Polish Posters in Iceland 2017

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Polish Posters under Northern Lights Við skin norðurljósa - Pólsk veggspjöld Reykjavík - Akureyri September-November 2017

exhibitions from Dydo Poster Collection

23-29 September 2017

workshops, lectures, meetings, screenings Special guests: Leszek Żebrowski, Monika Starowicz, Sebastian Kubica Lecture guides: Natalia Dydo, Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon https://polishposters2017iceland.wordpress.com/


Project Coordinators - Natalia Dydo, Kinga Włodarczyk Cracow Poster Gallery Director - Krzysztof Dydo Administrative Assistant - Artur Pater Catalogue design - Michał Jandura Exhibition poster - Mirosław Adamczyk Iceland Academy of the Arts coordinator - Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon Gerduberg Culture House coordinator - Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir Nordic House coordinator - Gunn Hernes The Municipal Library of Akureyri coordinator - Berglind Mari Valdemarsdóttir MAk - Akureyri Culture Society coordinator - Þuríður Helga Kristjánsdóttir Kartóflugeymslan Gallery coordinators - Ingólfur Freyr Guðmundsson, Logi Már Einarsson Akureyri Art Museum coordinator - Hlynur Hallsson Reykjavík International Film Festival coordinators - Ingibjörg Halldórsdóttir, Ana Catalá Iceland News Polska coordinator - Marta Magdalena Niebieszczańska Editors - Natalia Dydo, Kinga Włodarczyk Selections – Natalia Dydo Reproductions of works from collections of - Dydo Poster Collection archives, Krzysztof Marcinkiewicz, Adam Pękalski, Andrzej Pągowski, Sławomir Kosmynka, Wiesław Grzegorczyk, Ryszard Kaja, Leszek Wiśniewski, Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon ©Copyright by Natalia Dydo Dydo Poster Collection & Cracow Poster Gallery Poland, ul. Stolarska 8-10, 31-043 Kraków Publisher Stowarzyszenie Ogrody Sztuki Poland, ul. Dobrego Pasterza 6, 31-416 Kraków Printing Drukarnia Leyko, Kraków, Poland Homepage of the project https://polishposters2017iceland.wordpress.com/ We would like to thank you for your selfless support and assistance in this project. Takk fyrir!



The project ‘Polish Posters under Northern Lights’ in Iceland is a combination of exhibitions, lectures about history of poster art, workshops and special screenings, which are going to be held between September and November 2017 in Reykjavik and Akureyri. Cultural posters on the streets are invitations to cinema, music concerts, theatre and opera. Social posters need to challenge and call an audience for action. Colours and images on a poster catch people’s eyes and inspire their imagination. In Poland there is a great tradition of poster making. Poster art is something more than designing an advertisement. The characteristic elements of the poster are conciseness, precision of expression, poetic stylistic and metaphor. On the one hand, Polish posters surprise with their grotesque and humour, on the other, they threaten with surrealistic character bursting with metaphors.

Support Co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Styrkt af ráðuneyti menningar og þjóðararfs í Póllandi

The phenomen of Polish poster school evokes direct associations with the whole generation of well-known artists, who created in reality of post-war years in Poland and were able to leave their expressive mark in the contemporary culture art. Original in both their message and style, posters were appreciated not only in Poland but abroad as well. The development of new technology contributed to the change of the poster form, but nevertheless this visual information continues to influence the next generation of practitioners. On behalf of the non-profit organization Stowarzyszenie Ogrody Sztuki (Art Garden Association) and the Poster Gallery in Krakow we would like to invite you to discover the spirit of Polish posters. Join us during the events in several locations: Iceland Academy of the Arts, Nordic House, Reykjavik City Library - Gerduberg Culture House, Akureyri Art Museum, The Municipal Library of Akureyri, Kartöflugeymslan Gallery, MAk - Akureyri Culture Society and Reykjavík International Film Festival.

See you there!


