatives in organisations to champion child poverty – full training. Collective reporting on child poverty – coordinated approach. Pro-active not reactive. All of the above needs to be embedded for this to take place.
How Low cost or outcomes funding/ save the children?
Who Every Chair of every meeting promoting the agenda item. Voluntary sector network.
2. Policy Development The partnership has a clear approach to delivering outcomes relating to child poverty reduction Theme Score 3 The organisation has clear policies and strategies for the Score between 1-6 reduction of child poverty End Score 3 Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 Po1 3 3 3 3 3 Strong CYPP. Wider awareness Presented well. and understanding (particularly). Child High levels of Poverty is a cross awareness, cutting issue, and particularly in really should be statutory sector, across other 6 not necessary in themes. Wider than other sectors. just CYPP. Action plan in Cannot be carried place. Is it a out by a few. policy / strategy Strategy/policy not though for child influencing poverty? operational delivery though (reference to NHS – Health Nursing). Need more clarity on the responsible group for Child Poverty/ Poverty in General – Links to LSB and their role (Community planning and other key strategies) Policies, strategies and business plans have been Score between 1-6 developed utilising the best available evidence from a End Score 2 range of sources Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 Po2 2 2 2 2 2 Commended Clarity on participants in Needs Needs Assessment. Assessment, Good starting Feeling that there point. are lots of stats but not much explanation what they all mean in context. Need more work to sharing information and invest in the right IT to make it
happen. Better options for collection and dissemination of evidence. Need to establish a local pictures of Poverty and links with national context – need more below the BG level.
Under represented or priority groups have been effectively included in the service planning process Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Po3 Lots of good Need to focus on engagement work other hard to reach e.g. younger groups – although children and must understand families with that we won’t get to young children everyone. Need to ensure operational level staff know and can communicate key consultation and engagement to people they meet on a day-to-day basis. Need to focus on older children and young people (11 to 25), NEETS, vunerable adults, and options for more inter-generational engagement
Score between 1-6 End Score 4 (3.6) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 4 4 4 3 3
Child poverty is reflected within community planning arrangements and there is a clear line of sight between the Community Plan and Corporate priorities, service objectives and individual objectives Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Po4 All partners in Establish agreement this poverty/child poverty needs to happen, in our key plans. CYPP good Communicate platform to ensure intention effectively child to staff and poverty/poverty customers. throughout aims Link up appropriate and objectives. plans Ensure effective buy-
Score between 1-6 End Score 2
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 2 2 2 2 2
in, and ensure people know they are contributing. Explore use of Child Poverty flags on key projects and indicators.
A mechanism to monitor progress on implementing the strategy is in place and there is widespread staff ownership of vision, mission and values Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Po5 Monitoring key – Need to build on at moment Core good work from Aim Lead groups CYPP. existing – and a Ensure monitoring multi-agency message presenting poverty group – across all partners., however not much including feedback understanding of on what is role. happening and what is working Establish two-way dialogue, and ensure communuity kept informed. Clarity on Multi agency group Need to link performance monitoring to budget monitoring The organisation has regularly engaged with the most under-represented groups and improved services to them as a result Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Po6 CYPP piloted use Further work of CAF. development on engaging hardest to Evidence of readh families. effective partnership / Collaborative integrated working practices that visible lead to results. Show citizen differences being made.
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 2 2 2 2 2
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 (3.4) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 4 3 4 3
Action Points – Policy Development Question 1
What Mainstreaming Child Poverty into wider poverty agenda and community strategy
How Overarching, well understand agreement linking child poverty to Community Strategy. In the 1st instance a separate action plan.
Consolidate and strengthen Needs Assessment
Take best practice and get into ‘other groups’
Get a better feel for child poverty in Blaenau Gwent (below a LA level) NEETS, 11 to 25, Vulnerable Adults etc
Who LSB, key partnerships (CYPP) but ensure that ALL partners know the partnership arrangements and know how they can engage regardless of their legal duty. As above
Consistent approaches across partners
Recognise Gaps
Use evaluation techniques Get intention and direction understood by staff and citizens
Ensure a consistent, understandable approach to monitoring.
Making sure people know their entitlement.
Communicate Community Strategy Show links to Child Poverty/Poverty agenda Mutli-agency approach to scrutinising poverty. Use flag system to linking thematic agenda to poverty, Signposting project initiatives, advice and guidance to individual.
