Congratulations to the talented recipients and graduates of the Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Award.
This award programme started humbly with only one student. Today, I am proud to say that between the years 2018 and 2024, 26 students have pursued further studies as a result of this respected award.
To receive a VC Prestigious Achievers Award a student must be the best of the best. I am incredibly proud that this award has contributed to the academic journeys of these talented new scholars and researchers and especially proud that most of our recipients have been
women. This year, four of the five recipients, are South African women. By nurturing the next group of talented young academics, and women in academia, our university is responding to the transformation requirements of the country and the continent.
The latest recipients continue where their predecessors left off, representing CPUT excellence and remaining steadfast to the conclusion of their studies. My wish is that you continue your academic journey and join the ranks of the talented scholars who have guided your education to this point.
A special thanks to my fellow committee members, notably Prof Kioko, who chairs this panel. We thank our generous donor, Advocate Yach, for believing in the value of a CPUT education and her continuing faith in our students. The commitment of the Mauerberger Foundation is appreciated, and I know our recipients are equally committed to making a difference in their current roles in society.
Tata Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Many years may have passed since this was said, but it remains as true as ever, given the challenges facing our communities – from the individual, family and community levels to the global stage.
At CPUT, we aim to make a difference by producing graduates that shape a better world for humanity. This goal is expressed in our guiding Strategic Plan that lays out our Vision, Mission and Values, and the graduate attributes we aim to nurture in our students.
PROF JOSEPH KIOKO Chairperson Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Awards Committee
The Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Award supports students who have shown academic excellence and embody the CPUT graduate attributes. While there are thousands of students doing this, and their efforts and contributions must be acknowledged, this award can support only a limited number of students with the assistance of the funder, the Mauerberger Foundation. The awards are, therefore, competitive and only top-achieving master’s and doctoral students are considered.
This year, we received a record 38 applications, which included 16 master’s and 20 doctoral applicants. Two applicants enrolled for postgraduate diplomas were ruled ineligible. The 38 students represented several African countries: South Africa (34 students), the Democratic Republic of Congo (1), Libya (1), Nigeria (1) and Zimbabwe (1).
After reviewing the applications against the awards criteria, the Committee
selected five new awardees for 2024. They comprise two female doctoral students, two female master’s students and one male doctoral student.
They are pursuing studies in the fields of Civil Engineering, Horticulture, Food Science & Technology, Business and Information Administration, and Hospitality Management. At today’s ceremony, the students will all describe their research topics.
Apart from assessing new applications, the Committee also considered the
progress of awardees who were funded for the previous year and who would need further funding to continue their studies. Six doctoral students and three master’s students were adjudged to have made sufficient progress for funding to be continued. Some of the students who have received continued funding are expected to graduate either in December this year or in April 2025.
The graph and table below illustrate the distribution of funded students in terms of level of study, gender and home country.
Given their real potential to impact their immediate communities and the society at large, both in South Africa and other African countries, it is clear that each of these 26 students can contribute to making a better world for humanity. These awardees are indeed ambassadors of CPUT’s Vision.
It is with great humility and gratitude that I thank the Mauerberger Foundation Fund, under the leadership of Advocate Dianna Yach, for continuing to fund this award. Without the funding, the potential of those CPUT ambassadors would not have been achieved. The impact of the Fund continues to be felt far and wide. We are deeply grateful.
As I thank the Mauerberger Foundation Fund, I am reminded of the truth that no matter how good a seed is, its growth is dependent on having good soil. The good soil at CPUT
has been prepared by our Vice-Chancellor, Prof Chris Nhlapo. He had the foresight to establish this award and has immeasurably supported it from the outset and through every single year. Thank you, VC.
I also wish to sincerely thank members of the Awards Committee, including the Vice-Chancellor, Prof H. Hay-Swemmer, Dr G. van Gensen, Mr M. Maseko, Mr T. Ngcingwana, Dr T. Mhlongo and Ms N. Khauoe who participated this year. The Committee is invaluably supported by Ms H. Petersen. Many thanks to all members of the Committee for going the extra mile to ensure the success of these awards.
To the recipients of these awards, I congratulate you on your prestigious achievement and I implore you to do all you can to contribute to the success of others, to shape a better world for humanity.
