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In February this year, Turner’s Beach became home to one of two new artificial reefs deployed in Tasmania Following pre-assessment by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST), the newly deployed reef consists of 152 pre-cast steel-reinforced concrete modules that will provide hard surfaces where algae and small invertebrates can establish and grow
The accumulating marine life creates new habitat and food for smaller fish which in turn become food for larger fish. Artificial reefs provide opportunities for recreational fishers, which can ease the pressure on natural reefs, or provide fishing opportunities in areas where little natural reef exists.
Of interest to fishers in the Cradle Coast region, Snapper, Jackass Morwong and Yellowtail Kingfish are all expected to colonise the reef over time. The exact locations of the new reef can be found here

The two reefs are part of a 2018 election commitment to recreational fishers (Taking Recreational Fishing and Boating to the Next Level) and are aligned with the Tasmanian Recreational Sea Fishing Strategy – a 10 year strategic plan to maximise new opportunities in recreational fishing
The impacts of the reef will be monitored long term by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, particularly in the first five years with the first assessment to be undertaken within six months of deployment.
LevenScubaClubinstalledtheirownartificialreef years ago (The Reefballs Site), and were impressedathowmuchmarinelifewasattracted tothestructure

Divers are planning on checking out the new TurnersBeachreefthisweekend