2024/2025 - Q2

2024/2025 - Q2
Position CCA as a regional partner – facilitating, collaborating, enabling and acting on behalf of Councils.
Set regional priorities annually with Member Councils, through a priority setting process, with a focus on building a stronger region
Monitor, evaluate and review CCA’s Advocacy, Communication and Engagement Strategy
Identify and secure financial and policy support for regional priorities i e , NRM projects, regionally important projects, shared services and other initiatives undertaken by CCA on behalf of Councils
Foster strong partnerships with all stakeholders and use CCA's communications platforms to promote an integrated approach to Regional Development, NRM and Local Government
Cross reference and align all CCA plans within a single business or organisational framework.
Develop a masterplan, an organisational framework, incorporating the key functions of CCA as described in the Letter of Expectation (LoE), NRM Strategic Plan and Regional Futures Plan
Deliver government-funded projects
Work with Member Councils to develop opportunities that will increase the shared services capabilities
Preliminary work was undertaken in Q1 and refined during Q2 with Councils and Committees These priorities inform the work on the Masterplan and election strategy
Ongoing discussion within CCA team and Board to ascertain appetite for more assertive advocacy
Submitted the 2025/26 State Budget submissions, which included a total of 10 submissions involving NRM, Coastal Pathway, Renewable Energy, Transport, and Social Enterprise Support projects
Employed a new NRM Communications Officer to strengthen CCA/NRM operations’ communications
Continued development of the Regional Masterplan, incorporating feedback from political parties to best align with Federal policies, and from Councils and Committees
Refer to project list
The Service Strategy and CCA’s capability was raised as an option by the CCA Review Councils will be asked to provide feedback on this matter
WorkwithallstakeholderstoensurethatCCA'sgovernance andmanagementstructuresarefitforpurpose.
Undertakeareviewofexistinggovernancestructureandconnectedpolicies andprocesses
Inresponsetothereview,modifyorchangeexistinggovernancestructureto ensureitisfitforpurposeanddriveshighlevelsofengagementwithCouncils
BuildareviewcycleintoCCAgovernance,includingboardanddirector evaluation
ImplementareviewcycleforallCCAteammemberstoevaluate effectivenesswithinacultureofgrowthanddevelopment
DefineanddeliverservicestoCouncilsandwhereappropriatetocommunity -NRM,RegionalDevelopmentetc
Reviewbyexternalfacilitator presentedtoRepresentativesatthe December2024meetingTheReport andotherrelevantmaterialwillbe forwardedtoallCouncilsSubjectto CouncilresponsestheBoardwill commenceworkonthenextstepsand furtherconsultationwiththe RepresentativesinMarch2025
CCABoardhasconsideredpossible changesormodificationsand continuestoworkinresponsetothe review
Subjecttotheoutcomesoftheexternal review
Staffend-of-yearperformancereviews completed
TheBoardhasgivenconsiderationto thelegalandfinancialrequirementsof afee-for-servicebusinessmodel
Aspartofthereview,considerationhas beengiventoarefreshoftheShared ServicesAgreement
CCAcontinuestooperateunderLEAN principlesandtherequirementsofthe FinancialManagementStrategy
2025/26StateBudgetsubmissions completed
CCAmanagementreportsagainstthe financialmanagementplanateach AuditandRiskmeeting
Program / Project
Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
Our Natural Advantage - building the benefits of natural capital on farms
Healthy Harbour Project - Maugean Skate Recovery
Community action for King Island Threatened Bird Recovery
KI Scrubtit and KI Brown Thornbill
Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery – part 2
Emergency Preparedness and Response Project
Three Hummock Island - Feral Cats Project
Saving Native Species - Swift Parrots
Saving Native Species - Felixers
Aligning SAF activities to support ONA project
Project signed off and initiation activities are underway
HHP staff ran a community clean-up in November 2024, with 92 volunteers cleaning up 35 km of coast and roadsides CCA attends National Recovery Team meetings and coordinates the Maugean Skate Captive Breeding Steering Committee IMAS continues to be successful in looking after skate hatchlings at Taroona
An additional Conservation Land Management Agreement was signed, protecting 3 ha of priority habitat 53 feral cats were killed Site prioritisation for the project was completed, establishing the locations to target for negotiation of conservation agreements
Five landholder agreements have now been signed representing 14 5 km of waterways to be remediated Works have begun on the ground
Final plan released online
Four Felixers are located on Three Hummock Island, with data collection and maintenance trips conducted approximately once per quarter Very few cats are now detected on the cameras and Felixers, encouraging us to keep working there until we can say that feral cats are eradicated
Nest box surveys continue to be undertaken, with 42 surveys completed so far for the season A flowering condition workshop was held, and two surveys were completed
Permits and landholder permissions were sought to install four Felixers in non-lethal mode; two each at Woolnorth and Maria Island Slight delay in installation due to staff illness
Program / Project
Natural Resource Management
Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)
Seven of nine regional councils are still participating in or have participated in cat desexing programs 47 successful applications for the cat enclosure subsidy program
Tas Farm Innovation Hub - Soil Extension Project Project complete
Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund No action this quarter.
Community NRM Engagement Program
Circular Head Roadkill Mitigation Working Group
Improving habitat in the Mersey River estuary for threatened species (Urban Rivers and Catchments Program)
All Community Capacity On Ground Action grant agreements were finalised, and one was completed Facilitated NRM Council Working Group and NW Weeds Working Group meetings
Stakeholders continue to be engaged with the Working Group and are concerned about the roadkill issue A proposal was developed to enable CCA to seek funding for the next steps of the project
The funding agreement was executed in December 2024, and work immediately started on obtaining permits for project activities and negotiating sub-contracts with project partners and suppliers
Program/Project Status
RegionalDevelopment Q1Q2Q3Q4
Preparingadvocacyworkforthe FederalElectiontosecurethefunding neededtocompletethepathway
KingIslandisfullyoperational,Minna Roadexperiencedaslightdelaydueto unprecedentedstormdamage, SmithtonhassubmittedDAtoCH Council,andStanleyiscurrently workingthroughissueswithCHCouncil
LaunchedTheFutureofEnergyin TasmaniaReportincollaborationwith CarbonZeroInitiative Hostedthesecondroundtableevent forRenewableEnergyProponentsThe meetingfocusedonworkforce
Changesmadetothegovernance structuretosupportthedevelopment oftheRegionalLandUseStrategy ‘StateOfPlay’tenderdocuments preparedandpostedtoTenderlink Submissionsclosedon20December 2024,andasubcommitteewas establishedtoreviewapplications
CCAhasnegotiatedareviseddeed andcontractwithEnterprize