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"An experience not to be missed" is how one visitor described the recent "Interiors" exhibition at the Crafts Council of Ireland Gallery in Dublin. Others found it "super, excellent, interesting", and demanded more such "out of this world" exhibitions. Some 7,000 people visited the exhibition and sales were brisk in these "rooms without a view" as they were described by "Social and Personal" magazine.

It was an exhibition that gave a

bedsit and the third architect

new impetus to craft

Sean O'Laoire a home office.

exhibitions. At the opening it appeared as if the entire

The project involved a huge

invitation list had turned up.

amount of preparation includ-

The media, from the Gerry

ing building an interior structur-

Ryan show to the Irish Times

al shell within the gallery on

and Social and Personal, could

which to build the rooms. All

not get enough of this creation

involved worked around the

of five room set interiors.

clock right up until the last minute when the show opened.

Five people were chosen to

This resulted in an exhibition for

create the bedsit, hotel lobby,

which the co-ordinator Anya

Cabinet by Gerry A\organ,

home office, the bedroom and

von Gosseln deserves great

Chair Simon O 'Driscoll

bathroom, none of whom were

praise. Without her it would not

as accessible (both aesthetically

interior designers. The five were

have been possible.

and in price) as their factory

The Home Office - designed by Sean O'Laoire.

Shay Healy, the composer and

manufactured equivalents, and

broadcaster, who was asked to

This achievement stimulated the

that they can be commissioned

decorate a bedroom. Robert

imagination of all those who

or purchased just as easily. Any

O'Byrne, columnist, who was

attended the exhibitions. It

maker or client interested in

assigned to design a bathroom,

focused makers on the

further information about

the architect Alfred Cochrane

environments in which their work

commissioning should contact

designed a hotel lobby, with

is housed. It also focused clients

Siobhan McDonald at the

Rachael Chidlow creating a

on the fact that craft objects are

Dublin gallery.


For the last ten years the Crafts Council of Ireland has been running the Business/

The Crafts Council is running

further information and to book

Design Skills Course at the

an open day at the Crescent

your place on the open day

Crescent Workshop. The

on Saturday 27th November

contact Nuala McGrath or

course imparts business skills

(10 a.m. - 6 p.m.). This is

Emer Ferran, Business/Design

and aids people to develop

open to graduates of craft dis-

Skills Course Supervisor,

and perfect their craft design

ciplines and all those who have

Crescent Workshop, Castle

and production skills.

served an apprenticeship. For

Yard, Kilkenny.

with the Pottery Skills Course in

(vice chair), both of whom

Thomastown continuing for a

retired recently, were thanked

3rd year. He also remarked on

for all their commitment,

The 16th Annual General

the Business/Design Skills

service and advice to the

Meeting of the Crafts Council

Course's continuing success

Crafts Council whilst on the

of Ireland was held at the

with the 90 craft businesses

Board of Management.

Dublin office on 9th

being set up by graduates of

September, 1993. This

the Business/Design Skills

meeting was preceded by a

Course being testimony to the

presentation by Patricia Quinn

success of the programme.

on the development of Temple

Thanks were extended to the

The Crafts Council of Ireland

Bar and the proposed craft

Council's funding bodies who

will hold a one-day Workshop

centre. The chairman outlined

make the activities possible

on stand presentation of

the year's activities and

such as the IDA and the EC for

Textiles on Tuesday 30th

particularly the excellent

the training under ESF, SERtec

November at the R.D.S..

Showcase results which were

and LEDU. An Bord Trachtala

Participation at the Workshop

back to the high levels of

was also thanked for its close

will be limited to twenty five

1990. In addition to a vibrant

links with the Crafts Council

and will be on a first come,

gallery programme the Crafts

particularly in relation to


Council's training

Showcase Dublin. Kevin

programmes have continued

O'Dwyer and Mel Bradley


first served basis. For further details contact Sean O'Farrell at the Crafts Council, Dublin

CRAFTS COUNCIL EXHIBITIONS "10 Jewellers" 5th November - 27th November. A project initiated by the Jewellers and Metalworkers Guild of Ireland. Also two

3rd November onwards in


European Modern Art, 5, Clare


Street, Dublin 2.

For further information please contact Juliet O'Reilly Tel. 01-6765371. Mansion House - Christmas

at the European Ceramics Work Centre (EKWC) for a three month work period. The aim of the EKWC is to

I Oth-I9th December

develop the exploration of

supportive exhibitions, one

For further information contact

ceramics as fine art and

showing the work of recent

Louis O'Sullivan

applied art by providing a

NCAD graduates, the other the

Tel. 01-2859294

Crafts Council's Jewellery Design

The City Hall Crafts Fair, Cork - / 9th-21st December inclusive.

and Production Skills Course.