Mauerberger Foundation Fund
The Mauerberger Foundation FundCelebrating the relationship between the Mauerberger Foundation Fund (MFF) and CPUT
I appreciate this opportunity to celebrate the cherished, long-standing relationship between the Mauerberger Foundation Fund (MFF) and CPUT.
The MFF’s continuing support for the CPUT Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Awards stems from our long-standing commitment to growing future leaders who are devoted to serving society in diverse ways through advancing social justice, ethics, good governance and human rights.
We also pay tribute to the transformational leadership of CPUT’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof Chris Nhlapo, who is an amazing role model for our
future leaders. He exemplifies two key leadership attributes that I believe are necessary for enhancing a sustainable institution. These are ‘audacious irreverence’ and ‘audacious hospitality’.
He has demonstrated bravery and courage, being willing to reach out and engage with diverse, often divergent, constituencies to facilitate a shared vision and common purpose, without sacrificing high ethical professional standards. He strives to translate into reality his vision of a campus in which all stakeholders feel included.
There has been much discussion globally in academic spaces about the ‘University of the Future’. It has ambitious goals involving a voyage of discovery to create enabling places, spaces (language, names, symbols, artworks and identity), services and functions for a very different higher education experience in the future.
In particular, the project seeks to address the human factors that will make the greatest difference in creating an enabling environment for teaching, learning and research that is fit for purpose now and in the future, placing the experience of students, staff, alumni and friends of the academy at the heart of everything the university does.
Co-creating the University of the Future will require major change – reorientation from past values and practices defined by rules, regulations and traditional ways of working towards a future defined by agility, social responsiveness, curiosity, audacious irreverence and audacious hospitality.
To craft this new vision, I believe that the future environment for teaching, learning and research needs to be a brave space, not a safe space. Growth requires us to
be brave rather than safe. It requires us to share experiences, to be vulnerable and to face feelings of fear or discomfort.
I am also conscious that disrupting business as usual and striving to create a different reality is often met with hostility, denial and frustration. The vision of the University of the Future calls for dramatic transformation going beyond simple changes in structures, institutional arrangements, policies and modes of operation. This involves work at a deeper level, in heart, mind and soul; effecting shifts in culture, habits, traditions, attitudes, prejudices, thinking patterns, feelings, fears, beliefs and values; and reassessing relationships at all levels.
We need to embrace a possibility model that liberates the potential of all, celebrating diversity while focusing on a common experience of an equitable, inclusive and innovative culture that is at ease with technological change.
This is a journey which involves navigating the VUCA world – characterised by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity –linking both the ability to continuously adapt to the constantly changing environments
The MFF’s continuing support for the CPUT Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Awards stems from our long-standing commitment to growing future leaders who are devoted to serving society in diverse ways through advancing social justice, ethics, good governance and human rights.
through learning and the ability to successfully deal with uncertainties.
In his book, Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Harari elaborates on the skills graduates require for a sustainable future: skills to enhance the ability to deal with change, to learn new things and to preserve your mental balance in unfamiliar situations. He talks about the 4 C’s – critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. Above all, he stresses that it is not the amount of information we gather but our ability to make sense of information, to tell the difference between what is important and what is unimportant, and to combine many bits of information into a broad picture of the world.
My message to you, the recipients of the Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Award, is that perhaps the time has come to integrate the vision of global pioneers of the University of the Future into our University of today and tomorrow.
All of you have shown through your resilience, bravery and hard work that you have the capability to take on this challenge!
Wishing you continued success and boundless happiness on your journey ahead.
Much love and admiration,
Coming from a family with deeply ingrained values of unity, shared experiences and collective resilience has shaped the academic success and personal growth of award recipient Dr Melody Mukandi.
“Every family harbours a unique essence that propels its members through life’s daily demands. For me, it was a maternal figure, having endured the loss of her mother at a tender age, my mother took it upon herself to display unwavering support to her children without restrictions, instilling in me an intrinsic drive, free from the need for external validation and nurtured by unwavering support,” says Mukandi.
