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Centre for i nternational Teacher Education (C i TE)

CITe was established at the beginning of 2014 in the faculty of education shortly after the appointment of Prof yusuf Sayed, who holds a SarChI Chair in Teacher education. He subsequently became the Director of the centre. When established towards the end of 2013, the SarChI Chair in Teacher education was conceived as facilitating the generation of basic and applied knowledge about the form, content and influece of teacher professional development to enhance learning. a further goal was to develop and expand the knowledge base and field of teacher education, and to invest in the development of research capacity amongst a pool of researchers working in the area.

As such, the main objectives of the SARChI Chair in Teacher Education are to:

• Better understand the gap between policy and practice within teacher education in South Africa

• Build national and institutional research capacity in the field of teacher education

The activities of CITE are focused on:

• Serving as a national, regional and international centre of excellence for research and policy dialogue about education policy and teacher education

• Generating state of the art research into teacher education in South Africa and internationally

• Enabling effective research capacity and succession planning as indicated in the original proposal submitted to the NRF

Prof Yusuf Sayed (Director)


Prof Azeem Badroodien (Deputy Director)


1 Policy sociology of teacher education policy and empirical findings in South Africa since 1994

2 Teacher understandings of professionalism and accountability in South Africa

3 Longitudinal study of the quality and impact of initial teacher training programmes in South Africa

4 Continuing professional development (CPD) training programmes in Africa

5 The role of teachers and youth in peacebuilding and social cohesion in South Africa, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda and Uganda

CITE conceptualised and initiated five research projects during 2014:

1 First online repository of policy and empirical research on teacher education since 1994

2 First representative dataset of teacher understandings of professionalism and accountability in the Western Cape

3 First longitudinal cohort study of teacher education students in South Africa

4 First analysis of how differentiated CPD programmes work and the particular obstacles that different programme types face across Africa

5 First multicountry dataset on the interconnection between policy intentions and policy outcomes regarding peacebuilding in education in the global South

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