FBMS Dean's Letter and Orienation Plan

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Message from the Dean, Professor Paul Green

Dear Student

Congratulations on your achievements in 2022 and for being successful in being accepted as a student in the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS) in the academic year 2023. The Faculty warmly welcomes you to face to face lectures on campus, and we feel privileged that you have chosen to partner with us, as you start your academic career in the largest Faculty in the Institution.

We are a student-centred Faculty who provides an inclusive and affirming environment and are accepting of all students from diverse backgrounds. As we strive toward providing a safe environment for all students, we also celebrate differences as we continue to learn from each other, and about each other.

Respect and dignity are key elements enshrined in the values of the Faculty and to be afforded to all students and staff, regardless of their social, economic, geographic, linguistic, cultural background or ability status. The diversity of each of you, contributes to the creativity, innovation, academic excellence and research scholarship we pursue, thus enriching the Faculty.

We continuously place you, the student, at the heart of the learning and teaching programme, research scholarship and international engagement. Academic staff have close relationships with industry, thus ensuring that curriculum remains relevant, cutting edge and aligns to the trends and skills required of you as a future graduate. The skills and knowledge you will acquire will create opportunities for you locally, nationally and internationally, thereby empowering and assisting you with employability as you strive to become entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs on a global platform and being global citizens.

To assist and guide you, the FBMS Orientation Programme has been designed for you, to ensure that you are provided with key information as it pertains to your programme of study, student life, support services, and cultural and sporting activities As you work towards achieving your dreams and aspirations, be guided by your principles, morals, values and ethics, and remain focused on achieving your goals in life. Surround yourself with positive influencers on campus and in your personal life, and this will require that you make decisions based on always doing the right thing and acting ethically. Your lecturers, the administrative staff. the Head of Department and the Faculty Office are available to assist, should you require, however, you need to take responsibility for your learning and to be accountable for your actions and the decisions you make.

We are a diverse, dynamic and caring Faculty, and as we celebrate our many achievements over the years academically, globally and in industry, we nevertheless continue to pursue academic excellence through innovation and research. We are extending a personal invitation to you to be part of the journey and shaping the future accolades of the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences.

We wish you much success with your studies and look forward to our partnership.


Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

Orientation Schedule 2023

To all 1st year Faculty of Business and Management Sciences students

Kindly note that the orientation programme in all departments will commence as indicated below. Details of the programme will be made available by the departments as to the orientation commencement dates and platforms. Queries may be directed to the departmental co-ordinators and the contact details listed below for the relevant department.

BELLVILLE CAMPUS: Venues are as follows at Bellville


16 February 2023 at 10:00 in the Major Sports Hall, Bellville Campus

(FT &

Tel: 021 959 6296

Email: hungwes@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 959 6417

DISTRICT SIX CAMPUS (D6 ): Venues are as follows at D6 : Commerce (C) Building, Engineering (E) Building, Lecture Theatre (LT)

welcome and student activities on 15 February 2023 at 10:00 in the Piazza, D6 Campus


VC’s Welcome and student
Operations Management 17 February F2F LT2 09:00-13:00
PT) Mr Jean-Claude Kabala Email:
Applied Legal Studies 13–17 February F2F Pool Clubhouse 09:00-13:00 (FT) Ms Simone Hermans Mr Servious
KabalaJ@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 959 6641
Email: HermansS@cput.ac.za
Business & Information Administration 13–17 February 14 & 15 February F2F F2F C2.57, C2.46 C2.46, C3.12 09:00-14h00 (FT) 17:30–19:00 (PT) Ms Vanisha Harry Mr Douglas Dyers Email: harryv@cput.ac.za Tel: 021
3152 Email: dyersd@cput.ac.za
021 460 9053 Entrepreneurship and Business Management 13-17 February F2F E3.15 09:00-12:00 (FT) Ms Cecily Cridland Ms Nicole Arendse Email: CridlandC@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 4234
ArendseN@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3942 Financial Accounting and Taxation, Internal Auditing, Financial Information Systems 13-16 February F2F C2.58 09:00-14:00 (FT) Mr Asanda Jonginamba Ms Nelly Msiza Email: JonginambaA@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3276
MSIZAN@cput.ac.za Graduate Centre for Management: Banking 13 &14 February 15 February 16 February F2F F2F F2F E 4.38 Piazza, D6 E4.38 10:00-14:00 (FT) 10:00-13:00 (FT) 10:00-12:00 (FT) Dr Sophie Kasse Ms Candice Carolissen Email: nguepikasses@cput.ac.za
021 460 8306
3833 Human Resource Management 15 February 16 February 17 February 20 February F2F F2F F2F F2F & Online Piazza, D6 LT1 LT1 C1.39 10:00-13:00 (FT) 09:00–13:30 (FT) 09:00-13:45 (FT) 17:00-19:30 (PT) Mr Sihlangene Mgudlwa Mr Brian Ntlangula Email: MgudlwaS@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3139
NtlangulaB@cput.ac.za Tel.: 021 460 3862 Management & Project Management 13-16 February F2F C2.68 09:00-14:00 (FT) Ms Matshediso Malapane Email: malapanet@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3608


