14 minute read
Education researcher awarded NRF grant
Dr Lungile Sosibo has been awarded an Nrf grant of almost r1 million to complete a research project with staff of two other universities in South africa. Dr Sosibo will collaborate with researchers from CPUT, Unisa and the University of Venda to run training programs in mathematics, science, languages, and information and communication technology for senior phase teachers. Language experts from these universities will team up with subject experts to develop terminology glossaries in isiXhosa, isiZulu and tshiVenda.
“The project will focus on high schools in the Vhembe District of Limpopo,” said Dr Sosibo, who is the study’s principal investigator. “We chose this district as due to its rural nature there may be a lack of teaching resources for teachers.” The three-year long project includes funding for a master’s or doctoral student who will commence studies in 2015. Dr Sosibo believes that the project will yield many research outputs, such as articles in DHeTsubsided journals.
“The Department of Basic education has developed glossaries for the intermediate phase; so by developing the same for the senior phase we are taking up from where it left off.”
Together, the focus areas advance knowledge in four significant ways within a social justice framework:
Deepen and enrich knowledge about the impact of the full cycle of teacher education on teacher performance and student learning add to a growing recent global interest in teacher education particularly in relation to understanding teacher pedagogy & teacher training
Sharpen the understanding of the link between policy intentions & outcomes, thereby enhancing knowledge about what works & under what conditions.
Social Justice Framework
• Views social justice as the outcome of struggles for redistribution, recognition & participation by & for those who have been historically marginalised & dispossessed.
Deepen insights about the collective challenges facing teacher education on the continent through regional links & partnerships within africa
In terms of building research capacity, CITE uses an apprenticeship model to develop its postgraduate students. In each study, students play active research roles so that they develop and sharpen their research skills through practice and under the guidance of experienced academic mentors. CITE focuses on promoting and nurturing postgraduate students who are marginalised and under-represented in higher education.
To date, CITE has worked with/is working with: five post doctoral fellows; five research fellows and associates; six master’s students; nine PhD students; and four visiting research exchange students from inter alia Germany, USA, Japan and the UK.
• focuses on how inequalities emerge & the mechanisms for reducing inequalities.
• Pays close attention to categories of social exclusion & dispossession, such as race, gender & class, & the intersection between them.
The centre also has an active research exchange and visitation programme with international and national research fellows and professors. So far, they have had professors visiting from the University of Bristol, the University of Botswana, the University of Lebanon, and the University of Rwanda, and from international organisations including the International Task Force for Teachers for EFA, UNESCO and the Centre for Lebanese Studies in Beirut.
The centre has so far produced eight journal articles and book chapters, three technical reports, six keynote addresses, three public seminars, nine national and international conference presentations, and four seminar series presentations.
New book explores quality education
a new book exploring issues of quality education in South africa was recently launched at CPUT’s Mowbray campus. The book, The search for quality education in post-apartheid South africa: Interventions to improve learning and teaching, was authored by academics, teachers and other role players in the education sector. It was co-edited by CPUT’s Prof yusuf Sayed, the research Chair in the faculty of education, Prof anil Kanjee from TUT and UP’s Prof Mokubung Nkomo.
Prof Sayed said the book is an attempt to map issues of quality. Dean of the faculty of education, Prof Thobeka Mda, said quality education requires trained teachers, adequate learning materials and an environment that will foster quality delivery of education. other speakers at the launch were Prof Nkomo, Prof Kanjee and UCT’s DVC, Prof Crain Soudien. The book was published by the Human Sciences research Council Press.