Guðmundur Oddur Magnússon, studied art in Reykjavík and graphic design in Vancouver, Canada. He has taught graphic design since 1993, first at the Art School in Akureyri, then at the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts and finally at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts where he is now a professor. He is without a doubt Iceland’s best-known commentator on design issues. For the last two decades he has been occupied with teaching and research but he has found outlets for his creative urges in several projects, not least in the posters he has designed for various cultural events. These posters have a distinct style though they fall into different series or categories. Many use photography – Goddur is himself an avid photographer – often with overlaid, handwritten text, though some feature set type. These posters are light and playful, perhaps to highlight the playful nature of the events they advertise: Art exhibitions, concerts, etc. Written by Jón Proppé http://cargocollective.com/goddur


Many of us are annoyed by the hierarchy of art forms - especially the perceived barrier between fine art as self-expression and practical applied arts. People of wisdom don’t generate such borders; rather they see the arts as the same. All great modern art movements have used their specific visual language to filter their often revolutionary ideas to the public with posters. Like the posters of Toulouse-Lautrec, Cheret to Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Gustav Klutsis and the Stenberg brothers, from Rene Magritte to the pop-artist, such as the duo design of Richard Hamilton and Dieter Roth’s posters.

ness. It happens that poster culture under the northern lights is not as traditional as it is on the continent. From the viewpoint of an island in the North Atlantic, the most artistic posters in this sense are the Polish ones – full of emotion and wit. Usually the similes for experiencing beauty are the mirror and the window. The mirror works like “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”, in other words, you like something that reflects something in your soul that you already possess. The window simile, however, opens up a new world or a new feeling that you have never experienced before.

Many fall into the pit of stating that visual communication possesses only three layers, sign-signified-signifier. That is to say, you make a symbol or a sign to grab people’s attention who have only a split second to catch the message on the street. You use bold lettering to tell them what it is and you have at the bottom or wherever who is sending the message. This is the visual communication formula proclaiming that you only have three layers in applied arts but endless layers in fine arts. Such visual communication is just a service industry. Of course three layers can work well and simplicity is not necessarily the enemy of mystery. You could have these three layers on the top with endless layers underneath or in the background for the ones who claim to cherish true art.

Those who master the use of icons are the ones who give us the means to travel into a variety of chambers or to unknown islands in our subconscious. Not necessarily surrealistic. The icons can be coded messages of a political nature, for example, whose forms suggests their meanings. This is what makes the Polish poster so interesting for most people. And maybe especially for us who live up here in the north, where the vivid folklore of elves, trolls, and imaginative worlds are part of our common life. The rich visual language of the Polish poster makes its way so smoothly under our skin. Of course there are “art institutions” here as everywhere that do not accept the poster as an art form. But they are not looking; they have lost this common sense of seeing and believing their own eyes which most people possess naturally.

The strongest tools of the natural-born artist are vision, intuition, and imagination, along with emotional expression. This mode of expression allows the artist to prioritise elements that the artist believes are important, using emotional intelligence and witti-


Gudmundur Oddur Magnusson (Goddur) research professor Iceland Academy of the Arts





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Iceland Academy of the Arts: Workshops ‘The poster as an art form’ Date: 25-29.09.2017 Workshops hosted by professors Leszek Żebrowski,

Monika Starowicz ‘Woman’s fascinations’

important graphic movements of the 20th century: the

Monika Starowicz and Sebastian Kubica from Poland.

“Poster should be individually beautiful in its form,

Polish Poster School, which became a world-wide phe-

All of them are teachers in the field of poster making

graphic and should make a lot of noise by its message.

nomenon in the 1960-70’s. The Polish visual communica-

at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, the Academy of Fine

I have my own fascinations and I follow them. Each

tion posters are characterized by their artistic integra-

Arts in Katowice and the University of Silesia, Insti-

of my poster contains a piece of my soul. I have fun

tion of image and text that set them apart from the usual

MAk - Akureyri Culture Society: Music and theatre posters exhibition Date: 20.10-12.11.2017

tute of Fine Arts in Cieszyn. The course ‘The Poster

with a form, a trace, color and texture. The poster is

design of advertising. We will take a short look at history,

Explore the music and theatre posters. The exhibi-

as an Art Form’ is dedicated to the visual communi-

synthesis, sometimes starting point for further ac-

development and current scene of posters in Poland.

tion features posters related to famous musicians like

cation as well as the fine art (printmaking) students.

tion. Just open your mind, spread your wings and fly.”

