21 minute read
website Attributes r esearch Centre ( wA r C)
Prof Melius Weideman weidemanm@cput.ac.za
WARC focuses on research in the knowledge economy – specifically, improving the ranking of websites on search engines, and improving website usability.
A research project was done by WARC in 2014, aiming to empower senior students to take the first steps towards becoming active researchers, and to gather empirical data on the way Google Scholar indexes academic documents.
Two groups of students, one from CPUT and one from the Munich University of Applied Sciences, were tasked to do a basic research project (which included a literature survey and empirical work), and record the results in the form of an academic article. These articles were then edited, reviewed and improved to meet a given standard in terms of academic rigour. They were then published online according to the Google Scholar prescriptions, and submitted to Google Scholar and the three big search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo!). These four indices were then closely monitored over a six month period.
The results were very positive, with all these working papers indexed by all four crawlers. Top five rankings were achieved on the three big search engines by some articles.
The article topics included:
- Single-word versus hyphenated domain name choices
- On-page elements affecting the visibility of a webpage to search engines
- Dynamic webpages and high visibility through SEO
- Search engine interface design
- Free website visibility measurement tools
- Perception of paid placement schemes in the top three search engines
- Measurement of user behaviour
- Search engine algorithm updates and future trends
- Interface design: South African e-commerce websites
- RTBF: The right to be forgotten
- Visibility and mobile web design
- Black-hat SEO communities
- Social media trending and internet traffic
- Digital library visibility
- Minimal text and search engine advertisements
- Search engine query generation
- Webmaster tool features
Students participating in the study reported a better understanding of research principles and new insight into search engine indexing and crawler operation. The Google Scholar system for these articles can be viewed at: http://www.web-visibility. co.za/website-visibility-abstracts-seo.htm
Ruhode E
Integrated architecture framework for e-government: A soci-technical assessment of e-government policy documents
Halpin E, Griffin D, Rankin C, Dissanayake L & Mahtab
N (eds): Digital Public Administration and E-Government in Developing Nations: Policy and Practice
Information Science Reference, 2013, pp 74-96, ISBN 978-1-4666-3691-0
Tapela N & Seedat M
Developing a framework for neighborhood environmental assessments for child safety: Reflections on a pilot project on child injury risks and interventions in Vlakfontein, Johannesburg
Javangwe G & Chirisa I (eds): Navigating the Contours of African Childhood Experiences: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Palo Alto, CA: Academica Press, 2013, pp 65-91, ISBN 978-1-936320-59-2
Conference papers
Aboghe Ekomie NG & Pike ME
Mind the gap: Environmental communication and implementation, SACOMM Conference, Potchefstroom, 30 September-3 October 2014
Adeyeye M, Makitla & Fogwill T
A platform-agonistic framework for the WebRTC methods, IEEE Africon, Mauritius, 9-12 September 2013
Angu PE
From brick walls to virtual space: Using a computermediated programme to enhance the language and communication skills of Information Technology students, International Conference on Research Challenges in Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Antwerp, Belgium, 7-9 July 2014
Barnes V, Gachago D & Ivala EN
Digital storytelling and authentic learning: A case study in industrial design, Authentic Learning Colloquium, Cape Town, 22 March 2013
Barnes V, Gachago D & Ivala EN
Engaging the non-traditional student through digital narratives, 5th International Digital Storytelling Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 8-10 May 2013
Coleman L
Curriculum decision making and the consequences for student assignment practice: the case of a vocational film production course, UKZN 8th Annual Teaching and Learning Higher Education Conference, Pietermaritzburg, 25-27 September 2014
Coleman L
Film clips, storyboards, logos and websites: Exploring texts and practices in vocational higher education Regional Colloquium on Academic Literacies: Scholarship, Research and Practice in the South African Context, Cape Town, 14 November 2014
Coleman L
“Looking both ways”: Accommodating the students and the curriculum in research design, Curriculum Conversations Symposium, Cape Town, 10-11 June 2014
Coleman L
“There is no fence around the university”: Researching the experiences of first-year students, RITAL Conference, Cape Town, 2 December 2014
Coleman L
Understanding texts and practices in the university of technology context using a social practice lens,
HELTASA Conference, Bloemfontein, 18-21 November 2014