Chetty RP
Kagiso Lesego Molope: The caged bird flies and sings Lehman B, Heale J, Hill A, Van der Walt T & Vorster M (eds): Creating Books for the Young in the New South Africa: Essays on Authors and Illustrators of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
McFarland & Company, 2014, pp 243-249, ISBN 978-0-7864-7551-3
Dippenaar AJF
Authentic learning opportunities through community interventions: Bringing praxis to practice
Vandeyar S & Voges A (eds): Good Practice in CultureRich Classrooms: Research-Informed Perspectives
Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2014, pp 231-253, ISBN 978-0-19-040317-1
Edwards WL, Condy J & Malik S
Improving elementary school literacy in Mauritius through project ZEP
Leung CB, Richards JC & Lassonde CA (eds): International Collaborations in Literacy Research and Practice
Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2014, pp 249-272, ISBN 978-1-62396-566-2
Heale J, Vorster M, Hill MA, Lehman BA, & Van der Walt T
An odyssey through fantasy: Fiona Moodie’s long journey home
Creating Books for the Young in the New South Africa: Essays on Authors and Illustrators of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2014, pp 173-181, ISBN 978-0-7864-7551-3
Hill MA, Lehman BA, Heale J, Vorster M & Van der Walt T
Sally Partridge: Transitions from outside in and inside out Creating Books for the Young in the New South Africa: Essays on Authors and Illustrators of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2014, pp 259-265, ISBN 978-0-7864-7551-3
Lehman BA, Hill MA, Heale J, Vorster M & Van der Walt T
Ann Walton: Families and fables Creating Books for the Young in the New South Africa: Essays on Authors and Illustrators of Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2014, pp 234-242, ISBN 978-0-7864-7551-3
Sayed YM, Kanjee A & Rao N Assessment of and for learning
Wagner DA (ed): Learning and Education in Developing Countries: Research and Policy for the Post-2015 UN Development Goals
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp 91-109, ISBN 978-1-137-45596-3
Steenkamp A, Cox S & Mavela X Xhosa for teachers
Cape Town: Future Managers, 2014, ISBN 978-1-77581-100-8
Conference papers
Aronstam S
Young learners’ perspective on the use of digital stories in the Foundation Phase classes, 9th Annual RASA Conference, Grahamstown, 12-14 September 2014
Chigona A
Pre-service teachers’ appropriation of the new technologies into their teaching and learning, 15th Annual
Conference on World Wide Web Applications, Cape Town, 10-13 September 2013
Chigona A & Ivala EN
Using technology to achieve shared understanding among diverse students: A case of pre-service teachers, 15th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, Cape Town, 10-13 September 2013
Dippenaar AJF
Teach, apply and live reading and writing, Keynote address: CTLI Reading and Writing Conference, Cape Town, 6-7 October 2014
Dippenaar AJF
Using computer-based learning to enhance English proficiency (Pecha Kucha presentation), 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Gxekwa NZ
The use of isiXhosa children’s poetry as a tool to integrate different learning areas in the Foundation
Phase, 9th Annual RASA Conference, Grahamstown, 12-14 September 2014
Livingston C
Autobiographical learning: A digital perspective, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Livingston C
Engaging in Art Appreciation: A digital autobiographical perspective, English Academy of Southern Africa 2014 International Conference: Languages and Literatures in Southern Africa Today, Durban, 25-27 September 2014
Van der Bijl AJ
From practitioners, trainers and teachers to education, training and development practitioners,
1st SkillZHub Conference: Towards a Coherent Post School Education and Training Sector in South Africa, Johannesburg, 12-13 November 2013
Van der Bijl AJ
From teacher education to education of teachers and lecturers for TVET, AEC & CET, 5th Pan African TVET & FET Conference 2014, Cape Town, 3-4 November 2014
Van der Bijl AJ
Implementation of the policy in general and the DTVT in particular, VVOB/UFS FET Conference: Competent Lecturers of a Skilled Society, Bloemfontein, 25 September 2013
Van der Bijl AJ
Meanings of quality within the vocational education and training sector, 4th Pan African TVET & FET Conference 2013, Cape Town, 22 August 2013
Van der Bijl AJ
Technology change and ICT adoption in education, INNOVATE 2014 Schools’ ICT Conference, Cape Town, 9 October 2014
Van der Bijl AJ
Work-integrated learning for lecturers in technical and vocational, adult and community education, RITAL Conference, Cape Town, 2 December 2014
Westraadt G
BEd and design education (Pecha Kucha presentation), 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Westraadt G
The improvement of visual literacy through reading strategies, Education Association of South Africa Conference, Clarens, 12-15 January 2014 Westraadt G
Visual literacy as an integral part of art education, Symposium on Academic Depth and Rigour in Initial Teacher Education Programmes, Johannesburg, 30-31 October 2014