Frédéric Chopin, David Bowie or Nina Simone; jazz, blues or classical music events, and the playwrights

The Municipal Library of Akureyri: Opera and children poster exhibition Date: 1-30.09.2017

Reykjavik City Library | Gerduberg Culture House: Exhibition - Posters from Poland Date: 23.09-19.11.2017

Reykjavik City Library | Gerduberg Culture House: Workshops for children 9-12 years old Date: 24.09.2017

The exhibition presents the newest posters created by

We invite children to participate in a poster-work-

century, which saw a dynamic development of post-

artists who are special guests of the Polish Poster Project

shop with our artists. ‘Let your imagination run

ers. At first, posters took the form of a typographic

in Iceland.

wild’. Be inspired by the exhibition ‘Posters from

bill, but later they developed into the modern artistic

such as William Shakespeare, Henrik Ibsen, Mikhail Bulgakov, Anton Chekhov who appear alongside celebrated Polish authors, for example Witold Gombrowicz.

Posters have accompanied the opera since the 19th

Reykjavík International Film Festival: Screening ‘The Other Side of the Poster’

Poland’ and make a picture cut out of old mag-

format as we know it today. The exhibition features

Leszek Żebrowski ‘Poor poster’

azines and colored papers. Create a collage by

posters for operas by Gaetano Donizetti, Giuseppe

The Other Side of the Poster | Druga strona plakatu,

According to Jan Lenica’s motto, the simpler the poster

using things, which have been already in use.

Verdi, Georges Bizet, Richard Strauss, Giacomo Pucci-

Poland, 2010, 52’

is, the stronger it works on our imagination. Żebrowski’s

ni, Jules Massenet, as well as posters for festivals and

Directed by Marcin Latałło

modest, economical-colour posters make a specific dia-

events related to opera. There will be also a special

Produced by Wojciech Szczudło – Studio Filmowe Kale-

selection of posters dedicated to children: The Nut-


is to present the form of posters as a result of a process of

Nordic House: Film posters exhibition Date: 22.09-9.10.2017

reduction, cleansed from all unnecessary elements. Że-

The exhibition features a selection of Polish posters

browski has been awarded for this series of posters at the

for international films. The posters have been created

International Poster Biennale in Tehran and Warsaw. He is

in the last decade and are individual interpretations

the author of over 500 posters published and well known

of the older movies. A part of posters is related to

for posters created for William Shakespeare’s plays.

logue with the viewer. The aim of so called ‘poor poster’

cracker, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Puss in boots. This film will be the first documentary about one of the most important graphic movements of the XXth Century: the Polish Poster School. It became a phenomena world-

movies whose directors were honorary guests at Reyk-

Kartöflugeymslan Gallery in Akureyri: Social posters exhibition Date: 1-30.09.2017

javik Film Festival in past years, among others David

Social posters convey their message to anyone in any

ers, present in everyday life and linked to the cultural and

Sebastian Kubica ‘Short stories’

Cronenberg, Jim Jarmusch or Alejandro Jodorowsky.

country in almost any language. A social poster needs to

historical events, also tell the story of post-war Poland, of

Every poster is a story. This is a kind of journey the artist

Additionally, the exhibition will show posters for

alert and engage the viewer in a compelling and provoc-

censorship in the communist times and the ways artists

takes us on. The exhibition is an opportunity to enter the

famous movies of Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Jean-

ative fashion. The exhibition presents posters, which

found to bypass it, of the relationships of Poland with

mysterious and magical world of posters by Sebastian

Pierre Jeunet, Roman Polański or Krzysztof Kieślowski.

express concerns about a wide range of issues: from

the rest of the world, especially with France, many of the

Kubica. He is interested in graphic design, drawing,

tolerance, environment and violence, to the influence

famous Polish poster artists emigrated there and where

graphic art and illustration. The strength of his posters

of the state on the life of its citizens. Displayed posters

many famous French graphic designers first studied in

contain also important topics related to Polish society.

Poland. Now Poland has integrated the European Union,

lies in the idea and the workshop. He picks the motives precisely and adequately for the subject, as the functionality of a poster is essential in his art.

Akureyri Art Museum: Lecture ‘The art of the Polish Posters’ by Natalia Dydo Date: 26.09.2017

dom of their creators in the communist times. The post-

what is the place of the heritage of the post-communist countries in the contemporary culture, dominated by mass entertainment and the market laws?

