1 minute read
After nearly four years of hard work and investment, the Giant Freshwater Crayfish Project under the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the State Government’s Private Land Conservation program, is nearing an end. The project worked with adjoining landholders in six priority catchment areas to improve the riparian environment and habitat for the Giant Freshwater Crayfish.
By helping neighbouring landholders to undertake project works, we were able to get improved habitat across significant river reaches. Works have included willow and weed control, fencing to exclude stock access, off-stream watering points installed and revegetation in badly impacted reaches In addition, three landholders have opted into putting a conservation covenant over good quality remnant vegetation on their properties to provide long term habitat protection
Final Field Day
A final Field Day for the project is planned at Roger River in the Duck River catchment
Date: Wednesday 5 April 2023
Time: 10:30am - 1pm
Location: Brodies Road, Roger River, more detail available upon registration
Catering: Light lunch provided afterwards
Cost: No charge
Guest speakers include:
Todd Walsh, to show live crayfish and discuss their life cycle
Assoc Prof Matthew Harrison, UTAS, will talk about soil carbon and carbon credits Dr Helen Morgan, TLC, will talk about revegetation

Fiona Marshall, CCNRM, to share insights from the GFC project
You are welcome to join us, please RSVP for location and catering purposes to Fiona Marshall on 0413 382 390 or fmarshall@cradlecoast.com