All Partners
All Partners
All Partners
Ensure understanding at operational level for them to take ownership.
3. Performance Management The partnership has a culture of performance management in addressing child poverty Theme Score 3 Child Poverty objectives and targets have been set and fully embedded into the performance management arrangements Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Per1 Action plan More info of who sits already exists and on what groups is recognised Better mechanisms Measure is in for disseminating place info Pockets across Opportunity for the authority of full involvement from all engagement sectors Individual orgs / Better connections projects action between high level plans reflect CP and service level objectives, but not knowledge authority wide. Engagement needs Try to look at key to be happening population across all agencies indicators in in the authority relation to child Sound poverty understanding of accountability roles Cp needs to be flagged up in all the core aim groups Multi representation from agencies
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5
Indicators for child poverty objectives and targets are Score between 1-6 appropriate, broad ranging and sufficient to enable the End Score 4 organisation to assess its progress against its objectives Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 Per2 Measures in place To ensure all against WAG partnership guidance agencies are acknowledged in National and local contributing to this indicators Indicators exist in Work off national some orgs but are strategies to not recognised as develop local CP or that the org policies is contributing to Local Authority the CP agenda objectives have Baseline for local been linked to child indicators poverty strategy which provides a Indicators in regard
to information, local / low income families etc Sound understanding to be developed across agencies of defined objectives and targets
Adequate and compatible systems are in place across all council services and partner organisations, for generating the information needed to measure performance on shared outcomes and priorities Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Per3 Acknowledgement of Better need for joined up communication / strategy one performance Mechanisms are being measure or tool developed to capture appropriate and The right people proportional need to be information. involved in capturing the information. A clear mechanism is needed Durable within I.A. but how easy will it be for others to buy in (eg to Ffynon) More balanced indicators, not just focus on quantitative information Realise what partners can bring o the table and where it can fit into child poverty strategies Internal and external partners have utilised the child poverty performance information to improve services and delivery in order to achieve agreed outcomes Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Per4 Already developed Better communication There are some
Score between 1-6 End Score 2
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5
Score between 1-6 End Score 4 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5
good examples of good practice Considering strategy at local level Pockets where service and delivery are effective in response to child poverty. Info evidence of where it works with multi agency buy in
Doesn’t influence operational structures and resources Often practitioner led services to services for children and families, work is there without necessary linking it to strategic plans etc Need to build on long term outcomes Need consistent multi agency input
Members have actively helped drive improvements. There are clearly defined, effective and complementary roles in the performance management system for the executive, scrutiny and ward councillors Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Per6 Info is available Effective use of data and action on data Driven by CYPP, actions starting to Need for members develop to understand poverty agenda more Bring multi agencies info together and relate it to child poverty Further work to be carried out with members allowing them to become active drivers The organisation has dealt with poor performance effectively and recognised and celebrated good performance Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Per6 Core aim 6 Need to be more examples joined up, eg RBA disseminate good More consistency practice with core aims Celebrate our Flag up successful successes to core aim groups community Sharing best Certain elements practice of celebrated good Need for greater
Score between 1-6 End Score 2
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5
practice Report evidence highlighting areas of poor and good performance
consistencey – CYPP to be responsive in a timely manner addressing poor performance asap
Action Points – Performance Management Question 1
Increase awareness and inclusion of all services in relation to C/P objectives and targets.
Public, voluntary statutory.
More measures against WAG guidance. More local indicators. Ensure all Partnership agencies are acknowledged in contributing to C/P objectives. Better communication. One measurement mechanism. Realise what partners can bring to the table and what is out there. Influence operational structures and resources. (Funding streams) = Time, action, outcomes.
Better mechanism for communication and integration of all key services. Signposting. Wide sharing of data and research projects.
Member’s C/P training. Bottom up approach. Commitment from all levels.
Consistency from Core Aim groups. Sharing best practice.
Everyone giving real communication to C/P agenda. Introduction of simple measurement mechanisms. Awareness of what is working (best practice) Recognition of good working practices. Use of most appropriate organisations with local knowledge. Commitment from senior management and members to attend C/P training/workshops Celebrate success more vigorously. Communication.
