1 minute read
1 Introduction
“You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” - Maya Angelou

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Buildings have served society since time immemorial. The basic focus of buildings have always been to shelter against the elements and to accommodate all the processes of living. It is what we sometimes term as “functional”.
However, when built with some thought, something called “architecture” is derived. Architecture can send messages, buildings can say something about the culture that made them. They can carry narratives. The architect, educator and writer, Nigel Coates, in 2012, said: “Narrative in architecture promotes human experiences and … emphasizes the meaning of the architecture rather than its functionality” (Coates, 2012).
More importantly, he says that there is a need to sculpt human experiences into stories through architecture. And further, he suggests that the challenge to architects is to highlight how buildings are experienced rather than to be too concerned with aesthetics or “overt technology”.