VC’s welcome and student activities on 15 February 2023 at 10:00 in the Piazza, D6 Campus

Ms Nina Septoe

Ms Ilhaam BanoobhaiAnwar


VC’s welcome and student activities on 15 February 2023 at 10:00 in the Piazza, D6 Campus


Email: septoen@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 440 5737

Email: BANOOBHAII@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 440 5761

on 14 February 2023 at 10:00 in the House Murray Gardens, Wellington Campus

Mr Mohamed Badat

Email: Badatm@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 860 5291


Email: DeBeerM@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 860 5548

Mr Asanda Jonginamba (Accounting)

Email: JonginambaA@cput.ac.za

Tel: 021 460 3276

Marketing 13, 14, 15 February 16 February 17 February 13, 16 February F2F Online F2F Online E3.25 09:00-14:00 (FT) 09:00-12:00 (FT) 09:00-13:00 (FT) 18:00-20:00 (PT) Ms Tania Petersen Ms T Connolly Email: petersentl@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3377 Email: connollyT@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3306 Public Administration & Governance 13 -15 February 13 February 14 February 15 February F2F F2F Online F2F E3.68 & 3.65C C3.65C E.368 09:00–13:00 (FT) 17:00-19:00 (PT) 17:00-19:00 (PT) 09:00-13:00 (PT) Ms Sylvia Botes Mr Robert Schultz Email: botess@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 8357/ 021 460 3173 Email: schultzr@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 4212/ 021 460 3173 Real Estate 15 February 16 & 17 February 17 February F2F Online F2F Piazza, D6 D6 Library Lobby 10:00-13:00 (FT) 10:00-14:00 (FT) 14:30-15:30 (FT) Ms Sarita Edwards Email: edwardss@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3386 Retail Management 13 - 14 February 15 February 13 February F2F F2F F2F E3.13 Piazza, D6 E3.13 09:30– 14:00 (FT) 10:00-13:00 (FT) 17:30– 19:30 (PT) Mr Wayne Jooste Email: joostew@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 460 3641 Tourism and Events Management 13-15 February 16 and 17 February F2F Site Visits E3.44 D6 campus, Library and Piazza 10:00-14:00 (FT) 10:00-13:00 (FT)
Magangqaza Email: Magangqazaw@cput.ac.za Tel:
Ms Wendy
021 460 3015
Hospitality Management 13, 14,16, 17 February 15 February F2F F2F Granger Bay Campus Piazza, D6 Campus 9:00-14:00 (FT) 10:00-13:00
Sport & Leisure Management 15 February 17 February F2F F2F Piazza,
Main Hall,
Campus 10:00-13:00
10:00-14:00 (FT)
Ms Juanita Stoop Email: stoopj@cput.ac.za Tel: 021 680 1552
Accountancy Business & Information Administration, Tourism and Events Management 13-16 February 17 February F2F F2F Student Centre 09:00-13:00 (FT) 08:00-12:00 (FT)
student activities
& Information Administration)
Andries de Beer (Tourism & Events Management)

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