25 minute read

Faculty of Business & Management Sciences

Prof Paul Green


Researchers strive towards creating an enabling environment for the improvement and effective delivery of quality research and innovation.

Research in the Faculty of Business & Management Sciences (FBMS) is supported by CPUT’s Focus Area 3. It strives to increase CPUT’s trans-/multi- and interdisciplinary attention on Modes 2 and 3 – knowledge production through strategic research initiatives to develop smart technology-driven solutions. Strategic initiatives towards this goal have been the focus of the newly appointed Assistant Dean of Research & Innovation, Prof Renitha Rampersad.

FBMS is guided by Vision 2030: One Smart CPUT, and it is under this framework that it continuously seeks to produce relevant research and innovation focused on societal needs. Student-centred approaches have been prioritised to ensure that postgraduate students are supported to learn in real-world contexts in smart ways. Due to Covid-19, postgraduate support continued online through a series of workshops covering various aspects of research development and postgraduate administration.

The faculty’s staff are involved in a variety of research projects, including: • Discovering paradigms of a quintuple helix model where government, industry, academia and civil participants work together to co-create the future • The internet of needs: Building a breakthrough in marketplace infrastructure • Transformation in the retail sector • Assessing the employment profile and the employment dynamic in South

African restaurants

FBMS takes the motto of ‘Oneness + Smartness’ seriously, and its researchers strive towards creating an enabling environment for the improvement and effective delivery of quality research and innovation.

In 2020, the faculty had 685 students enrolled for postgraduate studies. A total of 69 postgraduate students were awarded degrees, with 44 master’s students and 1 doctoral student graduating in April 2020, and 20 master’s students and 4 doctoral students graduating in December 2020.

FBMS currently has four C3 NRF-rated researchers and two Y2 rated researchers, and produces a healthy publication output annually. Dr Sacha West was recognised with an NRF C3 rating in 2020.

Developing academic research capacity remains a key priority for the faculty. The Emerging Researcher Clinic was developed in 2020 to ensure the continuous creation of opportunities for academic staff to develop and refine their research capabilities.


The faculty boasts two well-established research centres which operate under Focus Area 5: Human & Social Dynamics. Please visit the Focus Area 5 section later in this document to find out more about the 2020 activities of the Human Performance Lab Research Centre for Sport Business & Technology (page 171) and the Centre for Tourism Research in Africa (CETRA) (page 168).


A number of niche areas have been developed stemming from Focus Areas 1 and 6. Although research is inter- and multi-disciplinary, studies revolve mainly around Focus area 6. Please visit the Focus Area 6 section later in this document to find out more about the 2020 activities for the Centre for Business Innovation & Incubation (BIIC) (page 181) and the Marketing Department’s Brand & Digital Research Hub (BDR) (page 186).


Faculty and staff have been awarded various grants to further their research:

• ‘The Big Thing’ is a project funded at R45 million. The grant has been received for a three-year period by the Centre for Business Innovation &

Incubation (BIIC). The project involves mentoring and coaching 2 000 SA youth to become entrepreneurs.

• ‘Determining the employment profile with the hospitality sub-sector with a specific focus on restaurants in South Africa’ is a project funded by the

National Department of Tourism. Project leaders from the Department of


Dr Tshinakaho Nyathela and Ms Mandisa Silo, concluded the report this year, with the aim of influencing the policy regarding employment within SA restaurants.

• ‘The impact of Covid-19 on hospitality establishments in South Africa’ is a national study conducted by the Cape Town Hotel School (CTHS) academic team (Dr Tshinakaho Nyathela-Sunday, Ms Nadia Davids, Ms Nina Septoe,

Ms Celiwe Menze, Ms Ilhaam Banoobhai, Mr Lufuno Sinthumule, Ms

Beverley Seager, Mr Luke van Rensburg and Advocate Anzel Laubscher).

This is a collaborative study with other universities, including the University of Johannesburg, the University of Mpumalanga, Durban University of

Technology and the University of Venda. The purpose of the study is to make necessary recommendations for the recovery of the establishments and also to stay afloat in the ‘new normal’. • Dr Sharhidd Taliep from the Department of Sport Management was the co-recipient of the South African Sweden University Forum (SASUF) grant, which is aimed at building scholarship capacity between SA and Sweden.