Conference posters
Ahmed Z & Sadeck M
Teachers’ views on the opportunities of teaching social justice in science, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Arendse M & Johnson S
A reflective topical autobiography of an art teacher, exploring her professional growth, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Esambe EE, Mosito C & Pather S
Activity theory: A potential framework for designing a formative feedback model during essay writing practices, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Geldenhuys I & Anker J
The nature of construction in the recent Afrikaans youth literature, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Livingston C
The development of an autobiographical writing model, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Livingston C
Self-regulation in the blogisphere: Where pre-sphere teachers blog without fear, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Livingston C
When pre-service teachers blog without fear, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Livingston C & Westraadt G
Engaging in the art appreciation: A digital autobiographical perspective, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Manuel R & November I
The teaching of natural sciences policies in the curriculum and assessment policy statement: Possibilities for democratic citizens, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Phillips HN
Perspectives of professional knowledge delivery in teacher education, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Rooi C & Thuynsma B
Exploration of parental involvement in an English literacy intervention programme focusing on Grade 4 primary school learners, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Sampson CA & Condy J
Reading practices in urban, foundation phase multigrade classes, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Steyn G & Adendorff S
Questioning practice by foundation phase education students when presenting mathematical problem solving, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Swart J & Van der Westhuizen M
The nature of learner support in rural schools, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Westraadt G & Klopper B
The improvement of visual literacy through reading strategies, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Conference proceedings
Adendorff SA
Conversion in the metric system: Reflecting on the GET Mathematics curriculum
Lebitso M & Maclean A (eds): 20th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics, Volume 1, Kimberly, 7-11 July 2014
Johannesburg: AMESA, 2014, pp 33-43, ISBN 978-0-620-61475-7
Chigona A
Using digital storytelling to prepare new teachers for multicultural and digital natives’ classrooms
Herrington J, Viteli J & Leikomaa M (eds): EdMedia 2014 – World Conference on Educational Media & Technology, Tampere, Finland, 23-26 June 2014
Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2014, pp 1708-1713, ISBN 978-1-939797-08-7
Chigona A & Chigona W
South African pre-service teachers’ underpreparedness to teach with Information Communication Technologies
2nd International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2013), Lodz, Poland, 23-25 September 2013 IEEE, 2013, pp 239-243, ISBN 978-1-4673-5093-8
Chigona A, Condy J, Ivala EN & Gachago D
Digital storytelling in a pre-service teachers’ classroom: A community of practice
McBride R & Searson M (eds): Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
International Conference, Chesapeake, VA, 25 March 2013
Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2013, pp 1491-1498, ISBN 978-1-939797-02-5
Dos Reis KM
Utilising service learning as a tool to mentor accounting pre-service teachers
WACE 10th International Symposium on Cooperative & Work-integrated Education, Trollhattan, Sweden, 2-4 June 2014
Lowell, MA: WACE Secretariat Office, 2014, 7pp electronic, ISSN 2152-0518
Livingston C
Engaging in art appreciation: A digital autobiographical perspective
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 107-126, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Mhakure D, Jacobs MS & Julie C
Grade 10 students’ facility with rational algebraic fractions in high stakes examination: Observations and interpretations
Lebitso M & Maclean A (eds): 20th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa: Demystifying Mathematics, Volume 1, Kimberly, 07-11 July 2014
Johannesburg: AMESA, 2014, pp 151-163, ISBN 978-0-620-61475-7
Westraadt G
“Constructing” a bridge between less and more
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 127-158, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
journal articles (DHET subsidised)
Badroodien NA
Reading Mandela: The shaping of teacher and teacher education policy
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 44(6):977-982, 2014
Blease B & Condy JL
What challenges do foundation phase teachers experience when teaching writing in rural multigrade classes?
