Environment Briefing

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Environment Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges The need for local services to encourage greater participation.

What Can Be Done? There will be enhanced participation if service provision is worthwhile, fun and gives opportunity to gain new skills or an award (e.g. Millennium volunteers Grant scheme) Development of intergenerational projects enhances skills and provides access to services e.g. cinema night or cultural trips. Some local authority areas have sports’ councils who provide a voice for local clubs. The umbrella body for these is the Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils. The Libraries for Life scheme launched by WAG should encourage greater engagement with and use of local library facilities

Where To Go? Communities First Network- Billy Brown Creative Partnerships Arts Council Wales strategies for promoting participation and funding opportunities. WAG Statement 2005 Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils Libraries for Life

Environment Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Income Poverty

Current Challenges Sustainable Procurement In 2005 it was estimated that 35% of the ÂŁ4 billion spent each year by the public sector in Wales was won by indigenous business supporting some 70,000 jobs. Every 1% increase to this figure should relate to an increase of some 2,000 jobs.

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Develop a common partnership approach to Buy Wales sustainable procurement that ensures opportunities to support the local economy and http://www.forumforthefuture.org.uk/ node/1413 skills development of young people are secured. http://www.s-p-i-n.co.uk/ toolkit.asp#Socio-Economic

Environment Health Freedom from Abuse and Exploitation / Iechyd, a rhyddid rhag cam-drin a Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Access to safe modes of transport to reduce A review of safe routes to school schemes incidence of RTC’s in deprived wards. could be used to extend 20mph zones across Council areas where there is a high density of children and young people.

Where To Go? NPHS Deprivation and the health of Young People report

Environment Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Engaging children, young people and their Maximise use of community settings e.g. families in arts, culture and leisure when there integrated children’s centres or community are significant financial barriers. schools to provide subsidised activities. Access extracurricular provision through programmes such as Dragon Sport and 5x60, in which teachers and volunteers provide activity sessions free of charge or at minimal cost. Provide staffed play areas - funding available from Big Lottery fund

Where To Go? The Community Builders Handbook Arts Council Wales fund community arts and dance organisations across Wales who aim to engage children from deprived communities. Sports Council for Wales employ Dragon Sport Coordinators based in local authorities across Wales. The Coordinators work with schools and community clubs to provide opportunities for 7-11 year olds http://www.dragonsport.co.uk 5x60 officers are funded through the Sports Council for Wales to provide extracurricular sport sessions for secondary school pupils.

Environment A Safe Home and Community / Cartrefi a chymunedau diogel Income Poverty

Current Challenges Lack of affordable housing to rent and to buy

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

DEFRA Report Local Authorities should work with their Registered Social Landlord partners to employ Rural Housing Enablers to tackle the barriers to developing affordable housing in rural areas

Environment Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Homework Policies Children from more advantaged backgrounds enjoy considerable out of school support in overcoming their problems that their disadvantaged peers do not receive. The latter are almost totally dependent on out-ofschool homework clubs if they are to access such support.

Develop guidance on homework policies that http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/ take account of the difficult situation faced by management/atoz/h/homework/ children experiencing poverty and the Homework Policies support that can be made available to them.

Working with others

Consider bringing in role models to show people from their own background that can be successful.

http://www.infed.org/biblio/ role_model_education.htm http://www.teachers.tv/video/244

Basic Skills Low levels of basic skills in work hamper the ability of employees to progress and perpetuates in work poverty.

Prioritise basic skills within your own organisations and encourage all partners to sign up to "Basic skills employer pledge". Complete and implement the action plan.

Basic-skills-Wales: employer_pledge

Environment Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges Basic Skills Low levels of basic skills in work hamper the ability of employees to progress and perpetuates in work poverty.

What Can Be Done? Prioritise basic skills within your own organisations and encourage all partners to sign up to "Basic skills employer pledge". Complete and implement the action plan.

Where To Go? Basic-skills-Wales: employer_pledge

Environment Health Freedom from Abuse and Exploitation / Iechyd, a rhyddid rhag camdrin a Service Poverty

Current Challenges Access to a safe and healthy environment

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Public Health Strategic Framework It is very often the environment in which a child or young person is living that can have Route to Health Improvement (WLGA) the most impact on their health. Children liv- Review of school toilets (WAG &WLGA) ing in poverty are more likely to be exposed to substandard facilities, such as school toilets or a lack of open access play areas. The public health strategic framework will set out a vision of improved public health and wellbeing for all children and young people by 2020. But for the framework to be successful action at a local level must begin now with reviews of community facilities and a better understanding of the links between wellbeing and poverty.

Environment Participation and Decision Making / Cymryd rhan yn y broses benderfynu Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Land use Planning Utilise the toolkits and review the potential The Involvement of Children and young people for activity in your area. within land use planning can bring effective results. However practice is limited.

Where To Go? http://www.childfriendlycities.org/about/ index.html http://urbact.eu/fileadmin/corporate/pdf/ Toolkit_Document_ENG.pdf http://www.unesco.org/most/guic/ guiccbccy.htm http://www.nspcc Safe communitiies toolkit

Environment A Safe Home and Community / Cartrefi a chymunedau diogel Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Child Pedestrian Injuries Explore methods of improving road safety in Child Pedestrian Injuries are strongly related to disadvantaged areas. Via the NSF arrangewith deprivation. ments within key action 2.38.

Where To Go? department for transport t roadsafety research

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