The project has two main research capacity aims. The first is to build capacity amongst postgraduate students through conducting workshops run in collaboration with Malmo University, UWC, Lund and CPUT. The second is to build capacity amongst staff. The first phase of this project was completed in

SA where these research workshops were facilitated for students and staff.

The return phase was intended to be completed with the students and staff in

Malmö in Sweden, however, this has been postponed due to Covid-19.

SASUF research workshops were held for postgraduate students and staff

SASUF workshop presenters: Prof Per Wollmer (Lund), Prof Lloyd Leach (UWC), Prof Tomas Peterson (Malmö) and Dr Sharhidd Taliep (CPUT).


5 Human, Health & Social Dynamics

Research Centres: Centre for Tourism Research in Africa Human Performance Laboratory

Research Chair: Wholesale & Retail Leadership (W&RSETA) p 168 p 171

p 162


Dr Michael Twum-Darko serves as FREC Chairperson. During 2020, the committee received 176 applications – 16 from academic staff, 10 from external universities and research institutions, and 150 from students. Of the applications, 140 were approved, 25 received conditional approval and 11 were asked to resubmit for additional information.


Internationalisation continues to be a strategic imperative, and thrives through concerted and collaborative efforts, with tangible outcomes for all stakeholders. Amongst other benefits, students, academics and institutions receive valuable insight to develop a competitive edge; strategic thinking is encouraged, leading to innovation; and tremendous advantages are gained in pedagogy, student and faculty collaboration. Participants gain a better understanding of global issues and how educational systems work across countries, cultures and languages.

During 2020, however, because of Covid-19 and the suspension of international travel, all FBMS internationalisation activities moved online. Despite in-person mobility not being able to take place, the faculty continued to engage and participate in various activities, encouraging all stakeholders to participate in webinars and online conferences. A Forum for Internationalisation was established within the faculty, with a representative from every academic department and unit. Meetings are held quarterly to share best practices and approaches towards international collaboration, as well as to drive the internationalisation strategy within the faculty. Staff from the SIP unit attended the 22nd International Education Association of South Africa (IEASA) annual conference online. This showcased the faculty to five international partners through presenting online at their respective International Weeks, and supported the operationalisation of the BELCO Alliance Agreement through encouraging academics from the Department of Marketing to engage with research collaboration with BELCO Alliance members (BELCO is a consortium of 21 universities spread over the globe collaborating to enhance students employability and personal leadership to be competitive and become global citizens).

Furthermore, through the Teaching & Learning Committee, Dr Diane Bell, Dr Desiree Scholtz and Dr Shairn Hollis-Turner developed Guidelines for Internationalisation of the Curriculum as well as a Self-Reflection Tool which was taken into departments for implementation.

6 The Digital Society

Research Centre: Centre for Business Innovation & Incubation

Research Unit: Brand & Digital Research Hub p 181

p 186

More information about this faculty’s 2020 research activities can be found in the Focus Areas section of this Research Report


The faculty’s collaborations with the following German partners were strengthened through in-person visits (before the global pandemic):

DHBW RAVENSBURG UNIVERSITY This enhanced collaboration with the Retail Business Management department, especially in the area of work-integrated learning.

KOBLENZ UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES During their visit, members of the delegation presented seminars and guest lectures, and there was a book launch at the Cape Town Hotel School. A

scholarship was secured for a Department of Marketing doctoral student to spend three years working (as a research assistant) and studying abroad. This strategic partnership has resulted in multiple academic teaching exchanges, two articles published in accredited journals, three papers presented at international conferences, as well as postgraduate supervision. The first incoming exchange student from Koblenz enrolled at CPUT in the first semester of 2020.

AALEN UNIVERSITY The Department of Tourism & Event Management hosted Prof Ulrich Holzbaur who presented a number of seminars and guest lectures.


Following a presentation at a board meeting of FBMS, the Convocation Covid-19 Fund saw a spike in staff donations. Ms Andiswa Mrasi said the faculty was highly supportive of the initiative and offered some administrative assistance in support of the campaign.

“We are very grateful for the support we have from staff and are still receiving from the faculty, especially the Dean’s office,” said Ms Mrasi. She added that the Dean, Prof Paul Green, committed the faculty’s support after the concept and objectives of the fund were presented at a meeting of the university’s Management Committee (ManCom). Prof Green said that they were happy and proud to support such an important initiative which would assist students with academic resources they require to complete the 2020 academic year.