4. Partnership Working There are robust partnership arrangements in place to deliver on Child Poverty Theme Score 3 People throughout the organisation fully understand and Score between 1-6 are aware of how partnerships help reduce child poverty. End Score 3 (2.7) Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 Pa1 2/3 3 3 2 3 Good Greater awareness understanding of amongst all staff working with Making best use of families networks Appreciation of Breaking down what issue child poverty means Some partners are for individual aware of CP organisations Awareness of funding Dissemination of information Child poverty awareness days Awareness of how other partners are contributing to the agenda Public health model needed not medical model People working in partnerships are clear and confident about their role and responsibilities to the partnership and the organisation and have been empowered to take decisions on behalf of the organisation. Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Pa2
Individual will be aware of their responsibility and work well Individually services score high – 5/6
Partners not aware of the role in responsibly for working in partnership, partners contribution needs to be recognised. Focus on outcomes, what partners can bring to the table Coordination of services, avoid child poverty Team around the family, locality groups
Score between 1-6 End Score 4 (3.9)
Grp 1 5
Grp 2 4
Grp 3 4
Grp 4 3/4
Grp 5 3
Low score when we look at collective working Recognition of partnership working Highlight expectation of partners Other people need to understand other’s roles Roles highlighted when working as a partner as opposed to individual service
The partnership have a shared vision and understanding of child poverty within the locality and recognise its cross cutting nature Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Pa3 Aware of CYP Need to cascade Plan and core aim information – and 7 and it being share among all cross cutting partners LSB has a priority Breakfast meeting / of child poverty lunchtime seminar Need to have a shared vision among partners – need a shared partnership vision Indicator needed to record attendance at events Stronger links to voluntary sector
Score between 1-6 End Score 4
Partners pool resources to maximises benefit through informal co-ordination, jointly funded projects and posts and through long term mainstream budget pooling at a strategic level. Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Pa4 Good evidence of Planning mechanism joint bids going on to assess how - community services can work focussed together – what do outcomes the structures look like Engage project is a good example Greater awareness of joint bids and their Starting the outcomes process Partnerships more School gates accountable for (joint initiative
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 (3.4)
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 5 4 4 3 4
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 4 3/4 3/4 3 4
commissioning) indicator Joint working can be necessity based and needs to be based on outcomes Joint commissioning happening but at what cost
Key members of the partnership champion child poverty issues and support partners organisations in understanding the relevance of Child Poverty to their priorities and how they can contribute to multi-agency delivery Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Pa5 No champion in No champion in place place – eg elected member, senior Some evidence member of organisation. But needs to be wider, ie young people (youth mamager) but needs timing and high profile awareness. Older people’s champion – but no child poverty Each organisation to identify
Score between 1-6 End Score 1 (1.2)
The implications and impact on partnership arrangements of policy and budget decisions have always been taken into account within the annual budget and service planning process Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Pa6 Child poverty is Joint commissioning everybody’s or planning group business only meet once or twice a year LSB is a good approach Difference score for different organisations Direction needed from highest level Increased availability of services Duplication – double counting outcomes Need to focus on outcomes not what the money is there
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 (2.4)
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 1 2 1 1 1
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 3 3 1 2
for Good track record of partnership working LSB to record what each partner is contributing to child poverty agenda.
Action Points – Partnership Working Question 1
Greater awareness of ALL staff of what child poverty is and how their work/service links to the broader strategy/agenda
Breakfast meetings – short focussed updates. Lunchtime seminar (monitor attendance /representation) Reduced number of priorities. Existing networks/ communication Highlight expectations of their See above. roles and responsibilities in ‘Workshops’. regard to child poverty. To Service Buddy. recognise/ identify impact of LSB Audit – contribution services on each other. of partners to child poverty. Shared vision promoted by LSB audit. LSB. Evidencing contributions. Celebrate success/ achievements. See report on progress. Greater joint commissioning. Setting up a joint Greater understanding of commissioning group funding opportunities. under LSB. Share information. Appoint child poverty Identify champion champions. (borough/partnership) Including young person with experience of poverty/disadvantage Increase level and Use existing effectiveness of joint networks/reporting commissioning/planning/SLA/ mechanisms. value for money.
LSB/PartnershipAll partner contribution.
Partnership – All partners.
LSB European Officer Borough/ GAVO/EVAD Youth Service, Participation Officer
Partnership, Joint commissioning group. This group instead of Health Wellbeing Framework.
5. Capacity & Resource Management Appropriate resources have been consistently matched with Child poverty priorities Theme Score 2 There is a systematic approach to risk management Question Strengths Cap1 Project risk assessments in place Project delivery is well risk assessed We are aware of the need for RA
Areas for Improvement Joint risk assessment – how realistic is it Risk assessment not flagged as child poverty, do we need to look at this? Need to communicate. No systematic approach as yet.
