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South African r enewable Energy Technology Centre (SA r ETEC)
Mr Howard Fawkes
Mr Sven Pietrangeli pietrangelis@cput.ac.za
SARETEC is the first National Renewable Energy Technology Centre in South Africa. It is situated on CPUT’s Bellville campus. SARETEC offers specialised industry-related and accredited training for the entire renewable energy (RE) industry, along with tailored short courses and workshops. The centre receives funding from the DHET through the National Skills Fund (NSF) and substantial support from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, through the South African-German Energy Programme (SAGEN), implemented by the GIZ, the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) and Green Cape.
As a National Centre, SARETEC endeavours to make locally developed technologies more accessible to the renewable energy industry in partnership with education and research institutions in all provinces. The centre has established strong partnerships with government, academia, industry, associations and private sector companies within the renewable energy sector. The facility is housed in a green building designed to showcase the use of renewable energy and energy efficient technology.
SAReTeC makes its film debut
SareTeC features in the 24 Hours of reality: 24 reasons for Hope film, launched online in September 2014. The film is an initiative of the Climate reality Project, an organisation spearheaded by former american VicePresident and Nobel Laureate, Mr al Gore. It aims to create awareness about climate change, and advocates a global shift to renewable energy.
SareTeC is a partnership between local universities and a national training facility for renewable energy technicians. SareTeC Project Manager, Mr Howard fawkes, said the film covers the status of global warming and the global actions that are underway to mitigate its negative effects.
Highlights for 2014
SARETEC has already supported a number of initiatives in renewable energy training: for more information please visit:
• The centre’s staff collaborated on the development of the Wind Turbine Service Technician qualification and the Solar PV Technician qualification.
• SARETEC, together with GIZ and the wind energy industry, supported the selection and training of two groups of wind energy technicians in Germany.
• This centre has provided trained South African technicians in response to the demand of operations and maintenance companies for skilled personnel.
- http://www.saretec.co.za
- https://www.cput.ac.za/academic/faculties/engineering/research-centres/93-faculties-adepartments/faculty-of-engineering/5196-about-saretec filmmaker and producer, Mr Jeff Barbee, covered the contributions from several african countries for the film in the first part of 2014. He spent a day with Mr fawkes and the SareTeC team, and some time at the SareTeC site. “This is a major global media event and SareTeC is proud to be part of it,” said Mr fawkes.
SAReTeC features in the film 24 hours of Reality: 24 Reasons for hope