Ms Andiswa Mrasi, Convocation executive member and head of Covid-19 Fund campaign

The fund announced in October that, since its inception in May, it had raised donations to the value of R380 814. It was officially launched in May by Convocation in partnership with the Advancement Department and the VC’s office to assist the institution in its attempts to save the 2020 academic year in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For donations to the fund use the Account Name CPUT Alumni, ABSA Account No 40 6934 6192, Branch code 630305, Reference ‘Covid’ and please email proof to covid@cput.ac.za


During 2020, agreements with the following international partners were renegotiated and signed: • University of Münster, Germany • Karlstad University, Sweden • Aalen University, Germany


During 2020, the faculty established new international partnerships with the following universities: • Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia: Graduate School of

Management and Innovation • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW):

School of Business – to support a joint curriculum development project with

CPUT’s Graduate Centre for Management

Each partnership within FBMS is located within a particular department to build relationships at professional and discipline levels. This focused approach leads to deeper collaboration which includes activities such as staff development, student and staff mobility, research projects, curriculum development, and co-publishing of books, book chapters, journal articles, etc.


FBMS hosted five international guests from German partner universities from January to March 2020. As a result of the Covid-19 national lock-down and international travel restrictions, the prospective outgoing staff members had to put their travel plans on hold.

The faculty also hosted 23 incoming international exchange students from various European universities during the first semester, but then they had to return to their home countries. 21 of these students completed their exchange programme online through CPUT with an average pass result of 85%. At the beginning of their stay at CPUT, the students participated in a three-day orientation programme which started with a formal event held at the Granger Bay Hotel School where they were welcomed by Dr Desiree Scholtz (Assistant Dean: Teaching & Learning) and Dr Diane Bell (Manager: SIP). They also participated in a guided day tour of the Cape Peninsula and of the informal settlement Nyanga.

In March, SIP hosted a debriefing session with CPUT students who participated in the international exchanges the previous year to obtain feedback on the value of these exchanges and its impact on them, their studies, and their future.

No mobilities for students or staff (incoming or outgoing) took place during the second semester as a result of the ongoing lockdown restrictions.

The below Erasmus+ funded inter-institutional agreements for International Credit Mobility (ICM) were scheduled for implementation this year, but this was not possible due to the pandemic. It is hoped that the EU will allow these agreements to roll over until such time as in-person mobilities can again take place:

• Abertay University, Scotland – collaboration with the Department of Sport

Management for academic staff mobility • Carinthia University, Austria – collaboration with the Department of Financial

Accounting & Taxation for both student and staff mobility • Polytechnic Porto, Portugal – collaboration with the Department of Business

Information & Administration for academic research collaboration including staff mobility

The following Erasmus+ ICM funding applications were successful and secured during 2020:

• Bilgi University, Turkey – collaboration with the Department of Sport

Management • Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Business School), the

Netherlands – collaboration with the Department of Sport Management • University of Economics in Bratislava – collaboration with the Department of Marketing

Despite the current unprecedented times, FBMS continues to strive to achieve its key strategic objective of being the leading faculty regarding internationalisation within CPUT. It pursues this goal using a creative and innovative approach, and embracing the use of technology.


ICBMD 2020 took place in October as a virtual event. The co-host partners were the University of Namibia’s School of Business, the University of Fort Hare, NorthWest University, and the University of KwaZulu-Natal. ICBMD continues to enjoy the reputation of being at the forefront of contemporary issues, challenges and


Alumni from across the globe tuned in for the Advancement Department’s first alumni webinar, which placed the spotlight on ‘Staying alive in the current labour market crisis’. Alumni officer Ms Valerie Deelman said the lockdown, which followed the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, had affected the lives of most people and forced them to adapt.

She continued, “The Covid-19 pandemic has rocked the foundations of the world – economies are struggling, unemployment figures have escalated as a result of companies closing down, staff are being retrenched, demand for products/ services have shrunk and the number of Covid-19 infections and deaths continue to rise. So, we decided to engage with our alumni through hosting a webinar on ‘Staying alive in the current labour market crisis’.”

The Alumni Office invited Dr Liiza Gie, HOD: Human Resource Management at CPUT, SA Board for People Practices, Master HR Professional in Learning & Development and an alumna, to collaborate in hosting its first alumni webinar. Dr Gie was supported by two other alumni and guest speakers, communication professional and entrepreneur Ms Kim Webster and 3D printing technology company Red Village founder, Mr Luvuyo Ndiki. Dr Gie presented ‘Employability in Industry 4.0’, Ms Webster spoke on ‘Coping with the new normal: Surviving Covid-19’, while Mr Ndiki delivered an inspirational message.

