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Qualification Details

Academic Year:

Select the year that you attend to start with your studies e.g. 2024 (e.g. 2023 - you are currently in Grade 12; the 1st year of studies at CPUT would begin in 2024)

Limit your selection to a specific Faculty/School:

Select the sign to view the list of Faculties Click on the Faculty where the programmes reside.

Choose a programme:

Select the programme that you intent to apply for

Eligible to Apply - N will display in the qualifications Description fields if you are not eligible to apply for it. You will be able to select those qualifications but will automatically be declined by the system . Please consult the Undergraduate Prospectus for the programme entrance requirements

For which period are you applying:

It will automatically display YEAR ONE

If not, then select YEAR ONE from the list provided

If you have selected an Extended programme, then the description will be YEAR 0 (FIRST YEAR EXTENDED OR SC)

How would you like to study for this programme?

The field will default to a mode of study if the programme is only offered on one campus and e.g. only Full-time and not Part-time

If not, then select the sign to choose the various mode of studies / campuses where the programme is offered.

When would you like to study for this qualification?

The field will default to YEAR (Jan-Nov)

Click on the ADD QUALIFICATION button.

Continue to with your second choice and third choice should you wish to add more by following the steps above

The added programmes will display on the screen with an indication of ELIGIBILY YES or NO

If you have chosen a programme where the ELIGIBLE TO APPLY shows NO – a pop-up message will display


 You may remove subjects by clicking on the REMOVE box next to the subject and acknowledge the pop-up message. Click OK to delete this data

Select the NEXT button to continue with your application

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