Cronjé JC
Design 3.0: The implications of Web 3.0 for design, 3rd DDR Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 17-19 July 2013
Cronjé JC
Doing IT for free: Reflections on open courseware, open access and open learning, E-Learning Africa Conference, Windhoek, 30 May 2013
Cronjé JC
Leading change in a digital age, African Education Week, Johannesburg, 20 June 2013
Cronjé JC
Learning 3.0: The implications of Web 3.0 for teaching and learning in higher education, AMABUBESHI ICT Summit, Johannesburg, 28 March 2014
Cronjé JC
Learning and Instructional Design 3.0, HETL Anchorage Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 31 May-2 June 2014
Cronjé JC
Why don’t use the library, International Association of Technology Using Librarians (IATUL), Cape Town, 15 April 2013
Cronjé JC & De la Harpe A
The ICT skills shortage: Closing the gap between government, industry and tertiary institutions, 14th International Winelands Conference, Stellenbosch, 1 April 2014
Delport-Voulgarelis H & Perold R
Towards entrepreneur-activist architectural practice, UIA 25th World Congress of Architecture, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Delport-Voulgarelis H, Perold R & Jordaan J
Towards mapping student learning using the LCT dimensions of specialisation and semantics, RITAL Conference, Cape Town, 2 December 2014
Dlamini MA & Pike ME
Corporate social responsibility: Observe, facilitate and participate, SACOMM Conference, Potchefstroom, 30 September-3 October 2014
Du Preez V & Barnes V
Access to learn: Using universal design and technology to facilitate access to learning, Universal Design Africa Conference, Cape Town, 19 August 2014
Francke E & Alexander B
Meeting the challenge of educating the digitally engaged student at a university of technology in South Africa, Joint International Conference on Engineering Education & International Conference on Information Technology, Riga, Latvia, 2-6 June 2014
Garraway J & Morkel J
Learning in practice through a CHAT transformatory lens, International Consortium for Educational Development, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June 2014
George P, M’Rithaa MK & Hattingh GD
Cognitive arousal is inspiration for design thinking: Sustaining eco-awareness: Adopting a deep approach to learning through found objects, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
Gyogluu S & Tapela N
Spatial footprints of mineral-resources driven urbanisation and urban development: Implications for the planning of mining towns and regions in Ghana, 3rd DDR Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 17-19 July 2013
Iheanetu O & Adeyeye M
Finite state representation of reduplication process in Igbo, IEEE Africon, Mauritius, 9-12 September 2013
Itoumba Pambou R & Pike ME
A public relations framework for political communication in a participative democracy, SACOMM Conference, Potchefstroom, 30 September-3 October 2014
Jordaan J
Investigating the agency of the architect in postapartheid “place-making”, 4th Global Conference on Place and Space, Oxford, UK, 9-12 September 2013
Jordaan J
Seducing the spectator through expression, motion and dreams of places gone by, 5th Global Conference: Performance, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-9 November 2014
Kayster DK & Pike ME
Effective communication to developing rail tourism in Cape Town, South Africa, SACOMM Conference, Potchefstroom, 30 September-3 October 2014
King CE
“Gays are the new Jews”: Homophobic representations in Africa media versus Twitterverse empathy, 1st Global Conference on Empathy, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-9 November 2014
Lecanides-Arnott MC
Developing intuitive thinking in designers: Criticism and creative process in tertiary foundation education
EKSIG 2013: International Conference of the Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group of the Design Research Society, Loughborough, UK, 4-5 July 2013
Makwambeni B
Articulating cultural studies in the evaluation of contemporary entertainment education (E-E) television on HIV and AIDS in black South African communities, Contemporary Orientations in African Cultural Studies, Ontario, Canada, 31 May-1 June 2014
Morkel J
Design learning goes online: The role of ICT in architecture education, Architecture Education Symposium, Johannesburg, 24 January 2014
Morkel J
Scanning, tagging, telling and prompting: The use of digital tools to mediate enquiry-based learning, eLearning Update, Johannesburg, 21-23 July 2014
Morkel J & Hitge L
To scaffold architecture design reasoning, Learning Landscapes Conference, Cape Town, 15-17 April 2014
Morkel J & Poulsen L
A part-time blended architectural learning programme, UIA Otherwhere International Congress, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Munyai K & M’Rithaa MK
The possible contribution of small-scale vegetable leather tanning enterprises to sustainable job creation in South Africa, International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 November-1 December 2013
Nwabueze NS & Pike ME