Participants in the event received a virtual welcome from Mr Calvin Maseko, Director of the Advancement Department, while Ms Valerie Deelman officiated as programme director with the support of colleagues Ms Helena Pietersen and Ms Nadine Waterwitch.

Ms Kim Webster, Dr Liiza Gie and Mr Luvuyo Ndiki

opportunities. It was once again cutting-edge, contentious and thought-provoking in addressing the theme ‘Enhancing Africa’s development and competitiveness in the digital economy and beyond’. There were 70 delegates and 33 papers were presented. The guest speaker was Prof Willie Tafadzwa Chinyamurindi, professor of Business Management at the University of Fort Hare. The keynote address was delivered by Prof Dileep Kumar, professor of Research and Strategy at Africa Business School, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco. Prof Paul Green, Chairperson of ICBMD 2020 and current Dean of CPUT’s FBMS, welcomed the delegates. The opening address was given by CPUT’s newly appointed DVC: RTIP, Dr David Phaho.


In this digital transformation economy, companies and administration departments run business application systems that require qualified professionals. These people need to know how to work with standard systems and have an in-depth understanding of highly integrated business process systems. For this reason, CERPIA offers all students the opportunity to gain valuable and vital skills through a comprehensive course on the key functionalities of the System Application Product (SAP) Enterprise Business application system.

Dr Noleen Leach


A dedicated senior academic has helped establish the first university department in Africa that focuses exclusively on the education and training of paralegals. The Department of Applied Legal Studies has introduced the first degree in paralegal studies, consolidating the formalisation of the education and training of paralegal practitioners in higher education, thus contributing to the transformation of legal services in the country.

“I have had the privilege of leading this team through the long and arduous process of establishing the Department of Applied Legal Studies at CPUT,” said Acting HOD, Dr Noleen Leach. While the department only received its status in 2019, Dr Leach headed the former academic entity, the Unit for Applied Law, since 2014.

She said that establishing the department has proved to be an important step. CPUT has become a key partner in the drive towards the professionalisation of the paralegal sector in South Africa, which has been part of the agenda of the Department of Justice since the adoption of Justice Vision 2000.

The first cohort of students who were admitted to the Bachelor of Paralegal Studies programme in 2018 are due to graduate at the end of the 2020. The first fully-funded cohort of community-based paralegal practitioners will be admitted to the programme in 2021 through an RPL strategy, the result of a comprehensive national research project completed by the department and funded by the CS Mott Foundation.

Dr Leech believes “the department is giving effect to the constitutional mandate of restorative justice by providing access to advanced accredited training to paralegal practitioners, whose education and training has been undervalued and neglected in the academy. The graduation of this cohort will make an important contribution towards the sustainability and transformation of legal services for vulnerable communities.”

During 2020-21, the focus of CERPIA is on women empowerment with SAP, the most popular business processing system internationally. This skills development programme addresses the business processes of procurement, production planning, project management, sales and distribution, customer service, asset management, financial accounting, human resources, and analytics. All theoretical components of these courses complement with hands-on sessions performed directly in SAP technologies tackling real-world challenges of scarce digital business skills.

CERPIA believes in investing in the future workforce and delivers a comprehensive programme, combining technical and soft skill elements. It intends to have more qualified SAP certified consultants to tackle the gap of scarce ICT skills in the workplace. It plans to grow the local capacity of skilled graduates (mostly women) across South Africa to enhance their employability.

In December, despite the pandemic, CERPIA trained 32 W&R SETA funded students and other top achieving students sponsored by CPUT’s Advancement Department. They were enrolled in SAP Sales & Distribution, Project Management and Human Capital Management programmes. Graduation will take place in February 2021. This initiative depends on the funding and availability of students.

In this time of digital economic transformation, social inequalities need to be addressed. CERPIA aims to make opportunities available for all students to flourish and thrive. Digital technologies are a doubleedged sword for women. Men’s greater access to these technologies puts women at risk of being left even further behind economically and socially. However, if women can tap the full power of digital technologies skills, vital new opportunities will open up for them. Therefore, CERPIA is determined to equip more women in digital business processing skills.