The presentation contains an overview of the most


wide in the 1960-70’s. Polish posters expressed the free-


Leszek Żebrowski

Leszek Żebrowski

Born in Szczecin in 1950. Studied at the Design Department WSSP in Gdańsk (now Academy of Fine Arts) under supervision of Prof. Jerzy Krechowicz. Currently professor of graphic arts at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. He specializes in drawing, painting, artistic graphics, satirical drawing and design for publishing. Recognized as an author of more than 360 posters mainly related to culture. His artistic language is known as ‘portrait style’. In his works, usually made with aerograph, he tries to show model’s psyche through deformations (referring to Stanisław ‘Witkacy’ Witkiewicz). He has developed his own technique of printing consisting of direct drawing on offset plate and proper exposition. Participant of numerous international poster exhibition cycles in Warsaw, Toyama, Hong Kong, Chaumont, Lahti, Chicago, Moscow. Winner of many prizes and distinctions, among others the 1st Prize of the International Triennial of Posters in Mons, 2nd Prize at the International Biennale of Posters in Teheran, Bronze Medal at the International Biennale of Posters in Warsaw and 3rd Prize at the International Biennale of Theatre Posters in Rzeszów. Honored with the title ‘Ambassador of Szczecin’ by the City Mayor in 2017. https://zebrowski.dphoto.com/



Leszek Ĺťebrowski

Leszek Ĺťebrowski

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Leszek Ĺťebrowski

Leszek Ĺťebrowski

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Monika Starowicz

Monika Starowicz

Born in 1974 in Katowice. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, department of graphic art in Katowice. Currently works with Prof. Roman Kalarus in Poster Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. She is interested in art poster, graphic, drawing, illustration and collage. Has participated in numerous poster exhibitions in Poland and abroad. „I have an old black telephone. It’s made of bakelite, with a dial. If not for the digital links it still would serve to contact me with the world. At this moment there is only a nostalgic decoration of my room. Looking at it over the years I always think that the poster should be just like the old telephone - individually beautiful in its form, graphic and should make a lot of noise by its message. Such is the modern poster - just like my phone - disappearing


from the streets of cities and becomes the resident of art galleries or museum’s interior. Each poster is a challenge. I don’t identify myself with the trends of contemporary design. I don’t want even someone calls me a designer. I engaged in art. Art of poster. And let it be. I don’t care about what is currently fashionable. I have my own fascinations and I follow them. Each of my poster contains a piece of my soul. I have a fun with a form, a trace, color and texture. I like the old letters. I collect them and gladly use them and they play in one orchestra with my drawings and all my graphic decisions I take on a piece of paper. All around is the poster. All works of art operate according to the same rights. The poster is synthesis, sometimes starting point for further action. Just open your mind, spread your wings and fly.”


Monika Starowicz

Monika Starowicz

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Monika Starowicz

Monika Starowicz

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Sebastian Kubica

Sebastian Kubica

Born in 1975 in Żywiec. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, department of graphic art in Katowice. Since 2004 has run poster and illustration studio at the University of Silesia, Institute of Fine Arts in Cieszyn. In 2012 obtained a tittle of Ph.D with his habilitation in visual arts. He is interested in graphic design, drawing, graphic art and illustration. Regular participant of international exhibitions, judge at poster competitions. Held lectures and workshops in many universities among others: Art Department of the University in Oradea (Romania), Higher School of Communication and Business in Budapest (Hungary), Art Department of the University in Ostrava (Czech Republic), University of Diego Portales in Santiago (Chile), University Vina Del Mar (Chile). In 2008 awarded a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Since 2014 a member of polish branch of FECO (The Federation of Cartoonist Organizations) and since 2015 a member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale). Main Awards • 11th Graphic competition of Jozef Gielniak, Jelenia Gora, Poland 2003 – Equal Award • International Poster Biennial in Toyama 2003, Japan – Bronze Medal • Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice 2003, Poland – Silver Medal


• 19th International Poster Biennial – Warszawa 2004, Poland – Bronze Medal • Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice 2005, Poland – The President of Sosnowiec Award • 1st International Socio-Political Poster Biennial in Oświęcim 2006, Poland – Silver Medal • 4th Ningbo International Poster Biennial 2006, China – Bronze Medal • Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice 2007, Poland – The President of Bielsko-Biała Award • International competition of cartoons “Satyrykon”, Legnica 2011, Poland – Gold Medal • International competition of cartoons “Satyrykon”, Legnica 2012, Poland – Honourable mention • Awakening World Awards Festival 2012, Teheran, Iran – Award • 4th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial in Oświęcim 2012, Poland – AnStifte Foundation Award • 5th International Socio-Political Poster Biennial in Oświęcim 2014, Poland – Gold Medal • 2nd International Poster Biennial – Bielsko-Biała, 2015, Poland – Honourable mention • 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death „Szekspir ∞”, Galeria Plakatu AMS, 2015, Poland - Honourable mention http://sebastiankubica.pl