Members are fully aware and understand the costs of child poverty and its placing in the priority setting processes of the council and partnerships Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Cap2 FM do sit on CF Get elected partnerships members involved. Elected members Young people’s do not understand partnerships, there is awareness of LA could have these clearer steers in community plan. There os a lot happening that is Community Plan not labelled as needs to have child poverty something attatched to it or CP can get Starting to develop lost. an awareness of LA needs to be child poverty, eg do cllrs understand more efficient on cost of communicating the withdrawing sexual cross cultural nature child health of child poverty project. Events like Need a members this show that champion, a awareness is position tha is starting to develop robust and with Welfare to work, teeth. costs are Need the movers quantified of this and shakers. not happening Elected members need to come to a session like today
Score between 1-6 End Score 1 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 1 1 1 1 1
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 (2.4) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 1 4 2 3 2
Members are not aware of the long term impact or the potential cost of no action on child poverty. They deal wit the hear and now.
The organisation has a good track record of strategically commissioning and procuring goods and services to support the child poverty agenda Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Cap3 Not aware of any Only around strategic funding, not arrangements strategic. In health only around There are some medical model not Cymorth projects child poverty. Ffynon could be Poverty is not the useful, some good driver in examples are social procurement services commissioning, Isolated work Action for children. happening – do NIACE LA research, needs actors but doesn’t lead to joint procurement. Need evidence on what is commissioned and works already Need to learn from good practice Good track record but no clear progress to follow or leadership . Nuclear process in the CYPP The potential leverage and external funding and investment in child poverty initiatives has been recognised and exploited Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Cap4 School gates Statutory bodies Merthyr / Blaenau have less access to Gwent joint project pots. Need a lot more joint Happening at local commissioning level especially in charity sector Usually all done in isolation Lottery levered project, Families Consider the
Score between 1-6 End Score 2 (1.8) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 1 1 2 3 2
Score between 1-6 End Score 3 Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 3 3 3 3
First bid in. Tools 4 future. BL People & places also
jointed up nature of convergence funding Not spend so wisely when we do get funding, project bending to meet funding criteria (instead of the need) Information not filtering to working on the ground A lot of funding is dropped into BG rather than being sought. No clear thinking thro and can be competitive
The organisation can demonstrate the impact of attracting external funding and other resources to achieve its aims and objectives in relation to child poverty Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Cap5 Sure Start & Flying School gates only Start funded until next year (Pilot) Identify A lot of joined up impact thinking / working and resource Attractive funding pooling expertise for stat bodies, at the moment it is Money Made Clear short term, we need guidance, booklet, longer. initiative, project 10 CF Partnerships Funding planning not necessarily Job Match bridges happening into work Should look at project what would happen if the project wasn’t there Need robust evaluation process, no models or evidence gathered The organisation can demonstrate the involvement of Children and Young people in budget planning processes Question Strengths Areas for Improvement Cap6 If work is happening Variable across it is in Youth borough. There is
Score between 1-6 End Score 3
Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 3 3 3 3 3
Score between 1-6 End Score 1 (1.4) Grp1 Grp2 Grp3 Grp4 Grp5 1 2 1 1 2
Forums, Community Development, Charity orgs, Youth Service. This area is developing
a cost implication to the commitment that is not necessarily embedded Not discussed budgets – may listen to views. Targets are set no lead discussion if you have sufficient funding pots. Are CYP involved in Cymorth budget settlement. Involved in doing actual costing.
Action Points – Capacity Resource Management Question 1
Develop a Universal System (Aim) but need to identify at what level in which organisations we can improve and adapt to develop this tool.
Grant recipient bodies GAVO, COOP, EVAD.
Make Councillors accountable to the Child Poverty Priorities. Build into CYP a joint commissioning and procuring guidelines/ good practice. Establish an office with expertise in CP leading on CP who is coordinating funding bids and priorities. Common assessment framework. Common local indicators that are used across services to identify outcomes against CP priorities. CYP to identify priorities, budgets to be applied according to priorities. Give CYP an understanding of costs.
Identify at what level and who. Draft a Universal system. Consultation. Buy in from top level (not just in Blaenau Gwent as a lot of is Pan Gwent, 5 local authorities involved) Training compulsory.
