1 minute read

Subject Details

School Leaving Subjects:

Click on the sign to access a list of NSC / NCV subjects

You can enter a description in the field for a quick display of subjects and select the SEARCH button

Click on the appropriate subject that you have searched for. The subject name will be displayed.

Final Grade 11 Percentage (%) / …..

Final Gr 11 Percentage (%):

Click on the sign to select the Subject Percentage as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate

Final Gr 11 Symbol:

Click on the sign to select the Subject Percentage as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate

Select the Symbol as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate Description

Click on the ADD SUBJECT button. Repeat the above steps until you have added all your subjects.

Click on the NEXT button.


You will not be able to select the NEXT button until you have entered all the required. number of subjects (e.g. NSC you are required to enter a minimum of 7 Grade 12 subjects)

 You may remove subjects by clicking on the REMOVE box next to the subject and acknowledge the pop-up message. Click OK to delete this data

Are you currently doing an International Grade 12 equivalence or any Grade 12 that is not an South African NSC or NSC Grade 12?

Matric / Grade 12 Year (YYYY): Enter 2023

Are you applying for Undergraduate or Postgraduate? Enter Undergraduate

Are you upgrading? Enter NO

Are you completing or have completed a South African or International Matric? Select INTERNATIONAL MATRIC from the list provided.

Matric/Grade 12 Examination Number: Leave this field blank

Final School Leaving Certificate: Click on the sign. Select FOREIGN EXEMPTION

Subject Details for Current Grade 12 learners / …..

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