South African Journal of Childhood Education, 4(2):36-56, 2014
Chetty RP
Class dismissed? Youth resistance and the politics of race and class in South African education
Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 28(1):88-102, 2014
Chigona A, Chigona W & Davids Z
Educators’ motivation on intergration of ICTs into pedagogy: Case of disadvantaged areas
South African Journal of Education, 34(3):1-8, 2014
Davids MN
Is action research coming of age? The value of an action research history project in professional development
Yesterday & Today, 11:1-20, 2014
Davids MN
Setting the pace for a new race towards an HIV-free society: Selected HIV and sex discourses of teachers
Southern African Review of Education, 20(1):109128, 2014
Davids MN
Traditional tutorial system – Fit for purpose or past its sell-by date? University students’ pedagogical experiences
South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(2):338-354, 2014
Davids MN
Using Foucauldian “discursive practices” as conceptual framework for the study of teachers’ discourses of HIV and sexuality
Perspectives in Education, 32(3):36-49, 2014
Gachago D, Condy JL, Ivala EN & Chigona A
“All stories bring hope because stories bring awareness”: Students’ perceptions of digital storytelling for social justice education
South African Journal of Education, 34(4):1-12, 2014
Klopper B
Metakognitiewe bewustheid as vereiste vir die effektiewe onderrig van leesbegripstrategieë
(Metacognitive awareness as a requirement for the effective teaching of reading comprehension strategies)
LitNet Akademies, 10(2):197-230, 2013
Kronenberg CW
Equality, solidarity and the human condition: Categories of humanism in José Martí’s anticolonial critique
Latin American Perspectives, 41(4):28-47, 2014
Kronenberg CW
The power of ideas: The ethical-aesthetic dimension of Jose Marti’s humanist teachings
Hispanic Research Journal – Iberian and Latin American Studies, 15(3):191-204, 2014
Linnegar KM, Condy JL & McKinney EM
The impact of poor working memory skills on a Grade 2 learner’s written and oral literacy performance
Reading and Writing, 5(1):1-6, 2014
Reeves CA & Robinson M
Assumptions underpinning the conceptualisation of professional learning in teacher education
South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(1):236-253, 2014
Sayed YM & Badat S
Post-1994 South African education: The challenge of social justice
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 652:127-148, 2014
Sosibo ZC
The effects of supervisors’ formative feedback: Reflections of students in a postgraduate programme
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, 27(2):306-326, 2013
Sosibo ZC
Improving quality in higher education: A reflection on external and internal programme reviews
Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, 12:240259, 2014
Sosibo ZC & Nomlomo V
Teachers’conceptions of standards in South African basic education and training: A case study
Perspectives in Education, 32(1):73-87, 2014
Van der Bijl AJ
Critical Management Research (CMR): Reassessment of the marketing in education discourse in South Africa
Journal of Contemporary Management, 11:1-17, 2014 journal articles
(not DHET subsidised)
Adendorff SA & Moodley T
Intermediate and senior phase mathematics teachers’ perceptions of curriculum advisors
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(15):424-433, 2014
Chigona A
Using multimedia technology to build a community of practice: Pre-service teachers and digital storytelling in South Africa
International Journal of Education and Development
Using Information and Communication Technology, 9(3):17-27, 2013
Dagada R & Chigona A
Integration of e-learning into curriculum delivery at university level in South Africa
South Africa International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 3(1):53-65, 2013
De Silva CR & Hill MA
Higher order reading skills and reader response theory: Strategies for the classroom
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 1.02:87-108, 2013
Dippenaar AJF, Human-Vogel S & Van der Linde M
Exploring experiences of pre-service teachers in community engagement: “Let us work in communities!”