Towards establishing an interchangeable nomenclature for four friends of public relations, SACOMM Conference, Potchefstroom, 30 September-3 October 2014
Nwabueze NS & Pike ME
Words and actions: Corporate communication strategy and implementation, CPUT Postgraduate Conference, Cape Town, 5 November 2014
Nzawou A & Warden SC
E-commerce strategies for SMME sustained growth in the manufacturing sector, 15th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, Cape Town, 10-13 September 2013
Patrick S & M’Rithaa MK
Design to empower: A symbolic relationship between form and function, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
Pauwels P, Morkel J & De Bod R
Reasoning processes involved in ICT-mediated design communication, 10th Biannual NordDesign Conference: Creating Together, Espoo, Finland, 27-29 August 2014
Pepler EM
Merging principles of design thinking and media literacy en route to an innovative approach to a pedagogy of critical thinking, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
Perold R & Jack O
Learning together: Communities, students and shack reblocking, 14th International Winelands Conference, Stellenbosch, 1 April 2014
Pinfold NRB
An overview of the Flamingo Crescent Community Engagement and Service-learning Project within CPUT, Association of African Planning Schools, Africa Urban Planning and the Global South, Cape Town, 17-19 November 2014
Pinfold NRB
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) pedagogy as a catalyst for community engagement, Geospatial World Forum Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 5-9 May 2014
Ralarala MK, Angu PE & Lin D
Studying at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology: Language challenges experienced by international students, Education Association of South Africa Conference, Clarens, 12-15 January 2014
Slabbert BP & Jordaan J
Deciphering the dynamics of darkness: Discovering fear and fantasy through shadows, silence and the invisible, 1st Global Conference on Empathy, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-9 November 2014
Slabbert BP & Jordaan J
Space as a temporal spatial event: An investigation of South African contemporary exhibition spaces in historical buildings, 4th Global Conference on Place and Space, Oxford, UK, 9-12 September 2013
Snaddon B
Design thinking and the World Design Capital 2014 story, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Tapela N
Harnessing the regional developmental potential of mineral resources booms: Reflections on post-Marikana unravelling of South Africa’s mining regime, 3rd DDR Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 17-19 July 2013
Tedre M, Brash D, Mannikko-Barbutiu J & Cronjé J
Towards identification and classification of core and threshold concepts in methodology education in computing, Innovation & Technology in Computer Science Education, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-25June 2014
Theo LJ
Empathy in news reporting: Framing sexual minorities in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1st Global Conference on Empathy, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-9 November 2014
Van Zyl I
Towards social media ecology in research and development: Positioning the Kujali living lab, 12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (IFIP WG 9.4), Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 19-22 May 2013
Van Zyl I & Du Preez V
Youth at risk: Envisioning a design response, 12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (IFIP WG 9.4), Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 19-22 May 2013
Van Zyl I & Pennanen T
Service design as an approach for envisioning e-health solutions: Mapping the context of development in Grabouw, Western Cape, Health Informatics South Africa 2013, Port Elizabeth, 3-5 July 2013
Van Zyl I, Sabiescu A & Pucciarelli M
(Re)Defining the role of the teacher in networked learning: The technology-foreducation experience in South African primary schools, 2013 Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Research in Education, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23 August 2013
Weideman M
Comparison between the visibility of the CUL digital library content through its interface and free-form searching, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014) & International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2014), London, 8-12 September 2014
Conference posters
Brand D & Chisin AV
Design of a visual arts-based intervention within the Olifants River valley, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Debrah DR, Li Y, M’Rithaa MK & Chisin AV
Merging cultures by design: A synthesis of indigenous knowledge systems in Asia and Africa, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Debrah DR, M’Rithaa MK & Chisin AV
Participatory design without borders: Addressing climate change from the African perspective, 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 9-10 September 2014
Debrah DR, M’Rithaa MK & Chisin AV