She enrolled for a Diploma in Biotechnology at CPUT in 2011. Graduating in 2014, she furthered her studies with a BTech in Biomedical Technology, followed by a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering degree, passing both cum laude. She then embarked on a Doctor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering degree, during which she published several articles in Q1/Q2 scientific journals. Her journey to success required resilience against financial and social challenges, and the “unwavering support” of her supervisors, Prof Karabo Ntwampe and Prof Mushe Basitere, family and friends.
“My mother serves as my primary inspiration and role model, always prioritising my well-being and having my interests at heart, hence, her contributions are loudly noticeable. COVID-19 posed significant challenges, delaying my project due to equipment delivery issues. Financial and social struggles also threatened my academic journey at times to the point that I almost walked away from everything.
“Nonetheless, being one of the first recipients of the Mwalimu Nyerere African Union Scholarship grant at CPUT and also receiving the ViceChancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Award were notable highlights,” Mukandi says.
She continues: “The Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Award provided critical financial relief during a challenging period, enabling me to persevere and complete my studies. I am forever grateful to the ViceChancellor and his team.”
She adds that life had its challenges and, towards the end of her studies, she was overwhelmed and contemplated giving up. Receiving the award was instrumental in overcoming her challenges, as it provided accommodation and financial support that allowed her to focus on completing her research.
Mukandi acknowledges the support of CPUT staff, stating that “their guidance and technical assistance was invaluable, particularly Mrs Hannelene Small, Mr Alwyn Bester and the Biotechnology team.
“The Bioresource Engineering Research group at CPUT became a home and a nourishing environment to conduct high-level research, thus instrumental in my academic success,” she says.
Prof Basitere says supervising Dr Mukandi during her doctoral journey was a rewarding experience. “She demonstrated remarkable dedication, triumphing over various external challenges throughout her PhD. There were moments when I thought she might quit due to the difficulties she faced, but she consistently demonstrated a resilient spirit, working against all odds to succeed at all costs. Her countless sleepless nights spent in the laboratory to complete her experiments truly set her apart as a student.”
The hardworking young scholar believes that if she could achieve her goals, anyone can: “To aspiring students, particularly young women, I encourage you not to be confined by societal norms; you are capable of achieving greatness.
“If I could address the younger me I would tell her that it is okay to be unique and not to try to fit in. Embrace your uniqueness and strive for excellence. Our African context presents unique challenges, but with passion and determination, you can redefine your narrative and make a meaningful impact. Navigating through life is demanding, take it one step at a time, the point is to survive not to be consumed.”
Expressing her “heartfelt gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Chris Nhlapo, and the Awards Committee for their invaluable financial support during challenging times”, Mukandi says: “I hope that future initiatives will consider integrating award recipients into the workforce to maximise the socio-economic contributions of young talents. Additionally, a structured support system for students pursuing a thesis by publication would be beneficial, enhancing the University’s publication profile.”
Dr Mukandi received her Doctor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering degree at graduation in April 2024.
Below is the list of the Vice-Chancellor’s Prestigious Achievers Awardees:
Imisioluseyi Julius Akinyede 1 Doctorate
Bimpe Omolara Alabi Doctorate
Nigerian Framework for effective management of cost toward sustainable housing delivery
A Framework of Modalities to Achieve an Enhanced Sustainable Housing Provision in South Africa
Justine Oma Angadam 6 Doctorate Female Cameroon Plant digestive enzymes for semi-deligniholocellulolysis of agro-waste
Sivenathi Jayiya 3 Masters
Female R.S.A PR practitioners’ conceptualisation of the role of stakeholder engagement in corporate social responsibility planning and implementation