Sebastian Kubica

Sebastian Kubica

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Sebastian Kubica

Sebastian Kubica

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Sebastian Kubica

Sebastian Kubica

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Mirosław Adamczyk

Marcelina Amelia

Ewa Bajek

Robert Czerniawski

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Tomasz Bogusławski

Wiesław Grzegorczyk

Sława Harasymowicz

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Barbara Gula

Mieczysław Górowski

Sławomir Iwański

Michał Jandura

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Wojciech Kołek

Wojciech Korkuć

Roman Kalarus

Ryszard Kajzer

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Sławomir Kosmynka

Ryszard Kaja

Andrzej Krajewski

Michał Książek

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Rafał Olbiński

Zbigniew Latała

Piotr Kunce

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Anna Pałosz

Andrzej Pągowski

Bartosz Łukaszonek

Lech Majewski

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Adam Pękalski

Kaja Renkas

Bogna Otto-Węgrzyn

Władysław Pluta

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Wiesล aw Rosocha

Wiktor Sadowski

Jerzy Skakun - Joanna Gรณrska

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Kuba Sowiński

Monika Sojka

Wojciech Siudmak

Jacek Staniszewski

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Jakub Stępień

Stasys Eidrigevičius Krzysztof Nowak

Rosław Szaybo

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Waldemar Świerzy

Wiesław Wałkuski

Zbigniew Szumski

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Agnieszka Ziemiszewska

Marta Szmyd

Tadeusz Gustaw Wiktor

Leszek Wiśniewski

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Leszek Żebrowski

Index of Artists

A Adamczyk Mirosław 30 Amelia Marcelina 31 B Bajek Wein Ewa 31 Bogusławski Tomasz 32 C Czerniawski Robert 31 G Górowski Mieczysław 34 Górska Joanna 49 Grzegorczyk Wiesław 33 Gula Barbara 35

Jakub Zasada

H Harasymowicz Sława 33 I Iwański Sławomir 35

Elżbieta Wojciechowska

J Jandura Michał 35


K Kaja Ryszard 39 Kajzer Ryszard 36 Kalarus Roman 36 Kołek Wojciech 36 Korkuć Wojciech 37 Kosmynka Sławomir 38 Krajewski Andrzej 39 Książek Michał 41 Kubica Sebastian 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Kunce Piotr 41 L Latała Zbigniew 40 Ł Łukaszonek Bartosz 42 M Majewski Lech 43

N Nowak Krzysztof 50 O Olbiński Rafał 40 Otto-Węgrzyn Bogna 44 P Pałosz Anna 42 Pągowski Andrzej 42 Pękalski Adam 42 Pluta Władysław 45 R Renkas Kaja 44 Rosocha Wiesław 46 S Sadowski Wiktor 47 Siudmak Wojciech 58 Skakun Jerzy 47 Sojka Monika 48 Sowiński Kuba 48 Staniszewski Jacek 49 Starowicz Monika 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Eidrigevičius Stasys 50 Stępień Jakub 50 Szaybo Rosław 51 Szmyd Marta 53 Szumski Zbigniew 53 Ś Świerzy Waldemar 52 W Wałkuski Wiesław 53 Wiktor Tadeusz Gustaw 54 Wiśniewski Leszek 55 Wojciechowska Elżbieta 56 Z Zasada Jakub 56 Ziemiszewska Agnieszka 54 Ż Żebrowski Leszek 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 56, 63, 64




Iceland Academy of the Arts | Listaháskóli Islands

Self-governing institution providing higher education in fine arts, theatre, dance, music, design, architecture and art education. The role of the Iceland Academy of the Arts is to encourage progressive thinking in the arts and to stimulate innovation and development in different fields. Offers education in the arts at the university level and conveys both knowledge and professionalism in the arts to Icelandic society.

Reykjavik City Library | Gerðuberg Culture House

Akureyri Art Museum | Listasafnið á Akureyri

Address: Sæmundargata 11, 101 Reykjavík

One of the six Culture Houses run by the Reykjavik City Library, offers a varied program of events for people of all ages. Exhibitions, program for children, literature events, multicultural activities, informal educational events, art workshops, concerts and more. The library has a good collection, a new makerspace for tweens and a cosy atmosphere.