Quest for fire, water, earth and air: A visual approach to climate change, 13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek, 6-10 October 2014
Morkel J
The online learning conversation: Conceptual design reasoning in architecture, UIA Otherwhere International Congress, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Morkel J & Poulsen L
Architecture studio learning online: A virtual interface, UIA Otherwhere International Congress, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Mustafa A, De la Harpe R & M’Rithaa D
Information behaviour in midwifery: A case study of an intrapartum care environment in the Western Cape, South Africa, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Ntlangula BM & Weideman M
Relationship between website usability and web metrics in South African e-commerce websites, ACM/IEEE Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, London, 8-12 August 2014
Nzawou A & Warden S
E-commerce strategy guidelines for SMME sustained growth in the manufacturing sector, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Okoli NJ, Barnes J & De la Harpe A
The potential for telecommuting to reduce environmental pollution in South Africa, CPUT Research Day, 27 November 2014
Weideman M
Articles, papers, chapters, theses: Who wins the visibility wars? ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries & International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, London, 8-12 September 2014
Conference proceedings
Aheto SPK & Cronjé JC
A rhizoanalysis of learning connections among higher education learners
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 439-457, ISBN 978-0-62062981-2
Chisin A, Van Niekerk J & M’Rithaa MK
Quest for fire, water, earth and air: An interaction design bus and art installation reflecting climate change concerns through human and elemental connectedness
Iversen O, Winschiers-Theophilus H, D’Andrea V, Bossen C, Teli M & Bodker K (eds):
13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek, 6-10 October 2014
NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp 183-185, ISBN 978-1-4503-3214-9
Coleman L
Avoiding deficit conceptualisations of students and their learning: Methodological considerations
Tisani N & Hlengwa A (eds): HELTASA Conference, Pretoria, 27-29 November 2013
UNISA, 2013, pp 5-20, ISBN: 978-0-620-60939-5
Debrah RD, De la Harpe M, Bhebe SV & M’Rithaa MK
Multimedia learning and nursing informatics education in South Africa
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 415-438, ISBN 978-0-62062981-2
De la Harpe AC & Mtongana BO
Implementation issues enterprise architecture in the provincial government of the Western Cape, South Africa
Kommers P, Isaias P, Gauzente C, Nunes M, Peng G & Macedo M (eds): International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2014, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2014, E-Commerce
2014, Information Systems Post-Implementation and Change Management 2014 and E-Health
2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 July 2014
International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press, 2014, pp 207-214, ISBN 978-989-8704-11-5
De la Harpe M
Interactions of participants during mobile development of a healthcare application
Blashki K & Xiao Y (eds): International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
2014, Game and Entertainment Technologies 2014 and Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 15-19 July 2014
International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press, 2014, pp 35-44, ISBN 978-989-8533-22-7
Di Ruvo EM & Cronjé JC
#WDC541 MIDA object and symbol: A multidisciplinary participatory design workshop
Breytenbach A, Pope K, Laubscher D, Freschi F & Collina L (eds): Design with the other 90%: Cumulus
Johannesburg Conference, Johannesburg, 22-24 September 2014
Johannesburg: Greenside Design Centre & UJ, 2014, pp 22-27, ISBN 978-0-620-60373-7
Dittrich Y, De la Harpe M, Korpela M, Macueve G, Bekele R & Kaasboll J
Participation for development
Iversen O, Winschiers-Theophilus H, D’Andrea V, Bossen C, Teli M & Bodker K (eds): 13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek, 6-10 October 2014
NY: The Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp 213-214, ISBN 978-1-4503-3214-9
Du Preez V
Adding value: Exploring user contexts in service design toolkits
Breytenbach A, Pope K, Laubscher D, Freschi F & Collina L (eds): Design with the other 90%: Cumulus
Johannesburg Conference, Johannesburg, 22-24 September 2014
Johannesburg: Greenside Design Centre & UJ, 2014, pp 35-43, ISBN 978-0-620-60373-7
Du Preez V, Barnes VE & Futerman RG
Understanding group work in higher education: Establishing a culture of deliberation amongst design students
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 285-305, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Futerman RG
The role of activity theory as a reflection tool in participatory design practices
Breytenbach A, Pope K, Laubscher D, Freschi F & Collina L (eds): Design with the other 90%: Cumulus Johannesburg Conference, Johannesburg, 22-24 September
