6 minute read
The bottom line is: Suitable software helps to save money & streamlines your production
CGS Oris has been around for a very long time here in the Asia/Pacigic region. We talked to Bernd Rückert – CEO and Christoph Thommessen – Managing Director – Global Sales about what they were asked by business during the COVID era and where they are heading after business gets back to normal.
Q. Now that the Print World is coming out of the global lockdowns, what are people asking you for in terms of technology to help their business grow.
A. Some important topics are flexibility and efficiency – and, of course, wanting to achieve both at the same time. That means on the one hand, to print smaller quantities – as the demand is increasing – whilst staying profitably and offering top results at good prices. And on the other hand, flexibility implies to achieve very high quality despite having a smaller amount of printing devices. wasting wash-up and cleaning times during the different runs.
The bottom line is: Suitable software helps to save money, streamlines and speeds up production processes and optimizes results at the same time – all these are important factors for our customers, also in regard to process automation and sustainability.
In both cases the use of suitable software solutions helps. For example with PRESS MATCHER you achieve the best print result you can get and save as much ink as possible. This strengthens the competitiveness as lower prices can be offered and leads to decreasing costs, example, for warehouses.
Especially, if you print with more than four color the print processes and results can be enormously optimized as a software like X GAMUT allows to print a lot of different jobs with an expanded fixed ink set without time-
Q. What is your outlook for the Commercial Offset Industry versus the Digital Print Industry (Commercial Print)
Haptic Proofmade made with CGS technology Haptic Proofmade made with CGS technology
A. The digital print industry is growing. Printing quantities are getting smaller, and customers are asking for customized products. It is a very interesting sector, but also offers a lot of challenges as there are some substrates which cannot be printed like it was done in Offset printing. Fixed ink palettes and CxF data will help to face these challenges and achieve accurate color and, of course, color consistency on different production substrates.
Q . Many are saying that soon digital packaging will have a firm foothold in the way packaging is produced. Do you think this is correct and if so, where will it take market share from (Flexo - Offset packaging etc) ?, and how will CGS Oris play a role in this moving forward.
Haptic Proofmade made with CGS technology Left - Bernd Rückert – CEO and Christoph Thommessen – Managing Director – Global Sales
A. In Offset / carton boxes, there is a huge influence from the digital vendors as HP Indigo, FujiFilm or KM. They are getting more and more popular. Also, in the label business there are digital machinery from Screen, Durst or Domino easy to find… We already delivered into these areas’ products like X GAMUT (for perfect Spot color transformation to the fixed ink set of this machines) or Flex Pack (doing prototyping in the typical production process).
We guess it will take some time for digital to cover the flexible area as the water based ink for the food Packaging is still an issue… But there are already some solutions available which can influence this market.
Our advantage is that we can serve both systems conventional or better say traditional and digital.
Q. Looking back over the last 10 years, how has your company changed and what can we be looking for as we move into the future from CGS
A. The last ten years have been very exciting as there has been a huge change in the printing industry and the transition is still going on as we all know. On the one hand, we see some much different printing methods and devices and on the other, additional branches are interested in color and its precise reproduction. Today, we do not “just” sell software,
we act more and more than color consultants and support companies in optimizing entire processes. CGS ORIS is much more dynamic as it was in the past. Our solutions are very modular and can be easily integrated or added to existing infrastructures.
Another plus is, that we are able to customize our solutions to serve niches and develop the best possible tool for our customers. As a result, they get the individual piece they need to bring their results and processes to the next level.
For example, in Asia, we have some interesting projects running and have the great opportunity to support printing companies in managing color topics through the entire supply chain. Digital brand color communication and CxF data play an important role here.
In the USA, for example, we see the industrial printing sector growing and help companies which did not have a lot of touch points with printing and color in the past to go the first steps and use their resources in the best way. These projects have also very holistic approaches and are very exciting for us as it is a different application area of proofing and color management solution, and the results are amazing.
Q. Looking at Asia, is their much difference in getting your product message across as compared to say Europe or Australia. Is colour software for Print/Packaging fully understood here in our region or is it an afterthought.
A. We often experienced that printers in Asia are very open-minded to try new paths. In China it feels sometimes like a “burning glass” in printing industry as a lot of new developments come together and are tested to reach the aim to work very efficiently and to optimize processes and results to save money and offer better prices.
Some of the first X GAMUT users are located in China and we gained a lot of great experiences during these projects with awesome color experts who have a huge knowledge. It is fantastic to see, how they make use of our software solutions. We owe this also to our team in Asia with great technicians who educate our customers very well and provide great service and support.
Q . In closing what are the main areas that companies make mistakes in when looking for solutions such as yours, what advise can you give them to help their business progress into the future.
A. This is hard to say because it is a very heterogenic field, and it is even getting wider. As we said before, new application areas arise and new goals and needs are added. Often the initial situations the companies are in cannot be compared. But, maybe, one learning could be to get in touch earlier with a color experts like CGS ORIS, it could save you a lot of pain and business disruption, all that will head to your bottom line!.