Yvonne Maphosa 4 Doctorate Female Zimbabwe Rheological behaviour of Bambara groundnut starch-soluble dietary fibre nanocomposite for delivering active compounds in food systems
Nolimo Gloria Mbunge 7 Masters Female R.S.A
Zamavangeli Mdletshe 9
Melody Ruvimbo Mukandi 11 Doctorate
Critical generic skills for successful construction-project execution from concept to project close within the Cape Metropole
R.S.A Development and Testing of a Renewable Energy-based Thermal Desalination System
Selected operating process variables for a bio-flocculant supported air flotation system
Sihle Ngxabi 2 Masters Male R.S.A The effect of different growth media and salinity on the vegetative growth of Trachyandra ciliata (Wild cabbage) in hydroponics
Caroline Tyavambiza 8 Doctorate Female Zimbabwe An in-vitro evaluation of the wound healing properties of Cotyledon orbiculata extracts and it's nanoparticles
Name Surname
Namhla Matwa Masters
Anza Tshifaro Ramatsia 10 Masters
Nontsikelelo Noxolo Tafu 5 Masters
Shaun Mgoma Doctorate
Female R.S.A The role of adolescent advocacy on healthy eating, physical activity, hygiene and safety at selected high schools in the Western Cape, South Africa
Female R.S.A Contemporary challenges facing female senior managers in selected sport organisations in South Africa
Female R.S.A Physicochemical, nutritional and dissolution properties of solid dispersed Moringa oleifera leaf powder effervescent beverage granules
Male R.S.A Recovery of valuable compounds from agricultural food using green technologies: Process design and Techno-economic analysis
Bongisiwe Zozo Doctorate
Oritonda Muribwathoho Doctorate
Murendeni Nethengwe Doctorate
Female R.S.A Purification and characterisation of the native black soldier fly larva protein
Female R.S.A Development of metal matrix composites suitable for hulls and ship decks
Female R.S.A Evaluation of antioxidant potential and mechanism of action of phenolic compounds from South African indigenous plants used in the management of diabetes-related male infertility
Mzoxolo Ntabeni Masters
Nontle Mbana Doctorate
Male R.S.A The influence of academic and industry-specific project management qualifications on the effectiveness of project managers in the construction industry
Female R.S.A Development of an optimal fabrication procedure for producing aluminium based surface composites
Name Surname
Sindisiwe Ntsondwa Doctorate
Mfundo Telson Radebe Masters
Kudzai Mugejo Doctorate
Female R.S.A Development of catalysts for enhancement of H2 sorption kinetics for intermetallic hydride storage application
Male R.S.A An Assessment of the integration of social media in news production in selected community radio stations in Gqeberha
Rinae Ndou Masters
Phakama Ngwane Masters
Rentia Van Heerden Doctorate
Nomnqophiso Zantanta Doctorate
Zimbabwe Infrastructure performance and water governance for climate change adaptation in smallholder farming systems in the Western Cape, South Africa
Female R.S.A
Physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory properties of gluten-free conventional and steamed bread from Bambara Groundnut, Sorghum, Cassava and Cocoyam flour composites
Female R.S.A The effect of sustainable practices on hotel performance in Cape Town
Female R.S.A Navigating the consequences of occupational health and safety Influences for flexible work practices in a public health sector
Female R.S.A
The feasibility of soilless cultivation of selected indigenous legumes as fodder crops for small scale livestock farming in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa
Below are the Vice-Chancellor’s Bursary Support recipients:
Name Surname Qualification Research Title
Akindele Oluwafemi Abegunde Masters Low cost energy efficient and robust mutifunctional smart meter
Martha Hendrika Grewe Doctorate
Gbolahan Sunday Olabode Doctorate
Mayeadeh Korpor Tarr
A proposed framework for improving student engagement using virtual reality at a selected tertiary institution, Cape Town, South Africa
Spectroscopic and chromatographic analysis of nevirapine, lamivudine, and zidovudine anti-retroviral compounds in wastewater samples from selected wastewater treatment plants, cape town
The impact of disruptive technologies on the growth and development of small businesses in South Africa
Aasief Gaffoor Doctorate Exploring the application of case studies to develop core skills in the national certificate (vocational) management practice curriculum
Awonke Geqeza Doctorate A framework for enhancing internal audit independence and objectivity within a provincial governance system in South Africa
Mvemve Shylock Mdingi Doctorate A framework for the integration of computerised accounting into high school accounting curriculum.