This will have resource implications. Need cohesion on auditing. Otherwise no money for doing anything else. Tell CYP what we are doing and why (how there views are being held). Understanding of what things costs. Training and awareness. Getting perspective from Vulnerable group.
Workshop evaluation 23 English language evaluation form were collected representatives of the following sectors Communities First 2 Local Authority 9 Health 1 Youth Service 1 Voluntary 9 Other Statutory 1 Total 23
Question 1. Overall did the seminar/event meet your needs?
Yes No Partly No answer
18 0 4 1 Total 23
Question 2. What I found most useful about the seminar was… This question drew out many interesting qualitative responses. In order to keep the data meaningful, responses have been retained verbatim and grouped into 4 broad themes rather than categorized and counted. Networking Getting feedback from other agencies how child poverty links with them and how they address it. Range of views from all sectors (not just Local Authority) Getting people together & focusing ideas/knowledge and priorities Interacting eith other agencies positively Sharing ideas and frustrations, meeting other colleagues who have similar views. collaboration - a very emotive subject of Child Poverty Also beneficial to discuss with other professionals future plans and developments aimed for. Consistent partnership working Sharing information with various agencies within the borough Meeting/discussing issues with partners The event The whole event - the tool and the facilitators Found whole process very useful - need to put this into practice and look at integrating through he tight management of the process worked very well Comfortable environment to challenge and raise points 32
Very clear process Good range of representation Structure of the day was very good and excellent pace. Very well controlled!
Poverty planning The way that it raised awareness of Child Poverty agenda & put it in the context of my own service area Developed good ideas relating to child poverty Good timing for the development & production of needs assessment & HSG&WB strategy/ CYP Plan Hopefully influencing the Poverty Agenda Identifying solutions and the way forward in prioritising Child Poverty at stratgic and operational levels. Collective actions to take forward Helpful to look at issue and consider broad CP agenda information and evidence from today can be included. Local context and influencing The opportunity to discuss and evaluate the current position in Blaenau Gwent regarding the Child Povety situation. Providing an image of where Blaenau Gwent is at, where it needs to go and how we can measure the distance travelled (and what we need to develop in order to do so) Getting more of an idea of baseline for Blaenau Gwent - hearing other organisation views The information could influence at strategic level to make changes at local level service Clarification of where different organisations/services currently are in addressing child poverty Useful to have a multi-agency workshop - and to hear other's perspectives on how their agency is working with Child Poverty issues etc.. An increased awareness of work underway or in place Other agencies thoughts and ideas on where they saw their organisations current views on Child Poverty Interesting discussions & topic areas Question 3. What I found least useful about the seminar was… 11 of the 23 participants reported that there was nothing they wished to comment on. Of the rest, as previously, responses have been grouped into relevant themes. Event timing Time limitation Final sum up needed a bit more time to fully consider the what, how & who as these areas are essential for us to consider the priorities for the Child Poverty agenda Timing was slightly rushed but I understand why it was done like this The speed - the lack of time on each 33
A few more breaks would have been welcomed. Duration of discussions, very rushed and not enough time. Particularly the session on Key Actions While it did feel somewhat rushed at times and many further conversations could have been developed, the time limit did ensure that everyone focused on the subject and the day was not 'dragged out' Timescales very tight - felt rushed Maybe more time per workshop Time limitations on tasks during workshops were tight however enabled sharp focus on the question at hand
Partnership working I felt that it was sometimes difficult to score based on the Partnership rather than individual agencies. Difficulties with managing a pan Gwent Service which appears to oppose a focused Blaenau Gwent perspective Barriers persist which are possibly not able to be changed, but seem need to be achieved in order to maximise real partnership working and best outcomes for the children and young poeple of Blaenau Gwent. Other
Could not hear all who spoke
Question 4. What further information, training or support would you find helpful in developing work on the topic? Child poverty context Local Information On what Elected Members understanding is & how they are taking the agenda forward Anything regarding Child Poverty - info/training More basic informative information Other training / support Courses for front line staff with information on how they can help eradicate child poverty in their job role. Training Support for Elected Members Further workshops/opportunities to work with partners on moving forward. Updates/progress reports Child Poverty targets/identification in Blaenau Gwent and Wales - workshop style? Communication / Feedback Regular Child Poverty updates - groups feeding down Regular meetings to keep on track of today A frequent update on progress towards key priorities commented on today at working groups. Feedback from today Regular stakeholder meetings – feedback 34
Highlight and communicate 3-5 high level drivers that we need to address. To disseminate the information to operational staff and to influence senior management with a bottom up approach Communication/CP networks developed and maintained Co-ordination/involvement of all services to include all (including voluntary orgs) for development Standared item on Child Poverty in Blaenau Gwent issue Regular informal feedback on what progress is being made via online newsletter @ no cost. To be part of any new moves/work in developing strategy. Continued engagement locally on progress, actions. General support of latest news I think this will be highlighted in report, need to develop a communication framework on this topci and join all provision up
Good practice - what is working well in other areas On going support/assessment from an external perspective. How to relate this to my role in Adult-Education How LGS work links into WAG work Raising aspirations of families where they live in a culture where unemployed families are financially better off then low income families Investment in developing baseline date!!