Johannesburg: Greenside Design Centre & UJ, 2014, pp 44-50, ISBN 978-0-620-60373-7
George PVA, M’Rithaa MK & Hattingh G
A phenomenological approach to sustaining eco-awareness: Adopting a deep approach to learning through found objects
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 8-29, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Grabar N, Van Zyl IJ, De la Harpe M & Hamon T
The comprehension of medical words: Crosslingual experiments in French and Xhosa
Bienkiewicz M, Verdier C, Plantier G, Schultz T, Fred A & Gamboa H (eds): International Conference on Health Informatics 2014, Loirey Valley, France, 3-6 March 2014
SCITEPRESS, 2014, pp 334-342, ISBN 978-989-758-010-9
Khan G, Hanmer L & Korpela M
Context sensitivity and process improvement as influencers to EMR adoption by clinicians: Implementer perspectives
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 394-404, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Lipito HNK & Van Zyl IJ
Youth empowerment: The role of service design and mobile technology in accessing reproductive health information
Iversen O, Winschiers-Theophilus H, D’Andrea
V, Bossen C, Teli M & Bodker K (eds):
13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek, 6-10 October 2014
New York: The Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp 103-106, ISBN 978-1-4503-3214-9
Miettinen S, Du Preez V, Chivuno-Kuria S & Ipito HM
My dream world 2: Constructing the service prototype with Namibian youth Iversen O, Winschiers-Theophilus H, D’Andrea V, Bossen C, Teli M & Bodker K (eds): 13th Participatory Design Conference, Windhoek, 06-10 October 2014
New York: The Association for Computing Machinery, 2014, pp 201-202, ISBN 978-1-4503-3214-9
Mlitwa NBW
Exploratory enunciation of IT related graduate courses: The M-BIS and the M-ICT degrees at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Gomez-Chova L, Lopez-Martinez A &Torres I (eds): 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2014), Seville,
Spain, 17-19 November 2014
International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED)
IATED Academy, 2014, pp 4269-4284, ISBN 978-84-617-2484-0
Mlitwa NBW & Ncubukezi T
The activity theory framework to analyze the security aspect of e-learning in South African higher education spaces: A case study of CPUT
Gomez L, Martinez A & Torres I (eds): 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2013), Seville, Spain, 18-20 November 2013
International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2013, pp 7345-7355, ISBN 978-84-616-3847-5
Noakes T, Walton M, Venter M & Cronjé JC
Phone to photoshop: Mobile workarounds in young people’s visual self-presentation strategies
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 159-182, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Pather S & Bagui L
Internet of hope: Perceptions of internet in marginalised communities of the Cape of Good Hope
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 273-284, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Patrick S & M’Rithaa MK
A symbiotic relationship between form and function (User value)
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 592-603, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2
Perold R & Devisch O
Sustainability and difference in suburban Cape Town
2nd Annual Association of Architectural Educators (AAE) Conference 2014: Living and Learning, Sheffield, UK, 3-5 September 2014
Sheffield, UK: Sheffield University, 2014, pp 190-194, ISBN 978-0-9929705-2-9
Pinfold NRB
Generating new knowledge with and in a community setting
Patel Y, Minyuku N, Van der Bank C, Mohan K & Ogra A (eds): Planning Africa 2014: Making Great Places, Durban, 19-22 October 2014
Johannesburg: South African Planning Institute, 2014, pp 67-77, ISBN 978-0-86970-781-4
Rambhoros M
Sugarcane (air)fields: The effects of the aerotropolis on the evolution of place
Osman A, Bruyns G & Aigbavboa C (eds): XXV World Congress of Architecture: Architecture Otherwhere Resilience-Ecology-Values, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Durban: UIA 2014, 2014, pp 268-278, ISBN 978-0-86970-783-8
Tokarova L & Weideman M
Understanding the process of learning touchscreen mobile applications
31st ACM International Conference on Design of
Communication (SIGDOC 2013), Greenville, NC, 30 September-1 October 2013
New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 2013, pp 157-164, ISBN 978-1-45032131-0
Van Blerk WE, De la Harpe AC & Cronjé JC
IT alignment intelligence: The role of emotional intelligence in business and IT alignment
Kommers P, Isaias P, Gauzente C, Nunes M, Peng G & Macedo M (eds): International Conferences on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2014, Web Based Communities and Social Media 2014, E-Commerce, Information Sytems PostImplementation and Change Management 2014 and E-Health 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-19 July 2014
International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Press, 2014, pp 3-12, ISBN 978-989-8704-11-5
