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Libraries Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Income Poverty

Current Challenges The need to support and promote activities within communities rather than introducing activities through external initiatives.

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Building local interest and capacity ensures Hand in Hand- Arts based Activities and Rethat services are more sustainable because generation (ACW) they attract a critical mass of people, are easily accessible and relate to the locality. Community capacity can be built by procuring funds to provide subsidised costs and underwrite of activities.

Engaging children, young people and Maximise use of community settings e.g. their families in arts, culture and leisure integrated children’s centres or community when there are significant financial barriers. schools to provide subsidised activities. Access extracurricular provision through programmes such as Dragon Sport and 5x60, in which teachers and volunteers provide activity sessions free of charge or at minimal cost. Provide staffed play areas - funding available from Big Lottery fund

The Community Builders Handbook Arts Council Wales fund community arts and dance organisations across Wales who aim to engage children from deprived communities. Sports Council for Wales employ Dragon Sport Coordinators based in local authorities across Wales. The Coordinators work with schools and community clubs to provide opportunities for 711 year olds 5x60 officers are funded through the Sports Council for Wales to provide extracurricular sport sessions for secondary school pupils.

Libraries Income Maximisation / Employment / Heb fod dan anfantais o achos tlodi Income Poverty

Current Challenges There is little awareness among young people of the national minimum wage and employment rights in general.

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Consider reviewing the potential role of the youth service, schools and Careers Wales in the promotion of basic employment rights.

TIGER This interactive guidance site run by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) can be used by workers, employers, professional advisers or anyone with an interest in knowing how the national minimum wage law works. BERR - Employment Relations The Employment Relations Directorate at the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is responsible for the National Minimum Wage legislation. The website has a detailed guide to the National Minimum Wage, including a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). Citizens advice: Tax credit take-up resource pack

Libraries The Early Years (0-7) / Y blynyddoedd cynnar Service Poverty

Current Challenges Basic Skills Improvement

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Develop robust approached to improving basic skills. bsastrategy/en/resources/early_years.cfm bsastrategy/en/resources/early_years/ family_programmes good_practicepack.cfm bsastrategy/en/cross_phase/ financial_literacy_homepage.cfm

Libraries Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges Homework Policies Children from more advantaged backgrounds enjoy considerable out of school support in overcoming their problems that their disadvantaged peers do not receive. The latter are almost totally dependent on out-of-school homework clubs if they are to access such support.

What Can Be Done? Develop guidance on homework policies that take account of the difficult situation faced by children experiencing poverty and the support that can be made available to them.

Where To Go? atoz/h/homework/ Homework Policies

Community Schooling Explicitly target Community Schooling Extended schooling and out-of-hours provision at the most disadvantaged activities are particularly important to communities/young people. disadvantaged pupils: they do not enjoy the range and richness of out-of-school learning available to their more advantaged peers.

Community Focussed Schools: Making it happen a toolkit

Working with others role_model_education.htm

Consider bringing in role models to show people from their own background that can be successful.

Libraries Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

School Rewards

Develop in partnership a flexible pastoral and youth support framework

dfes goodpractice WAG: A whole school approach to behaviour and attendance

School Exclusions

Prevent vulnerable children missing out by adopting approaches that minimise the potential for school exclusions. socialpolicy/961.asp

Supporting Educational Attainment

Develop effective Children and young Contact Partnership Support Unit for available people partnership monitoring arrangements resources. Contact Charlotte Drury PSU Manager for educational attainment specifically (029) 20468616 targeting underachievement.

Libraries Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges Basic Skills Low levels of basic skills in work hamper the ability of employees to progress and perpetuates in work poverty.

What Can Be Done? Prioritise basic skills within your own organisations and encourage all partners to sign up to "Basic skills employer pledge". Complete and implement the action plan.

Where To Go? Basic-skills-Wales: employer pledge

Libraries Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Adequately targeted services and evaluation of outcomes focused on enhancing the participation and engagement of children from deprived or hard to reach communities.

Local authorities are not required to collect information that indicate the number of children from deprived wards who are accessing cultural and leisure services. This continues to undermine targeted planning and provision. A local pilot initiative to collect data and improve targeting would be a step forward.

Where To Go? Sport Action Zones Arts and Public Engagement : Patterns. Processes and levers for Change Arts Council Wales databases offer details of community arts organisations which operate across Wales

Libraries Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges Maintaining engagement over a period of time

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Creative and innovative methods can be used to respond to community needs, enhance interest and ensure the development of new skills.

Yale Centre for Digital story telling at Yale College Wrexham, is now working with Communities First areas to deliver new and exciting experience and skills to the public.

Libraries Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges Lack of local capacity

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

A number of councils work in partnership with The role of sport in regenerating communities communities first partnerships, the arts council, sports councils and other voluntary sector providers to bid for funding and enhance local community capacity, specifically in the arts and cultural pursuits. Such collaboration ensures community needs are met whilst increasing facilities, access and engagement. The sports council, working with local authorities, has developed a programme called 5 x 60 aimed at increasing access to physical activity and sports. Sixth formers from across Wales have been trained to deliver support to younger children, enhancing both their skills and values and ensuring increased participation. Local grants are available from the Sports Council for Wales to support small enterprise organisations in their provision of local sporting opportunities. Grants are also available to a wide range of organisations to support the development of capacity.

Libraries Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges The need for local services to encourage greater participation.

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

There will be enhanced participation if service provision is worthwhile, fun and gives opportunity to gain new skills or an award (e.g. Millennium volunteers Grant scheme) Development of intergenerational projects enhances skills and provides access to services e.g. cinema night or cultural trips.

Communities First Network- Billy Brown Creative Partnerships Arts Council Wales strategies for promoting participation and funding opportunities. WAG Statement 2005 Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils Libraries for Life

Some local authority areas have sports’ councils who provide a voice for local clubs. The umbrella body for these is the Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils. The Libraries for Life scheme launched by WAG should encourage greater engagement with and use of local library facilities

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