Address: Gerðuberg 3-5, 111 Reykjavík

Museum was founded in 1993. Originally home to a dairy, the building which houses the gallery is noted as a good example of the Bauhaus school of architecture. Artists that have had their work displayed in the Akureyri Art Museum include Icelandic artists Erró, Kjarval and Louisa Matthíasdóttir, and also well-known international artists such as Joan Jonas, Spencer Tunick and Wolfgang Tillmans.


Address: Kaupvangsstræti 8-12, 600 Akureyri

Nordic House | Norræna húsið

The Nordic House in Reykjavik is a cultural institution that was opened in 1968, operated by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Its goal is to foster and support Nordic collaboration. The house produces a wide variety of cultural activities all year round including art exhibitions, concerts and literature events, and offers a comfortable environment for kids and families.

Address: Þverholti 11, 105 Reykjavík http://www.lhi.is/


Sigrún Birgisdóttir. Dean of Department of Design and Architecture

Gunn Hernes. Project manager at the Nordic House and has been a guest speaker at several workshops in the field of music and performing arts. She has worked as an independent producer for many years and toured internationally with different dance companies, and has been planning outdoor festivals and concerts.


Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir. MPM and head of Education & Communication at the Reykjavik City Library since 2015. Former director of Gerduberg Cultural Center (2009-2014).


Hlynur Hallsson. Director of the Akureyri Art Museum. He is an Icelandic visual artist and curator, studied at the Akureyri School of Visual Arts, the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, and at FH Hannover, HfbK Hamburg, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. Since 1999 he has held lectureships at the Akureyri School of Visual Arts and the Iceland Academy of the Arts. Curator of many exhibitions and author of numerous publications.

Partners Akureyri Culture Society – ACS I Menning- The Municipal Library of Akureyri | Amtsarfélag Akureyrar – MAk bókasafnið á Akureyri

Was established in 2014 by the agreement between the representatives of the Akureyri Theatre Company (Leikfélag Akureyrar), the North Iceland Symphonic Orchestra (Sinfóníuhljómsveit Norðurlands) and the Hof Culture Society. The aim is to create a strong scene for the three largest cultural institutions in North Iceland to cooperate, to further advance Akureyri´s cultural society and further strengthening the operations carried out by these parties.

One of the largest libraries in Iceland. It is an open, welcoming, family friendly place, committed to build an informed and thriving community. The Library was established in 1827 but was moved to Brekkugata, current building and location, in 1968. Today well over 300 people come visiting each day and the circulation now surpasses 215.000 items a year. Address: Brekkugata 17, 600 Akureyri https://www.akureyri.is/amtsbokasafn

Kartöflugeymslan Gallery

The gallery is in an old, reconstructed potato storage bunker at the top of the Akureyri Art Street. The old Potato Storage facility was completely renovated by Kollgáta architecture as their offices in 2005 and received the Akureyri architecture award the following year. Kollgáta architecture was founded in 2004 and have received number of awards for their works. The owners are: Logi Már Einarsson - architect Ingólfur Freyr Guðmundsson - industrial designer

Address: Strandgata 12, 600 Akureyri

Address: Kaupvangsstræti 29, 600 Akureyri



Þuríður Helga Kristjánsdóttir. General Manager at MAK since March 2016. Before she worked at the Nordic House as an HR & Event Manager for large and small events and projects.


Berglind Mari Valdemarsdóttir. Project manager at the Municipal Library of Akureyri. Former museum director of Smámunasafnið (Museum of small things). She has Bachelor degree in folklore from The University of Iceland with minor in journalism and Master degree in applied studies of culture from The University of Iceland.

Reykjavík International Film Festival is an independent nonprofit organization. The festival shows a wide range of dramas and nonfiction films from over 40 countries. It highlights independent filmmaking from all over the world, with a special emphasis on up-and-coming filmmakers. RIFF encourages the interaction of film with other art forms by organizing concerts, exhibitions and more. The 2017 edition of the festival will take place from the 28th of September until the 8th of October. http://riff.is

Iceland News Polska

Iceland News Polska is a Reykjavík-based media company that delivers Icelandic news in Polish, keeping the Polish diaspora in Iceland up-todate, organizes cultural events and takes part in various projects. The purpose of Iceland News Polska is not only to provide news from Iceland but also to support and work on initiatives that activate the Polish diaspora living in Iceland. http://icelandnews.is/

Marta Magdalena Niebieszczańska. Born in Poland, lives in Iceland. Journalist, photographer and editor in chief and the co-owner of only Polish news website based in Iceland - Iceland News Polska that delivers information both on a local, regional and international scale.



