1 minute read
Foremost, I would like to say a big Thank You to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Ar. Dr. Ian Aik-Soon Ng, for your patient understanding of my working style and for constantly encouraging me to excel myself. Our regular conversations over coffee as we jointly explored new ideas helped me the most!
I also thank my M. Arch. Studio lecturers—Assoc. Prof. Ar. Haris Fadzilah Abdul Rahman, Ar. Samuel Lee Chee Zin, Mr. Muhammad Oliver Ensor Silini, and Mr. Rahmat Bin Moriat—for your helpful comments at interim reviews.
Special thanks go to my three classmates—Wong Lin Sze, Thomas Tiong, and Kong Zhe Ming— for co-journeying with me and helping with the at-times overwhelming tasks of final submission. providing such an inspiring learning environment to pursue a postgraduate degree. The memories I take away will be incalculably rich.
Most importantly, I thank my parents and my fiancée, Michelle Chong, for their unconditional love and caring—shown particularly whenever I confronted difficult challenges. And, certainly not least, I thank my GOD Jesus Christ who gives my life meaning, and turns my toil into creative endeavour.
Roy Wee Chin Giap
17 June 2022