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CPUT Libraries
Dr Elisha Chiware
CPUT Libraries continued its support for research activities at CPUT during 2020, by providing many different platforms and research support services.
As a result of the National Lockdown in response to Covid-19, the Libraries experienced a number of challenges. Despite these, they continued to provide services through the LibChat online service ‘AskUs’ platform, e-mails, phone calls, Teams meetings and training sessions, and consultations.
Although the Libraries were closed for most of the year, there were still 2 606 visits to the Research Information Support Centre (RISC) areas and staff dealt with over 400 queries.
The lockdown period also provided the Libraries with opportunities to further develop and strengthen the existing research support platforms by adding more content and migrating to newer versions of software platforms. There were further increases in the datasets being made open access on the eSango platform (CPUT Research Data repository, powered by Figshare). To ensure research data integrity, more stringent review processes were implemented for the data repository platform.
Institutional Repository (IR) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) CPUT Research Data repository (powered by Figshare)
In terms of collection development, the Libraries have increased the number of eBooks available for research by 1069 new titles (161%). The number of print books added to the collection declined significantly in 2020. More research databases were also added to the existing collections; they include AOCA Methods, Film Platform and Jove Science Education Video Series.
The three institutional repository research support platforms – Research Outputs (IR), Electronic Thesis & Dissertations (ETD) and Research Data (eSango - Figshare) – also had more content uploaded. There were 527 additional items added to the IR platform and more than 380 000 views registered, as well 153 000 downloads. The ETD platform grew by 147 items to 2 134. The registered users of the data repository platform increased by 5 to 197 during this period, with the views increasing from 8 785 to 13 797, and the downloads increasing from 1 011 to 4 338. The Libraries also assisted researchers with drawing up research Bibliometrics and Altmetrics reports. During this year, 78 new metrics were created.
One of the most important things in research is to have a research ID to help with metrics and citation reporting. Faculty librarians helped 615 researchers with the creation of research ORCIDs.
At the national and regional level, the ilifu Western Cape Tier 2 Data Intensive Research project continued, and some of the final deliverables were submitted to DIRISA (Data Intensive Research Infrastructure South Africa). Work is continuing among the participating Western Cape universities to comply with international requirements and get all the four institutions’ data repositories certified and accredited by Core Trust Seal – an international data repository trustworthy accreditation body.
Dr Chiware published two DHET-accredited articles in the journal Library Management • ‘Open research data in African and research libraries: A literature analysis’ • ‘Data librarianship in South African academic and research libraries: A survey’
Four Libraries staff members published in LIASA-inTouch, the official magazine of the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA):
• ‘CPUT Libraries’ contribution to lifelong learning through indigenous language translation projects during lockdown’ – Ms Vuyokazi Kiva-Johnson and Mr Yanga
Livi • ‘Local History and Genealogy Collection at CPUT:
Assisting South African researchers to trace their roots’ –
Ms Vuyiseka Mtshakazi • ‘SALW 2020 @ Cape Peninsula University of Technology,
Wellington Campus Library’ – Ms Christel Oosthuizen
Ms Oosthuizen also published an article titled ‘Research collaboration and networking in South African universities’ in ResearchGate.
Publication 2018 Conference Contribution
Publication 2018 Faculty Contribution Publication 2018 Journal Article Contribution
16 287
110 751
130 295
257 333
CPUT Libraries’ Director Dr Elisha Chiware, in his presentation at the Oxford Library 700 Virtual Conference in September, accentuated the benefits of collaboration among academic libraries in Southern Africa in the provision of better library and information services, in response to the goals of teaching, learning and research.
The conference was held to celebrate the 700-year anniversary of the historical Bodleian Library at Oxford University. Dr Chiware joined over 30 other renowned international scholars who gathered to mark the momentous occasion.
“We [CPUT] are recognised as leaders in our contributions towards the growth and development of regional and international librarianship,” he noted. He said that the 700th anniversary gave him an opportunity to reflect on the role that libraries have played and continue to play in society. The conference therefore considered the past, present, and future of libraries in a broad context and was graced by academics from relevant disciplines, leading practitioners from the world of libraries and archives, as well as specialists from the world of media, science and communication.
Dr Chiware’s presentation was titled ‘Higher education libraries in Southern Africa: Collaborations, partnerships and the future’. The presentation focused on the development of higher education and how libraries in the sub-region have built regional, national and international collaborations to foster the delivery of library and information services.
With the advances in information, communications and technologies (ICT) and the internet, Dr Chiware said that the collaborations have grown and assumed new dimensions, leading to achieving even better economies of scale in the sharing of resources and ensuring the speedy delivery of information to all who pursue higher education and conduct research in various scientific domains.
Libraries’ Director, Dr Elisha Chiware