Educational Research for Social Change, 4(1):55-67, 2014
Gachago D, Cronje F, Ivala EN, Condy J & Chigona A
Using digital counterstories as multimodal pedagogy among South African pre-service student educators to produce stories of resistance
Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 12(1): 29-42, 2014
Gachago D, Ivala EN, Condy J & Chigona A
Journeys across differences: Pre-service teacher education students perceptions of pedagogy of discomfort in a digital storytelling module in South Africa
Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 1(1):22-52, 2013
Ivala EN, Gachago D, Condy J & Chigona A
Digital storytelling and reflection in higher education: A case of pre-service student teachers and their lecturers at a university of technology.
Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2(1):217-227, 2014
Ivala EN, Gachago D, Condy J & Chigona A
Enhancing student engagement with their studies: A digital storytelling approach
Creative Education, 4(10A):82-89, 2013
King J & Chetty R
Codeswitching: Linguistic and literacy understanding of teaching dilemmas in multilingual classrooms Linguistics and Education, 25:40-50, 2014
Kronenberg C
The intellectual in the present era of turbulence
The Educational Journal, Centenary Edition:17-20, 2013
Kronenberg C
The racial tag and human discrimination: Part I – Lessons for teachers from Brazil
The Educational Journal, November:4-8, 2014
Van der Bijl AJ
Work integrated learning for college lecturers
TVET College Times, 39:4, December 2014
Postgraduate degrees conferred
Potberg CA
Factors contributing to school effectiveness in a disadvantaged community in the Western Cape: A case study
Supervisors: Prof R Chetty, Dr A Chigona
Schreuder GR
Teacher professional development: The case of quality teaching in accounting at selected Western Cape schools
Supervisor: Prof R Chetty
Ahmed Z cum laude
Teachers’ perceptions of the integration of socio-scientific issues in their science classes
Supervisors: Prof F Lubben, Ms M Sadeck
Allie F
A comparative analysis of school principals’ leadership style on the effectiveness of schools
Supervisor: Prof L Sosibo
Andrich CC
Grade R teachers’ subject knowledge of visual perceptual skills for early reading Supervisors: Dr A Steenkamp, Ms A Hill
Blease B
Exploring writing practices in two foundation phase rural multigrade classes
Supervisor: Prof J Condy
Cozett DC
Determining the efficacy of the home school partnership programme (HSPP)
Supervisor: Prof J Condy
Duvenhage A
Mathematical material in multigrade teaching Supervisor: Dr VA Jordaan
Fredericks EJ
Exploring Grade 3 teachers’ strategies in the teaching of writing literacy
Supervisor: Dr C Mosito
Jaffer F
Student and staff perceptions of “being a student” in the Nature Conservation Foundation Programme
Supervisor: Prof J Garraway
Mahofa E
Code switching in the learning of word problems in Mathematics Grade 10
Supervisor: Dr S Adendorff
Meyer MJ
Challenges facing the implementation of the Employment Equity Act in public Further Education and Training colleges in the Western Cape
Supervisor: Prof L Sosibo
Rooi CB
An educator’s intervention to involve parents with English literacy homework of primary schools learners
Supervisor: Dr B Thuynsma
Sampson CA
Reading practices in two urban multigrade foundation phase classes
Supervisor: Prof J Condy
Steyn G
Purposeful questioning in Grade 1
Mathematics: A communicative tool towards conceptual understanding
Supervisor: Dr S Adendorff
Van der List W
The practical support of a learner with dyslexia by means of an instructional planning process
Supervisors: Dr J Joubert, Dr C Livingston
Van Niekerk SE
A strategy to assist rural multigrade schools in reducing the dropout rate experience in high schools
Supervisors: Dr C Livingstone, Dr R Chetty
Postgraduate degrees obtained by staff members
PhD Stellenbosch University
Thornhill C
First additional language teaching in selected Grade 4 to 6 classes in urban Western Cape schools: The case of Afrikaans
MPhil (ICT)
University of Cape Town
Fagan D
Social construction of pedagogical ICT discourse: The case of a university of technology in South Africa