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My name is Izzy Camina. I'm a songwriter and producer.
When I was a child, my father would take me for walks in the forest. We would leave cookies and offerings on stones for pagan entities, like the green man and the Celtic god Cernunnos. We would camp in canvas tents and nap under trees. This is when I developed an appreciation for stillness and respect for nature. Life was not always peachy for us. Life is chaotic and cruel, but if you look closely, you can see that it harbours peace in equal measure. With that being said, when I have nothing to sing about, or any emotions to transmute into chord or song, I seek out that stillness. I experience a lot of internal chaos. Half of the time I'm "dreamy" and "creative", half of the time I'm angry, combative and hyperactive. Easy remedies are either mind/ body connection (yoga), or experiencing nature with my senses. Whether it's smelling flowers, doing handstands or making daisy chains in the grass. I try my best, as often as I can. tend to bring the darkness into focus. I struggle to look away. I think and dwell and probe, which leaves me stuck, lonely, and isolated (only to be exacerbated by quarantine). Getting a chance to indulge in outdoor spaces has proven difficult during lockdown, so I've been spending a lot of time by the LA river. It's polluted, dotted with garbage, but full of potential, teaming with hope and teaming with life. Not to sound pretentious, but it's poetry to me.