04 September 2023
Dear Students
This letter applies to students who registered for Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECP) in the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences in 2022 and 2023.
We are reaching the end of Term 3 for Academic Year 2023, and students should have a good idea of academic performance and progress. Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECP) allow for additional support to enable students to have a good understanding of subject content for access to the second year of the programme of study. With Extended Curriculum Programmes, subjects for the first year of study are offered over two years, allowing additional time and support for students to be successful and to pass all their subjects
It is important for students to attend all classes and tutorials and to consult regularly with lecturers should there be any concerns with any unit of learning. Every effort is made to support students in Year 1 and Year 2 of ECPs, since the purpose of the ECP is that students should pass seamlessly from one year to another and pass the diploma in the minimum time of four years.
Students registered for ECPs in 2022 and 2023, must work consistently to pass all subjects and seek support where necessary. Students are cautioned to work towards passing ALL first-year subjects (i.e., first year and second year of ECP), given that additional time and support are provided to ensure that students are successful.
Students are referred to the CPUT Guidelines for Extended Curriculum Programmes, 2018, 7), as follows:
… ECP students should not be allowed to repeat their full or significant portion of the ECP curriculum or all subjects for a given year. For example, if a student has taken three subjects as part of their first year on their ‘Extended’ model programme and fails all three subjects, they should not be allowed to repeat the year/subjects. Instead, they should be counselled to pursue their educational interests possibly at a TVET college.
It is important to be in class for every lesson, to complete every assessment and to attend every tutorial. Students who have not performed well and who fail first year ECP subjects may in all likelihood not be allowed to complete further studies.
Students should assess progress to date and consult with tutors and lecturers, to work towards completing the qualification in the minimum time.
All the best for the rest of Academic Year 2023.
We wish you every success with your studies.
Yours faithfully
Prof PE Green (Dean: Faculty of Business & Management Sciences)