Crafts Council

December onwards.


support and accommodation

Louis O'Sullivan

open to artists who have been

Tel. 01-2859294

working for at least two years, with access to 12 spaces

The Christmas Show -

studios. Available from sum-

Craftworks Gallery, Belfast.

mer 1994 onwards, deadline

4th November-24th

for applications is 15th

December, 1993.

American Quilts" 25th January - 5th March.


Hosted by the Crafts Council


exhibition was originated by the Crafts Council in London and is coming to Dublin on tour - this is its only Irish venue. Workshops and lectures by exhibitors Nancy Crow and Susan Shie with James Acord.

/ Oth January - end February.

Since 1968 the town of

The Netherlands.

Vallauris has held this

Tel.+31 073-124500

competition to develop artistic

Fax+31 073-124568

creativity in the field of ceramics. All types of techniques are allowed other than non-fired or synthetic enamel

entirely original works in their first exclusive showing may

media jewellery, glass, dance,

categories are proposed:

An exhibition of the work of Evelyn Montague quilt maker.


pieces. Any artist/craftsperson

enter the contest. Four

"La Notte"

Yvette Lardinois,

5211 SG's - Hertogenbosch,

A collaboration between

music and video.

information please contact

I JULY to 3 1 st OCTOBER 1994

or manufacturer presenting "Dancing Jewellery"

January, 1994. For further

Zuid-Willemsvaart 215,

of Ireland at the RHA Gallagher Gallery. This

environment, with financial

For further information contact

Christmas Show Dublin Gallery - Thursday 2nd

work place in a professional

architectural pieces, thrown pots, enamel, creativity. Contact: Biennal Committee, Hotel de Ville, 06200 Vallauris, France. Deadline for entries: 10 January, 1994.

For further information please contact P.O. Box 3108, Butterfield House, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Tel. 01-946435 Fax. 01-936407. The programme includes Marbling and Graining, Interior Design and Decoration week plus a Fine Arts week.




CERAMICS AWARD New retail outlet in prime

Entries are invited for this

4 shaft 6 pedal counter-bal-

Dublin location; specialising in

international exhibition and

ance Douglas Andrews floor

high quality interior acces-

competition. Entry is by slide

loom. Weaving width 41

sories and giftware, invites

(up to three of one work) or

inches - complete with acces-

submissions from innovative,

one group to be shown as one

sories. Also a warping mill

quality concious craftspeople

work. Slide material to be

and (for separate sale) a

specialising in the following

received by 1 st December,

Canadian "Cottage Spinner".


1993. Selected works by early

Contact Patricia Cooney at

Functional ceramics;

May, 1994.


ceramics, ironcraft/metalwork,

For further details contact


glasswork/stained glass,

Moyra Elliott,

textile printing, lighting,

Award Administrator,


enamelling, wallhangings.

Electric Kiln 6.5 cubic feet

Fletcher Challenge

with limitronic controller,

Ceramics Award shimpo wheel and workshop P.O. Box 33 Please contact Eoin Kennedy, C/o Sean O'Farrell, Crafts Council of Ireland, Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, South


1425, Takapuna,

Contact: M. Carroll,

New Zealand. Tel.

William Street, Dublin 2.

Knockeragh, Killarney,

649630 8 5 8 1 /

Co. Kerry.

649445 8831.

The Management Committee 1993

Crafts Council Staff

The Crafts Council of Ireland

Chair Dr. John McGuire



Mr. Michael Feeney

Chief Executive

Christine Ross

Powerscourt Townhouse Centre

Ms. Suzanne May

Craft Development Officer

Sean O'Farrell

South William Street,

Mr. Michael McCrory

Administrative Officer

Mr. Rudolf Heltzel

Administrative Assistant

Dr. David Shaw-Smith

Gallery Administrator

Ms. Breda Haugh

Exhibitions Assistant

Ms. Angela Forte

Shop Assistant

Margaret Jones Clare Brennan Margaret McAnallen

Dublin 2 Tel.

0 1 6 7 9 7368


01 6 7 9 9 1 9

Greg McAteer Siobhan Me Donald

Ms. Eveline Greif Mr. Brendan Flood

The Crescent Workshop

Ms. Hilary Pratt

Training and Education Officer

Ms. Maureen Cairnduff

Supervisor/Information Officer

Ms. Kaethe Burt-O'Dea

Administrative Assistant

Kilkenny Leslie Reed Emer Ferran Nuala McGrath

Castle Yard Kilkenny

Tel. 056 61804 or 62734 Fax. 056 63754

Thomastown Pottery Skills Course Trainer

The Crescent Workshop,

Gus Mabelson Designed in the Crescent Workshop

Jewellery Design and Production Skills Course Trainer

by Daragh 6 Toole

Jane Huston

All information is published in good faith but without research, so please check carefully before committing yourself to work or financial outlay Please forward all further information to Emer Ferran The copy date for the next issue is 3rd December and the print date is 10th December 1993

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