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Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Cradle Coast Regional Tourism Forum Fishing With Friends

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Fishing with our Friends Form a Fishing Club LTA

Sharing Secrets

Collaborate & Cooperate Having fun




Fishing with our Friends Have a Plan

other clubs RTO

Objectives Realistic Fishing Smarter


Angler Survey – Southern Waters

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

132 responses web‐based & 17 questions • 38% were not members of their LTA • 48% rated their LTA 48% rated their LTA ‘not not very effective very effective” • 43% do not take an active role in their LTA • Priority top 4‐Mktng/netwkng/VICs/Advocacy P i it t 4 Mkt / t k /VIC /Ad • 83% said an LTA was necessary for their area • 45% rated L Govt support as ‘very effective / effective” “Do what they can with limited resources” • 75% ops collaborate, cross sell, value add

Key Findings

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Parochialism/reluctance to partner up Lack of understanding of the tourism industry Inability of some Councils to assist LTAs Inability of some Councils to assist LTAs Little attention given to industry development and product development/new experiences d d td l t/ i • Many LTAs lack resources/skills to complete tasks • There are pockets of industry apathy

• • • •

1. Form a Fishing Club – Your LTA

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Role of LTAs Primarily internally focussed • Visitor servicing – maps, guides, Q service, assist LG on VICs, signage plan, amenities, prod enhancmt.

• • • • •

Advocacy – represent businesses/individuals Ad tb i /i di id l Industry development/networking Local research trends Local research, trends Marketing – web, image library Partnerships Partnerships A team always defeats a group of individuals

2. Making Friends With Other Clubs • RTOs Primarily externally focussed – Underpin/align with their strategy U d i / li ith th i t t – Participate in their coop marketing – Use their research Use their research

• Industry sector groups – Networking – Sharing information – Cross selling

• TVINs – TVIN to extend Vis Lo Stay d Vi L S – Selling your product – Provide accurate quality timely information Provide accurate quality timely information

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

3. Welcoming Visitors To Your Pond • • • •

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

First impressions, lasting impressions Service excellence Cooperative effort – all in tune Cooperative effort all in tune e.g. opening hours e.g. opening hours Go above and beyond

A strong LTA = strong performing destination

4. Having a Plan of Action

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

LTA Success Depends on: • Having a strategic plan/vision – Having a strategic plan/vision can be basic can be basic • Aligns/underpins the RTO Plan • Resisting internal influences to change R i i i l i fl h priorities • Awareness of & responds to consumer trends A f& d d • Keeping the organisation relevant/focussed • Strong effective leadership • Transparency – good governance

5. Setting Realistic Objectives • Must align with your resources & skills • • • •

Be patient, set realistic time frames B i li i i f Apply the research Ensure some early wins Don’tt over commit Don over commit W need We d to t sett our catch t h limits li it

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

6. Collaboration/cooperation vs. Competition

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

• Formalise your partnerships • Value add to the vis experience via your colleagues V l dd t th i i i ll • Package products / ease of purchase e.g. accomm/restaurant – one account • Co‐operative marketing is affordable & effective

Your competition is elsewhere

7. Sharing Secrets Research • Operators know what the market is doing • Share your intuitive thoughts Share your intuitive thoughts • LTA collate data, share with RTO • Collectively predict the trends Ultimately y your y catch will increase

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

8. Fishing Smarter – Enhancing Your Skills

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

• RTOs – determine /deliver prof develpt • TT TT – a range of accessible programs a range of accessible programs • LTAs – can facilitate local needs – Guest speakers Guest speakers – In house expertise/skills

• Reward / acknowledge excellence R d/ k l d ll “ I’ve I’ been b fishing fi hi g for f years - I’m I’ still till learning l i g”

9. Communicating With Your Friends So easy to do – so easy to get wrong • Members – Regular newsletters (so easy to get ext info) – Agendas/Minutes sent on time every time Agendas/Minutes sent on time every time – Coffee mornings

• Partners – Partners Local Govt Local Govt – Formal /informal comms

• Community Brag about your recent catch

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

10. Fishing Should be Fun

Survey told us many operators are burnt out and no longer enjoy going to LTA meetings • Meetings should be fun – Agenda ‐ Well Chaired Well Chaired – On time ‐ Respect others

‐ Guest speakers Guest speakers ‐ Communicated

• Have social events Have social events • Celebrate success

“We are here for a good time, not a long time”

Consider Holding a Fishing Comp Events • Strengthens your brand positioning • Schedule outside peak period Schedule outside peak period (Fun 4 Kids) (Fun 4 Kids) • Be quirky, different and creative • Get the experts on board your boat G t th t b d b t • Start out with little steps

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

SUMMARY • • • • • • • •

Work as a team – LTA, RTO & others Role clarity Visitor experience Visitor experience Have a plan ‐ & realistic C ll b ti Collaboration Enhance skills Good communication Must be fun Must be fun

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd

Bill Fox & Associates Pty Ltd


Q ti Questions

Di Discussion i

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