Department of Student Governance Leadership and
(SGLD) standard operating procedures (SOPs) for CSRC/LSRC/STRUCTURES projects or events
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) through the Department of Student Governance Leadership and Development facilitates and supports the CSRC/LSRC to be able to professionally perform their functions. Part of the CSRC/LSRC functions is to contribute to the holistic development of students through engaging students in events and projects and this requires project planning.
CSRC: shall refer to the Central Student Representative Council of the CPUT
LSRC: shall refer to the various local campus SRC’s Committees of the university, comprising of Bellville, District Six, Mowbray and Wellington Campus
Student: shall refer to any current registered student at the university or bona fide as defined by the University rules.
Dean of Students: shall refer to a senior staff member of the Senior Management who is responsible and accountable for the strategic October 2021 SGLD SOP PROJECTS/EVENTS
management and administration of the portfolio of Student Affairs at the University.
HOD: Student Governance Leadership and Development: shall refer to the Head of Student Governance Leadership and Development (hereafter referred to as SGLD), or any employee who has the authority to act on behalf of such a portfolio, as delegated by the Dean of Students.
Student Development Officer: shall refer to a University employee employed in such capacity to administer the affairs of student CSRC/LSRC as delegated by the HOD: Student Governance Leadership and Development.
3.1.Proper protocol for dealing with CSRC/LSRC will be addressed through the following procedure:
CSRC/LSRC SDO: SGLD HOD: SGLD Deputy Dean of Student DEAN of STUDENTS Finance & Procurement
3.2. Actions of all parties:
3.2.1. LSRC/CSRC – initiate/request
3.2.2. SDO: assessment, recommendations
3.2.3. LSRC/CSRC and SDO: engage before submitting for approval
3.2.4. HOD: review and approval process
3.2.5. Deputy Dean/ Dean: final approve process
3.3. No stakeholder of the University should be contacted by the student leadership for approval of any project unless on escalations to the next level function.
Permission for ALL student functions, irrespective of nature and number of persons attending, must be requested by completing the Project Proposal Template from the SDO on the respective campus.
4.1.Any social functions must meet the Municipality requirements for mass functions and applicable internal venue booking forms are available from SDO offices and these forms must be attached to Project Proposal Template for approval.
The Project Proposal Template is only required for projects and events, and not for practice sessions, meetings, and rehearsals
5.1.Step 1
The project should be on the CSRC/LSRC Program of Action (P.O.A.) for a particular term of office.
Section 5.1 is applicable unless in a case of an event due to a response to natural emergencies, such as memorial services, and other operational purposes or if a deviation motivation from the CSRC /LSRC is submitted to the SDO and HOD SGLD for approval.
5.2.Step 2
The CSRC/LSRC must complete a Project Proposal Template obtainable from the SDO on their respective campuses. Project plans are to be submitted at least 40 days prior to event to allow for sufficient planning, processing and approvals.
5.3. Step 3
Project Proposal must be submitted to SDO for approval and then by SDO to the HOD: SGLD and subsequently to the Dean of Students (if required in terms of escalation purposes).
5.3.1. SDO Approval & Recommendation
Following discussions with the organising CSRC/LSRC, the SDO submits full recommendations in writing with detailed specifications, to the CSRC/LSRC. This engagement between SGO and CSRC/LSRC during this initial phase of project submission is important to modify the proposal for any enhancement for better impact, cost effectiveness and efficiency. The SDO submits the finalised proposal with detailed specifications to the HOD. The SDO follows up on the submission in order to ensure the due date is met.
5.3.2. HOD Approval
If there is a problem with any of the above, the HOD refers matters back to the SDO for the organisers to attend to and to take action. If everything is in order, the HOD approves the event/project. Where applicable and depending on the size and nature of the event/project, the HOD refers the event/project documentation, together with the HODs’ recommendations and the recommendations from the SDO, to the Dean of Students, if escalation is required.
5.3.3. Health Cluster approval (HC)
Health Cluster approval is required for any contact event and needs to be tabled at a HC meeting for approval via the DD or Dean of Students. The DD or Dean of Students must communicate the outcome of the HC to the HOD the next day after the project was tabled at the HC. The HOD must inform the relevant SDO within 24 hours of the HC outcome.
Additionally, any permit required by the Municipality (if necessary) needs to be applied for well in advance.
