1 minute read

Functional Foods r esearch u nit (FF ru )

Prof Spinney Benadé benades@cput.ac.za

The aims of the FFRU are to translate results of research on essential fatty acids and micronutrients into new and improved functional food products or premixes with functional food characteristics for health promotion and disease prevention in South Africa. The newly developed products or premixes are converted into commercially useful end-products for the South African market.

European Union, Malaysia and Singapore; it is awaiting approval for international applications.

- A patent for Omega Caro-E emulsion was applied for in South Africa, Malaysia and Singapore; it is awaiting approval for international applications.

• research collaborations

Highlights for 2014

• Omega Caro-E was successfully commercialised and is now available at Alpha Pharm and Clicks Pharmacies countrywide.

• FFRU was approached by several pharmaceutical companies to do fatty acid analysis on a regular basis. Income from these sources is used for maintenance of the laboratory and to purchase small equipment.

• Prof Benadé obtained a grant from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board to conduct a research project involving pre-school children in the Eastern Cape during 2014. The TIA awarded a grant for upscaling of Omega Caro-E and related products.

• International patent applications

- A patent for Omega Caro-E was filed in South Africa, and applied for in the USA,

- National collaborations were formed with SU’s Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiological Sciences; the Cancer Association of South Africa; and the Foundation for Alcohol Related Research.

- An international collaboration was formed with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board.

• Contracts

- Negotiating a new license agreement with Sozo Foods (Pty) Ltd for one year

- Contract research (clinical trial completed November 2014) in collaboration with CANSA

- Malaysian Palm Oil Board: Research project involving pre-school children in the Eastern Cape

- Lifespan Ventures Inc.: Approval from Health Canada to export Omega Caro-E to Canada and to be marketed and distributed by Lifespan Ventures Inc.

- Afriplex (Pty) Ltd for manufacturing of the Omega Caro-E Kidz emulsion

- Biosenta (Pty) Ltd for marketing and distribution of Omega Caro-E

- Pharma Natura (Pty) Ltd for manufacturing of Omega Caro-E

• articles in popular press

- Magazine

How to choose a fish oil supplement, in Fitness Magazine

Five reasons why you need a food supplement, in Fitness Magazine

• external committees

Prof Benadé is a member of the South African Sugar Association’s Research Committee. Dr Opperman is a member of the Complimentary Medicines Committee of the Medical Control Council of South Africa.

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