Improvement of Qualifications (UCDG) National Research Foundation (NRF): Grant-Holder linked Postdoctoral Postgraduate Internal Bursaries Publication 2018 Faculty Contribution Publication 2018 Chapter in Book Contribution Publication 2018 Conference Contribution Publication 2018 Journal Article Contribution Research & Innovation Fund for Teaching & Learning (RIFTAL) South Africa-Sweden University Forum (SASUF) University Research Fund (UCDG) Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER)


885 670 198 907 1 393 415 2 510 000 1 163 326 14 235 231 599 1 324 123 153 600 80 500 418 141 30 000 8 403 516


Dr Talent Moyo

Dr Talent Moyo, who was awarded a DComm in Marketing during the Smart Graduation in December, said this achievement was a dream come true. “The only thing I can think of now is: What next? I need a new dream!” She added that making her family proud was the best feeling in the world.

Her research topic was ‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes on the marketing performance of professional sport organisations in South Africa’. She developed a set of criteria which professional sport organisations in South Africa could use to assess the impact of their CSR programmes on their marketing performance, and the study recommended that CSR be used strategically to maximise positive impact on sport organisations’ marketing performance.

Dr Moyo was one of four graduates awarded doctoral degrees in the FBMS. The other graduates were Dr Siviwe Mditshwa, who was awarded a DTech in Public Management, and Dr Kofi Boamah and Dr Oscar Chakabva, who both received DComm: Internal Auditing degrees.

Dr Chakabva said, “I am proud of this accomplishment and my family was extremely supportive throughout the long, challenging process. Now, I am exploring my options for the future, while also hoping the whole process was worth it.” The title of his thesis was ‘A holistic cost-effective model for risk management and sustainability within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) SME industry: Cape Metropole, South Africa’.



Chapters in books (submitted)

Conference proceedings (submitted)

Journal articles (audited)







PhD in Organisational Psychology University of Cape Town Kiley J Identity capital and graduate employment

Master’s in Cost & Management Accounting CPUT Solani M The use and effectiveness of financial performance measures in small and medium enterprises retail businesses in Cape Town

MTech in Business Administration CPUT Sallie A Investigating the use of electronic communication and its impact on faculty staff members at a selected university of technology in South Africa

MTech in Marketing CPUT Cromhout D The impact of an integrated marketing communication service learning project on participating client organisations


Mr Zizipho Ndlwana, a Sport Management lecturer, who lost his leg in a car accident, aims to become the first transtibial (below the knee) amputee to summit Kilimanjaro twice in six years. At 5,895 metres above sea level, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest single free-standing mountain in the world. Mr Ndlwana aims to motivate and inspire other physically-challenged athletes across the globe. He also hopes to raise funds for these athletes and the underprivileged to help achieve their goals in the sports arena.

After successfully climbing this mountain, the highest in Africa, in 2014, Mr Ndlwana has switched from extensive gym time to a lot of walking and hiking to prepare for this summit. “I’m doing endurance training and aerobic exercises,” said Mr Ndlwana. He added that his diet ahead of the summit includes high protein foods for muscle recovery after the exercises.

Mr Ndlwana’s hiking group includes three wheelchair-bound people and another amputee. Ms Lee Wyser, Founder of the NGO Guts 2 Glory Foundation, and her team from Switzerland will be providing support to meet the needs of the climbing athletes. “It’s going to be harder this time around – I have no experience of hiking with people in wheelchairs,” Mr Ndlwana said.

Mr Zizipho Ndlwana prepares to summit Mount Kilimanjaro again

He will also be conducting research on extreme sports participants and their perceptions of risks, and he wants the Kilimanjaro expeditions to grow and be integrated into his department’s culture of community engagement. “I’m sure it’s something that will build [the students’] morale as it will allow them to interact with people who are different from themselves while improving their own health and fitness,” he said. “It’s a great way of promoting the course, the faculty, disability and maybe the university at large.”


Newlands Cricket Ground

The Department of Sport Management will be relocating from the Mowbray Campus to the Newlands Cricket Ground (NCG) next year. The department has been located in Mowbray since 2000, but the campus is relatively small and the department has been unable to develop their academic programme as much as they would like due to space and facility restrictions.

“The Wicket Building at NCG will be the new home for the Sport Management Department,” said Head of Department Prof Simeon Davies. “We are involved in regular meetings with the development team and key stakeholders who are overseeing this major construction project. We have plans in place for a phased move of equipment and staff from May to June 2021.” Prof Davies said that following a sequence of meetings with CEO of Western Province Cricket Mr Nabeal Dien in 2015, during which they were made aware of a proposed NCG development, the department drafted a formal proposal to relocate to the new facility. The NCG, which hosted its first international test match in 1889, is getting an R800 million makeover.