5.4. Step 4: Sourcing of Quotations/RFQ
The SDO will after approval of the Dean, liaise with the Procurement and Financial Department to source service providers to assist with the event. The CSRC/LSRC (President/ Chairperson, with Treasurer or Secretary) must approve the quotation/s before the Admin Assistant loads the request on the financial system.
Students are not allowed to source nor collect quotations as that is the responsibility of staff members through the Procurement office. Any interaction between a CPUT student (as end user) and a potential service provider for procurement purposes shall be viewed as a contravention.
Whilst students can identify the artists/speaker/facilitator they want for their events, interaction with artists should strictly be done by the SDO / Service Provider.
Requisition Process: (After steps 1-4 have been followed)
Requistion is generated by Admin Assistant SGLD Supporting documents attached to REQ.
Procurement (Buyer) approval
Finance (Budget Controller) approval
HOD SGLD approval (Level 1)
Deputy Dean / Dean of Students approval (Level 2)
DVC Opperations approval (Level 3)
VC approval (Level 4)
Procurement (Buyer) generates Purchase Order
Sends to Service Provider & Admin Assistant
SDO to send PO and to liaise with service provider to confirm specifications/design approval/ request delivery date.
Service rendered by service provider & invoice sent to SDO
Invoice signed by SDO and submitted to Creditor for payment
5.5.Step 5
The CSRC/LSRC must liaise at all times with the Student Development Officer for the finalisation of all logistical arrangements for the project.
5.6. Step 6
The project co-ordinators (CSRC/LSRC) must evaluate their project by providing a full project closure report within five (5) working days after it has taken place to the Student Development Officer. The report must include amongst others, student numbers, participation, outcomes and budget spend. A project close-out report template is available from the office of SDO. If no report is submitted on the event, it will impact the approval of the next project/event. This aims to ensure accountability of student leaders.
For all SRC events compliance with the by-laws of the City of Cape Town is nonnegotiable. The City of Cape Town demands that all events must have a events permit granted by the City of Cape Town’s events office, which amongst other things must address the following when it comes to an event:
• There is compliance with fire regulations
• There is consideration of the noise levels
• Proximity to residential areas be considered
• Adequate medical standby on duty at events
• Adequate crowd control measures are in place
• All legislation with regard to liquor laws in adhered to
The full list of requirements for events permits can be obtained from their respective SDO. All events permit applications must be submitted 21 working days prior to the event
It is for this reason that all proposals for events should reach the SDO 40 days before the planned event. This is informed by the City of Cape Town by-laws, the need to check power supply at the venue, lighting and adequate, appropriate space for stage, fencing and toilet plans and to book performers.
7. Liquor Sale / consumption
Only the VC can approve and sign off on any liquor consumption or sales.
8. Event Service Providers:
Only service providers on the CPUT Vendors Database shall be considered to render services or goods for events. No student is allowed to enter into any contract with any service provider.
SGLD shall not append their signatures on any document that does not conform to the protocols as outlined in this document. All processes for events planning start with the Student Development Officer responsible before going to any senior official of the institution as the signing procedure outlines. Where possible, SGLD would prefer to deal with the Treasurer and the Projects Officer of the SRC on finance matters and events planning.
9. Venue Bookings:
Venues should be book in accordance to the CPUT Facilities procedure via the SDO at least 7 days in advance. This will afford Facility’s the option to allocate other venues should the venue students had in mind not be available. Under no
circumstances will an “event organiser” nor an “events company” be considered for services pertaining to CPUT functions.
All sponsorship must go through the office of the SDO
Structures are not allowed to handle cash.
In case of clothing: If CPUT branding: Must be approved by the Senior Communications Officer at Bellville Campus.
Read: Policy on Recruitment of Third parties
Any structure that wants to enlist the services of an outside person/third party must first get approval from the responsible University official. (SDO/HOD).
Steps to be followed:
A request letter must be sent to the responsible University official
The request letter must be accompanied by the following documents;
A comprehensive curriculum vitae
A copy of an ID and drivers licence (where applicable)
Reference letters
A permit showing that the person is in the country legally in the case of non-South Africans.
The responsible University official shall do a background check and on the basis of the findings, a response will be given to the applicant
After the University official has satisfied himself about the fitness of purpose of the third party, a letter of approval shall be sent to the structure that applied.
The standard operating procedures (SOPs) is meant to facilitate communication and adherence to good practices within the university community.