Question 5. Are you interested in further training on this topic? 17 of the 23 respondents indicated Yes, 3 abstained. The remaining comments are below.
Greater awareness of local child poverty issues at operational levels would always be beneficial - training for operational staff within teams. Nothing specific in mind at the moment - but happy to attend anything that would be useful Simple, sharp focused launch time, early morning updates on progress being made. This could be in the form of an online video diary of service users etc…
Question 6. Have you any comments about the venue/refreshments or administration and organisation of the seminar/event? 12 of the 23 respondents were entirely satisfied with the venue, 6 respondents abstained. The remaining comments are below.
Would have liked a copy of the presentation which could have faciliated my ability to share the information today. Well organised and very useful event Access to toilets within the building is difficult due to some stairs requiring swipe cards etc.. Not ideal for a large group activity More toilets 35
Needed more time especially in relation to last session - Action Planning.
Question 7. Additional comments. 9 respondents abstained. Positives Thank you for supporting us in this area of work I came in on my day off for this and am so glad I did. An excellent event which has created a huge amount of momemtum to take forward the actions to address Child Poverty Thanks as long as it goes somewhere, not just another workshop! Very good day Good seminar - need to put what we have started into practice and ensure leadership and members take ownership and be commited to this strategy. Enjoyed the day and meeting other people/organisations. Looking forward to an active poverty reduction agenda and inter-org working to the common target - 'The Children of Blaenau Gwent' Very interesting An excellent morning, thank you Good day! Follow up Key issue raised, but not sure if recorded clearly anywhere was about the issue of reviewing the membership of the Anti - Poverty Group & CYPP to ensure that all partners are fully represented & included to ensure effective sign-up. Would be interested in becoming part of any specific initiative role. Would like to use this information to be able to have a direct influence on the development of the Public Health Nursing core service and agenda. Hope there will be useful/mutually beneficial outcomes from the event in terms of taking our work forward - and in making a difference to the lives of children, young people and families. To be informed of funding priorities and indentification of… To ensure projects continue to exist who are at the front of the Child Poverty agenda - this wil continue to enthuse practitioner and services long term
Action Points
Make more time for feedback but balance it with the time needed for groups to respond to the questions. Make the presentations available on line before the workshops Include mechanisms for feedback on line through the website in the presentations and remind participants if the facility at the end of the session.
List of Participants Name Andrew Parker Rhian Padfield, Jayne Nicholas Ceri Bird Wendy Frayne Kate Witcomb Sharn Annett Phil Diamond Alison Prowle Will Beer Greg Paulsen Michelle Church Carl Bainton Nicola Dobbs Ffion Morgan Ron Boden Julie Russell Lyn Francis, Helen Madden Leila Wyburn Linzi Williams Rachel Elston Joanne Sims Alison Davies Lynn Phillips Steven Aherne Maria Allen Mel Luxton Claire Madden Richard Andrews Anne Smith Sue Ashcroft Joanne Bartlett Keith Howells Anthony Hughes Carol Madgwick Kelly Butler Karen Bennett Rachel Hicks Lisa Adams Hannah Paul Sarah Perry
Organisation Communities First Communities First EYDCP Flying Start CYPP CYPP CYPP CYPP NPW Communities First Social Services EVAD AFC EVAD YOS Coleg Gwent CPCKC Communities First AFC BGDAS Communities First Youth Services CAFCASS Cymru Leisure Services Communities First Communities First Youth Services Barnardos Aneurin Bevan HB Job Centre Plus Communities First SNAP Youth Services Communities First CYPP FIS EWO Service School Gates CAB