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4IR/ 5IR Fourth/ Fifth Industrial Revolution AGM Annual General Meeting AL Academic literacy APP Annual Performance Plan APS Average Point Score AROC Audit and Risk Oversight Committee (of Council) BTech Bachelor of Technology Degree CDU Curriculum Development Unit CE Community Engagement CHE Council on Higher Education CHEC Cape Higher Education Consortium CIET Centre for Innovative Educational Technology CPPD Centre for Professional and Personal Development CPUT Cape Peninsula University of Technology CTS Computer and Telecommunications Services DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DVC Deputy Vice-Chancellor ECP Extended Curriculum Programme EE Employment Equity ERM Enterprise Risk Management EXCO Executive Committee F’SATI French South African Institute of Technology FET Further Education and Training FinCom Finance Committee FTE Full-time equivalency FYE First Year Experience GBV Gender-based violence GEC Governance and Ethics HC Human Capital HE Higher Education HEMIS Higher Education Management Information System HEQSF Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework HOD Head of Department HRCC Human Resources IASB International Accounting Standards Board ICT Information and Communication Technology IF Institutional Forum IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards InvCom Investment Committee IP Intellectual Property IT Information technology ITF Institutional Transformation Forum ITGov IT Governance JFAC Joint Finance and Audit Committee KPI Key performance indicator LGBTIQA+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual, plus LMS Learner Management System ManCom Executive & Management Committee MCD Marketing and Communication Department MOA Memorandum of Agreement nGAP New Generation of Academics Programme NRF National Research Foundation NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme NTRF National Tertiary Retirement Fund OER Open Educational Resources ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID PG Postgraduate PQM Programme and Qualification Mix QARM Quality Assurance and Risk Management RDG Research Development Grant RemCo Remuneration Committee RIM Robben Island Museum RITAL Research and Innovation into Teaching and Learning RO Retention Officer RPL Recognition of Prior Learning RTI Research, Technology and Innovation RTIP Research, Technology Innovation and Partnerships SANSI South African National System of Innovation SAQA South African Qualifications Authority SARChI South African Research Chair Initiative SARETEC South African Renewable Energy Technology Centre SETA Sector Education and Training Authority SL Service-learning SLU Student Learning Unit SRC Student Representatives Council SSC Student Services Council SSCSA Search and Selection Committee for Senior Appointments STEMI Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Innovation SU Stellenbosch University T&L Teaching and learning TDG Teaching Development Grant TDP Teaching Development Programme TRL Technology Readiness Level TTO Technology Transfer Office TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training UCDG University Capacity Development Grant UCDP University Capacity Development Programme UCT University of Cape Town UG Undergraduate UP University of Pretoria USAf Universities South Africa USDP University Staff Doctoral Programme UWC University of the Western Cape VC Vice-Chancellor WIL Work Integrated Learning ZAR South African Rand
The Council and Management of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology are guided by the Strategic Plan 2030 Vision, Mission, and Core Values:
CPUT is Africa’s leading Smart University of Technology, globally renowned for innovation, with graduates that shape a better world for humanity.
CPUT transforms its students, through world-class researchers who inspire knowledge production and innovation that is cutting edge.
Core Values
CPUT agrees to Oneness and Smartness by:
• Embracing a culture of ethics and integrity; • Seeking kindness and showing compassion to all staff, students and stakeholders of CPUT; • Embracing restoration and addressing any issues of discrimination; • Embracing unity and diversity; • Showing passion and always searching for better ways of doing things; • Taking accountability and accepting responsibility; and • Being technologically astute.
+27 21 959 6767
info@cput.ac.za www.cput.ac.za
@cput @wearecput