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I went into writing this with a muted sense of panic. I'm not from Sheffield, and now is not the time for a day trip to have a root around. I was certain it'd make writing this beyond tough; how can I possibly talk with fond familiarity about something I'm completely incapable of exploring?
Yet against all odds I'm here, working on one of the most life-affirming pieces I've ever written.
In the midst of pandemicincited chaos, it's refreshing to see a community utilising and sharing resources to make coping that little bit easier. Digging deep into the unfamiliar, the lust for livelihood in this city is beyond resilient. There's been a relatively seamless adaptation to this new way of life; musicians, producers, venues and shops act as vital community gateposts for those looking for something to lean on. So, this is it. This is your toolbox; use these people, services and online communities to keep creating when the cards feel like they're stacked against you. It seems that from the outside looking in, maybe the world isn't quite as bad as we all thought.
With what feels like all the time in the world to perfect new music from home, conquering the production side of things is when it can all start to go a bit skewwhiff. Sheffield producer Federico Telesca is offering a helping hand to artists during lockdown; working with the likes of Sub Machine, Keyframe and Outta Peak, if you're looking to pump your single with a boat load of attitude and get it that welldeserved radio play, he's your man.

Let's say you've always fancied yourself as the musical sort, but never had the time to pick up an instrument and give it a whirl. Rich Tone Music may have closed their doors last month, but with daily listings of guitars galore on their social media, if now isn't the time to master Stairway To Heaven, when is? Don't worry if you're stuck on what guitar you need, their YouTube channel offers solace, boasting heaps of playthroughs to show you what each guitar sounds like so you can find your best fit.
www.richtonemusic.co.uk ARTISTS
If you're an artist looking for some isolation inspiration, turn your attention to the Jarr'ed Up Arts Lab. Founded by Sheffield band Blackwaters, the Facebook group is home to hundreds of local creatives, and is a free-thinking space to share ideas, creations and to look for potential collaborators near you. Not quite enough to get your Blackwaters fix? Their weekly Sunday podcast is aired on YouTube from 9pm, chatting all things music with plenty of opportunities for listeners to get involved.
Spinning Discs aren't relying on the usual methods of record delivery during lockdown, with their approach requiring no first-class stamps or three to five working days wait. On shop owner Martin's daily walk, he takes with him a selection of records to individually deliver to nearby residents missing out on their weekly vinyl browsing session, injecting a personal touch into each delivery. They're also re-sharing their Front Room sessions, with music from the likes of Speed For Lovers, Nick JD Hodgson, The Harriets and more. Dive in!
spinningdiscssheffield.co.uk RECORD LABELS
Sheffield natives Hudson Records have launched their Listening Club on Folk Radio during isolation, and are providing full album commentaries from the artists behind the music every Sunday morning. The broadcast itself may be pre-recorded, but through the power of live-streaming listeners can use the Facebook comments section to chat with the artist in question for the duration of each show.
www.hudsonrecords.co.uk EVENTS
Peddler Night Market are known for hosting some of the UK's best street food vendors and live music every month, but with the lockdown in place their free entry event is surely struggling to stay afloat- right? Never one to turn their back on a good challenge, Peddler Night Market remains alive and kicking. With music and DJ
sets from 7pm every Saturday
night available on their Facebook page, the event is now hosted on a weekly basis, with a new food delivery service in the works too.