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Report of the Institutional Forum
The prolonged COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly contributed to a tumultuous period within the global spectrum, and immensely impacted on the operations of the Institutional Forum (IF). One of the major challenges encountered by the IF was that it could not formulate its annual plan and engage with the university community on issues impacting them directly.
Institutional Forums are governed by legislation and policy frameworks. This necessitates IF members to understand how these relevant legislative policies are fundamental to strengthening the IF’s role. Therefore, members must understand the essential aspect of the IF that necessitates the need for transformation.
Meeting dates
As per university protocol, all face-to-face meetings were prohibited, and subsequently, all IF meetings, including special meetings, were conducted online via MS Teams. It was inspiring that the IF managed to have a quorum for all meetings, which inevitably assisted the IF in conducting its business objectives and providing advice to Council whenever required.
• 16 February 2021 – This meeting never materialised, as
IF members were occupied with various operational requirements, such as registration, one of the most critical periods for CPUT. • 5 May 2021 – This was officially the first meeting of the IF for the year. • 22 June 2021 – The CPUT Council delegated the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Council to engage internal stakeholders to determine the underlying challenges that exist, and build and consolidate relationships. • 18 August 2021 – During this meeting, the election of the
Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Institutional
Forum was conducted. The Office of the Registrar prioritised this matter, as it was postponed during 2020, and the IF undertook to execute this mandate. Mr Alvino Moses was elected as the Chairperson, and Mr Sonwabile Fisa as the
Deputy Chairperson. • 14 October 2021 – The primary focus of this meeting was the presentation by Mr Chief Mabizela on the effectiveness of IFs.
Recommendations to Council
Dean of Applied Sciences – 28 May 2021: Special IF meeting to recommend the preferred candidate Dean of Education – 23 August 2021: Special IF meeting to recommend the selected candidate
Senior Director, Human Capital (advertisement of
position) – 30 June 2021: Special IF meeting to review the advertisement
The engagement between the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of Council with the IF was warmly embraced, and was positive and rewarding. The Chairperson was unequivocal that CPUT needs to be one of the best institutions in the country, and emphasised the importance of growing your own timber. The IF supports the sentiments expressed by the Chairperson of Council, that Vision 2030 is seen as a catalyst to enable CPUT to be amongst the best in terms of technological innovation.
Furthermore, the presentation by Mr Chief Mabizela was very insightful and comprehensive, as he shared his wisdom and wealth of knowledge about the pertinent role of IFs within the higher education sphere. Engagements of this nature potentially strengthen the role of the IF, and supplement development and capacity building to ensure that the IF delivers on its mandate.
Transformation remains a contentious issue, often seeming like an albatross around the neck of higher education institutions. The Green Paper on Higher Education Transformation of 1996 highlights the issue of technological improvements in addressing transformation, and as an institution, CPUT has made significant strides in this regard. Transformation is a lengthy and arduous process that is compounded by resistance, and requires inclusive engagement and dialogue.
Chairperson, Institutional Forum Mr A Moses