Reykjavík International Film Festival RIFF

catalogue & exhibition poster

Author of catalogue

Mirosław Adamczyk

Michał Jandura

Born in 1964 in Szubin. Studied at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of The State Higher School of Visual Arts in Poznań (1985-1990). Graduated with a distinction from Prof. Waldemar Świerzy’s studio, 1990. Currently he is a professor at the University of the Arts in Poznań and leads the Department of Illustration and Graphic Design. Specializes in poster and graphic design.

Born in 1970 in Rzeszow. Studied at the Painting Department in the Cracow’s Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision of Prof. Zbigniew Grzybowski. In the years 1997-2010 worked as an assistant in Prof. Piotr Kunce’s Poster Studio. Since 2010 has run a Studio of Preliminary Design at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in Cracow. Currently deals with editorial graphics, painting and designing posters.

Has participated in numerous poster exhibitions, festivals and contests, among others in Chamont (France), Hong Kong, Katowice, Cracow, Lahti (Finland), Ninbo (China), New York, Ogakhi (Japan), Poznań, Rzeszów (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria), Tehran (Iran), Toyama (Japan) and Warsaw. He is the laureate of several international poster contests. POLISH POSTER 148X205 pasery.pdf




Has participated in numerous national and international poster and painting exhibitions. Main awards: 2007 - Gold medal; the 20th Polish Poster Biennale; BWA in Katowice. 2007 - Third place; World Award of Monotheistic Poster Competition; Imam Ali Art Museum; Tehran; Iran 2007 - selection to the exhibition (referred to as the prize) Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2007; Taipei; Taiwan

Cracow Poster Gallery is one of the most famous places in the world for poster-lovers. It is visited by young and old alike, by school pupils, university students and professors, by Poles and numerous foreign tourists, and above all by collectors. For many years it has been featured as a must visit gallery in the best-selling international guidebooks to Poland and Kraków. Polish and foreign magazines devoted to travel and graphic design have written extensively about it. Natalia Dydo - cultural manager and project coordinator collaborating with the Poster Gallery in Krakow. The author of the thesis ‘The poster art as a part of creating the image of the theater’. Curator of poster exhibitions in London (2012), Istanbul and Ankara (2014), Wellington (2015), Shanghai (2016) and Valencia (2017). Daughter of Krzysztof Dydo, the leading collector of posters in Poland and authority of the genre. Krzysztof Dydo

That’s hardly surprising, the Kraków Poster Gallery founded by Krzysztof Dydo in 1985, is the only gallery in Poland specializing in Polish promotional and commercial posters. It is a meeting place for artists and all those interested in poster art.







Kinga Włodarczyk - project and event coordinator. Graduated Project Management, E-Marketing and Public Relations studies. Polish Posters lover fascinated by Iceland.



poster: Leszek Żebrowski

Since 1994, gallery has become private property managed by Krzysztof Dydo and Ewa Pabis.




Author of exhibition poster


The gallery’s main attraction is more than 2,500 poster titles by almost 200 Polish graphic artists, painters and designers, promoting events primarily in the field of culture, theatre, film, music and literature. However, there are excellent social, sports and advertising posters as well.

Apart from organizing exhibitions, printing catalogues, posters and postcards and reproducing posters, the Gallery also collaborates with poster and film festivals and other organizations throughout Poland mounting thematic poster competitions. All exhibited works come from the collection of Krakow’s poster art animator, a gallery owner and an author of numerous publications referring to the poster art – Krzysztof Dydo. The collection is known as the Dydo Poster Collection.

poster: Leszek Żebrowski

Thanks to its enormous collection, the Poster Gallery has organized over 350 individual and group exhibitions in Poland, and at least 350 in almost every country in Europe as well as in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, China, Iran, Canada and the USA.

The Gallery regularly collaborates with various public and private cultural institutions, including museums and theatres, both in Poland and abroad as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish Cultural Institutions from all over the world.


Galeria Plakatu – Poster Gallery ul. Stolarska 8-10 31-043 Kraków, Poland http://www.cracowpostergallery.com/

Stowarzyszenie Ogrody Sztuki (Art Garden Association) - nonprofit organization operating in discipline of arts like music, visual arts and cultural support activities. Initiates, organizes and produces various cultural projects. The aim of the Association is to promote and popularize artistic and scientific achievements of their members.

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