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Civic Engagement Unit
Introduction to Civic Engagement
The concept of civic engagement at CPUT encompasses voluntary and community-based activities that operate independently of the learning outcomes of academic programs. As these activities are NOT integrated into the mainstream curriculum students are not awarded marks for their participation. This makes these activities different from service learning.
Role of the Civic Engagement Unit
The main role of the Civic Engagement Unit is to provide a holistic institutional picture of noncurricular community-based activities carried out by both staff and students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The unit also provides support for the initiation of
• non-curricular activities by students through facilitating partnerships with NGOs,
• departments, the private sector and communities.
Civic engagement provides non-curricular opportunities for administrative staff, student societies/clubs and academic staff and allows them to contribute to socio-economic development through a wide range of activities. It prepares students for good citizenship by raising awareness of the need for social responsibility and commitment to building South Africa’s future economically, politically and socially.
Civic engagement aims at developing students and staff with the following attributes:
• Intellectual Imagination: Ability to see the unseen, challenge the status quo and suggest that things could be done differently.
• Personal Initiative: Making things happen and celebrating the satisfaction of bringing new things into being, independent, proactive and self-starting.
• Spirit of Selflessness, passion and integrity: Recognition that ultimate personal satisfaction comes from empowering oneself so that one may serve others.
• Courageous Commitment: The courage and dedication to continue, realizing that applying consistent commitment has a way of overcoming. With these attributes, civic engagement aims at capital development that includes a combination of human, entrepreneurial and social capital.
Copyright, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. We are a university in Cape Town, South Africa and the only university of technology in the Western Cape province. We are also the largest university in the province.