Van Zyl IJ & De la Harpe M
Mobile application design for health intermediaries: Considerations for information access and use
Bienkiewicz M, Verdier C, Plantier G, Schultz T, Fred A & Gamboa H (eds): International Conference on Health Infomatics 2014, Loirey Valley, France, 3-6 March 2014
SCITEPRESS, 2014, pp 323-328, ISBN 978-989-758-010-9
Voulgarelis HE & Perold R
Towards entrepreneur activist architectural practice
Osman A, Bruyns G & Aigbavboa C (eds): XXV World Congress of Architecture: Architecture
Otherwhere Resilience-Ecology-Values, Durban, 3-7 August 2014
Durban: UIA 2014, 2014, pp 1610-1617, ISBN 978-0-86970-783-8
Warden SC, Han X & Nzawou A
Staff turnover within the micro retail sector retail track: Business design
De la Harpe R, Warden S & Appiah E (eds): 4th DDR Conference, Cape Town, 8-10 September 2014
CPUT, 2014, pp 458-473, ISBN 978-0-620-62981-2 journal articles (DHET subsidised)
De la Harpe M
The level of participation during the development of a mobile application for home-based healthcare data in a developing context: An actor-network theory perspective
South African Computer Journal, 54:20-33, 2014
Duveskog M, Sutinen Erkki E & Cronjé JC
Design milieux for learning environments in African contexts
British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4):581-594, 2014
Foudazi F & M’Rithaa MK
Sustainable cooling solutions for application in Western Cape Province, South Africa
International journal of sustainable development, 16(1/2):246-268, 2014
Gachago D, Ivala EN, Barnes VE, Felix-Minnaar JV, Morkel J & Vajat N
Towards the development of digital storytelling practices for use in resource-poor environments, across disciplines and with students from diverse backgrounds
South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(3):961-982, 2014
Garraway JW, Hugo CV & De Waal B
Futures studies and scenarios of degrees in universities of technology
Progressio, 36(1):19-33, 2014
Garraway JW & Morkel J
Learning at sites of practice
Progressio, 36(2):22-37, 2014
Lecanides-Arnott MC
Criticism, self-criticism, generative criticism: Developing self-awareness and confidence in students of design
South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(3):1085-1106, 2014
Lecanides-Arnott MC
Drawing as “learning to see”: A strategy to locate the “white/open space” that encourages intuitive thinking in designers
Studies in Material Thinking, 10:1-17, March 2014
Morkel JDV
Open Architecture: Authentic education for the future Architecture South Africa: Journal of the South African Institute of Architects, 64:18-19, 2013
Visser EB & Weideman M
Fusing website usability and search engine optimisation
South African Journal of Information Management, 16(1):1-9, 2014
journal articles (not DHET subsidised)
Angu PE
The academic writing challenges of undergraduate students: A South African case study
International Journal of Higher Education, 3(1):12-22, 2014
Angu PE
An alternative approach for designing and teaching of communication skills to university of technology students
International Journal of Higher Education, 3(2):52-62, 2014
Appiah E & Cronjé JC
Exploring information and communication theory in graphic design education with activity theory
International Journal of Computer Applications, 84(12):15-22, 2013
Emmanuel M, M’Rithaa MK & Kolisi B
Ethnography of women’s perception of their workwear: Comparative study between South Africa and Uganda Journalism and Mass Communication, 4(8):517-526, 2014
Lecanides-Arnott MC
Drawing as “learning to see”: A strategy to locate the “white/open space” that encourages intuitive thinking in designers Studies in Material Thinking: The Art of Research, 10:1-17, 2014
Perold R Kleinwingerd Digest of South African Architecture, 18:146-147, 2014
Technical reports
Bangani A & Weideman M
A comparison of the effect of single-word versus hyphenated domain name choices in website visibility, CPUT, 2014
Bluemel A & Weideman M
A ranked summary of on-page elements affecting webpage visibility to search engines, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Bougaardt R & Weideman M
The effect of search engine interface design on users’ perception of search engine choice, CPUT, 2014
Farrell J & Weideman M
Using past search engine algorithm updates to predict future trends, CPUT, 2014
Genius JC & Weideman M
The evaluation of website visibility using free non-Google measurement tools: Part 1, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Gschnell M & Weideman M
A critical investigation of “The Right to be Forgotten”: A Google case study, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Haag M & Weideman M
The relationship between search query length and user internet exposure, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Hansbauer S & Weideman M
Challenges, evaluation and effects on visibility of mobile web design: A case study of amazon. com & bbc.com, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Holzmann S & Weideman M