Sbusiso Desmond Motau Doctorate
Sydwell Mnoneleli Nikani Doctorate
Designing a model for promotion of staff in a division of the security cluster in South Africa
An evaluation of e-learning platforms in South African high schools
Vuyo Sidwell Pana Doctorate 5g new radio and fog computing scalability and qos management
Lindi Ebegail Vivien Sindelo Doctorate Ethical leadership, accountability and transparency in promoting good governance in the South African public sector
Marcina Singh Doctorate Citizenship in South African schools: a study of four high schools in the western cape
Name Surname
Lutho Xakayi Masters
Omolaja Akeem Akinfenwa Doctorate
Yvonne Maphosa Doctorate
Tatenda Blessing Runganga Doctorate
Research Title
The adoption of fourth industrial revolution digital tools and innovation to accelerate the delivery of construction projects
Isolation and characterisation of bioactive compounds from selected plants of South African flora application in the preparation of biocompatible metal nanoparticles
Rheological behaviour of the bambara groundnut starch-soluble dietary fibre nanocomposite for delivering active compounds in food systems
Design, model and validate a smart multi-product, multi-location solar drying system for industrial applications
Nurudeen Olatunde Shokoya Doctorate Develope electricity theft detection and mitigation in smart grid
Justine Oma Angadam Doctorate
Namhla Matwa Masters
Melody Ruvimbo Mukandi Doctorate
Sihle Ngxabi Masters
Caroline Tyavambiza Doctorate
Shaun Mgoma Doctorate
Mfundo Telson Radebe Masters
Bongisiwe Zozo Doctorate
Plant digestive enzymes for semi-deligni-holocellulolysis of agro-waste
The role of adolescent advocacy on healthy eating, physical activity, hygiene and safety at selected high schools in the Western Cape, South Africa
Selected operating process variables for a bio-flocculant supported air flotation system
The effect of different growth media and salinity on the vegetative growth of trachyandra ciliata (wild cabbage) in hydroponics
An in-vitro evaluation of the wound healing properties of cotyledon orbiculata extracts and it's nanoparticles
Recovery of valuable compounds from agricultural food using green technologies: process design and techno-economic analysis
An assessment of the integration of social media in news production in selected community radio stations in Gqeberha
Purification and characterisation of the native black soldier fly larva protein
Female and male % of Prestigious Awardees
Number of recipients from 2019 to 2024 20 (77%) FEMALE
6 (23%) MALE
Number of students who received the Vice-Chancellor’s Support, 2019–2024
TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT. Breakdown iro funding received from donor and CPUT as from 2019 - 2024
Total amount granted to Prestigious Awardees from 2019 to 2024
R4 640 460.10
Total amount of ViceChancellor’s Support from 2019 to 2024 R1 012 924.60
1. Go to OPA
2. Login with your CPUT credentials
3. After logging in, go to the tab on the left-hand side which is titled “Apply Awards App”
4. Click on the drop-down that says “Apply for VC Awards”
Applications are open from 1 March to 31 March each year.
Applications must only be submitted via the website.
The following supporting documents must be included in your submission:
• a letter of motivation written by the applicant;
• proof of accepted research topic if in the first year of the qualification;
• a progress report if in the second year of the qualification or higher;
• a copy of the results of the qualification preceding the current one (i.e. results for the master’s if the candidate is registered for a doctoral degree, or the results of the NQF Level 8 qualification for students registered for a master’s degree);
• a CV with contact details of all supervisors;
• a confidential letter of reference from the main supervisor (sent directly to the Chairperson of the Committee).
Deserving candidates suggested by the Vice-Chancellor will also be able to submit applications.
Potential awardees may be requested to provide more information.
Successful candidates will be contacted and invited to sign a declaration letter accepting the terms and conditions of this award. Towards the end of the year, they will be invited to a special awards ceremony.
• The money will be deposited into the student’s fee account.
• If the student receives another award, for example, from the NRF, the committee will ‘top up’ the award.
• Progress made by the candidates who have received awards will be annually monitored by the committee.
• The management of the funds will be reported to the committee when it meets.
• During the year, all students’ general behaviour and conduct will be observed. Students’ conduct needs to be exemplary and show that they deserve this prestigious award.
The application process is entirely managed through an online system. Students are urged to log onto OPA or go to https://www.cput.ac.za/about/leadership/vc/the-vice-chancellorsprestigious-achiever-award to apply for the funding.