Prof Davies added that following strategic planning sessions and input from the Department’s Sport Industry Advisory Board, they had realised that with the introduction of new qualifications it would be necessary to consolidate the academic programme onto one campus. In order to respond to the challenges of the 4IR and to produce globally competitive graduates, the new campus would be at the cutting edge of technology because a smart university such as CPUT empowers society. “It was also recognised that with the opportunity to take space at the iconic and world-renowned NCG, the Sport Management programme would have unrivalled access and exposure to sport events and experiences, which would provide outstanding opportunities for the students’ experiential training.” “This process gained the full support of VC Prof Nhlapo, along with Council, and the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Dr Blade Nzimande,” he continued. “It was clear that the opportunity to move to NCG would provide a teaching and learning environment ideally suited for our programme, and [more] importantly provide the platform to showcase One Smart CPUT as a leader in technological innovation and educational development.”

Prof Davies added that the department is very excited about the relocation “which will provide the students with a modern learning environment where we can use smart technology to achieve excellence”. “We believe that the new location at NCG will allow us to deliver the academic project in a state-of-the-art facility, which will benefit all of our students, and also allow us to market our programme effectively... The move to the internationallyacclaimed NCG will provide the space and facilities for a multi-cultural ecosystem that will facilitate an educational experience that prepares our staff and students at all levels, for a global environment.”


CTHS partners with the Kolisi Foundation

The Cape Town Hotel School (CTHS) teamed up with the Kolisi Foundation on an initiative aimed at assisting disadvantaged communities during the coronavirus pandemic. The foundation was founded by Springbok captain Mr Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel. Its mission “to alleviate extreme poverty, bringing hope to individual hearts and providing opportunities to those with undiscovered talent.”

The foundation distributed food hampers to disadvantaged communities to help alleviate hunger and malnutrition during the national lockdown. The objective was to sustain families in certain areas for a period of three months.

Lecturer Adv Anzel Laubscher reached out to the foundation to offer the assistance of the CTHS by providing recipes for the ingredients included in the food hampers which were distributed in Makhanda and Port Elizabeth. Adv Laubscher said the gesture was welcomed by the foundation, which requested CTHS to develop at least four recipes to accompany hampers.

The CTHS team involved in this community engagement project ‘Cooking with the Kolisis’ consisted of staff members, teaching assistants and postgraduate students. The team members were Adv Laubscher, Dr Tshinakaho Nyathela, Ms Rianne Voigt (HOD), Ms Nina Septoe, Mr Lufuno Sinthumule, Mr Athi Ntwakumba, Ms Nadia Esterhuyse, Ms Lisa Msolongile, Ms Celiwe Menze and Ms Ndileka Bala.


Excitement filled the room in the Cape Town Hotel School when scholars consisting of CPUT staff, mainly female academics, were recently awarded certificates for completing their SAP Train the Trainer and the new advanced SAP S4 HANA courses.

SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products, and is a widely-used enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. SAP creates a centralised system for businesses that enables every department to access and share common data to create a better work environment for every employee in the company.

Prof Renitha Rampersad, Assistant Dean: Research & Innovation in FBMS, congratulated the Centre for ERP in Africa (CERPiA) and the graduates. She believes that empowerment of women has become very important in the country. “Women are contributing to society. The modern woman is self-confident,” said Prof Rampersad. “I appreciate women who bring success to themselves and others.”

CERPiA SAP education manager and trainer, Mr Jerry Ansen, said, “Our current focus is the skilling of students and graduates to enhance their employability in this digital business economy. We have trained over 8 000 graduates since 2012 in Africa.” He added that they had trained 800 lecturers and professors from African universities and colleges, producing over 4 500 certified SAP ERP graduates in Africa in the process.

Mr Calvin Maseko, Director: Advancement Department, said his unit had decided to invest unrestricted donor funds in colleagues’ digital business skills to advance their learning and teaching. He thanked his colleagues in the department for their efforts in raising the funds and doing the administrative work. He said that since 2018 they have been “working with CERPiA and have helped with funding for the SAP ERP training of 72 staff members and students to the tune of over half a million rand.”

Systems Applications and Products

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