The status quo of black hat search engine optimisation communities, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Kennedy T & Weideman M
The effect of social media trending topics on internet traffic, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Kona O & Weideman M
Website interface design: A study on the status quo of South African e-commerce website interfaces, CPUT, 2014
Pandya R & Weideman M
Relationship between use of dynamic web pages and high visibility through SEO, CPUT, 2014
Pombo L & Weideman M
The implementation and perception of paid placement schemes in the top three search engines, CPUT, 2014
Ralarala MK & Angu PE
The language challenges experienced by international students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Report on research project endorsed by the CPUT Senate Language Committee and Language Working Group, Fundani (CHED), 2014
Reznik P & Weideman M
Identification, organization and influence sphere of black hat search engine optimisation organisations, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Skorna O & Weideman M
The degree of visibility of university digital libraries to search engines, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Syrotkin D & Weideman M
The evaluation of website visibility using free non-Google measurement tools: Part 2, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Vásquez Núñez E & Weideman M
An investigation of the use of minimal text to write effective search engine paid advertisements, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Widmann R & Weideman M
Query generation and search behaviour of the average web user, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Woerner M & Weideman M
A comparison between the webmaster tool features of the big three search engines, Munich University of Applied Science, 2014
Postgraduate degrees conferred
DTech: Design
Appiah E
Exploration of ICT for graphic design education at a public university: Issues of ideation and pedagogy
Supervisors: Prof JC Cronjé, Prof MK M’Rithaa
Munyai K
Small-scale sustainable vegetable-tanned leather in rural South Africa: A collectiveefficiency approach
Supervisors: Prof MK M’Rithaa, Prof MS Moloko, Dr PE Angu
DTech: Information Technology
Kabaso B
Health information systems interoperability in Africa
Supervisors: Prof M Korpela, Late Prof V Owei
MTech: Design
Boer S
Challenges in the design of a smart phone (mobile) application for general practitioners: An interaction design approach
Supervisors: Prof J Messeter, Prof R de la Harpe, Prof M M’Rithaa
Booseyns JG
The software ideated plate: Towards designing a new relationship of integration between digital technology and the intaglio process
Supervisors: Dr AV Chisin, Prof JC Cronjé
Carstens AT
Digitising photographic negatives and prints for preservation
Supervisor: Mr IAC Meyer
Kolisi B
Ergonomic consideration for design of women’s functional protective wear for the local construction industry
Supervisors: Ms AG Vlok, Prof MK M’Rithaa
Vallie Z
Social dynamics of a resistance photographer in the 1980s in Cape Town
Supervisor: Mr Meyer
MTech: Information Technology
Afolayan AO
Adoption of ICT innovation by SMMEs in Cape Town, South Africa
Supervisor: Dr A de la Harpe
Moses AG
The strategic role of the Chief Information Officer during post-merger at institutions of higher learning: A case study
Supervisor: Prof R de la Harpe
Ntsham AX
Information flows in the social development grant process: A user experience perspective
Supervisors: Dr van Zyl, Prof R de la Harpe
Van der Poll AE
Multiple symbolism of ICT in academia: A case of the technical vocational education and training (TVET) institution in Cape Town, South Africa
Supervisor: Dr I van Zyl
MTech: Public Relations Management
Bartis HV
Effective leadership communication as a key role in achievement of strategic alignment
Supervisors: Prof G Puth, Dr B Makwambeni
Behrad B
Adding value: The relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), brand value and consumer brand loyalty
Supervisor: Dr B Makwambeni
Bissila Kilonda CG
The use of social media in stakeholder relations management by NGOs in the Western Cape, South Africa
Supervisor: Dr B Makwambeni
Grobbler AM
The role of internal communication as a public relations function in the corporate culture of a university of technology
Supervisor: Ms D Porthen
Kayster DD
Effective communication in developing rail tourism in Cape Town, South Africa
Supervisor: Ms M Pike
Igboanugo SC
Ethical communication in the professional practice of public relations in Cape Town, South Africa
Supervisor: Dr B Makwambeni
Monye AO
Stakeholder loyalty: An exploration of the dynamics of effective organisational communication
Supervisor: Dr E Pepler
Nyilika BN
Tourism marketing in the Western Cape: Optimising inter-organisational collaboration among key regional stakeholders
Supervisor: Dr E Pepler
Postgraduate degree obtained by a staff member
MPhil (Education)
University of Cape Town
Van Dugteren JR
The dynamics of empathy within Participatory Design pedagogy and practice