newsletter M
MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR TO DATE SHOWCASE DUBLIN '94 was a huge success. There was a great buzz about the show and exhibitors were delighted with their full order books. A great start to
The Forbairt Perpetual Craft Trophy won by Michael Bell, pictured with Cyril Forbes,
the year for them.
Chairman of the Crafts Council and Michael Feeney, Head of Small Business, Forbairt.
innovative, quality
borne out by the fact that not
Eight thousand buyers
merchandise from some 560
only does it attract major
attended SHOWCASE
exhibitors - the largest
buyers from as far afield as
DUBLIN '94- 1,500 of these
number of exhibitors to date.
Japan, the USA and Canada,
were from overseas.
In 1993, orders of ÂŁ15 million
but that the resulting sales last
Celebrity guests over the
were placed at the Fair, with
year were directly responsible
four days of the Fair
45% of those being for the
for creating an additional 100
included Minister for
export market. Figures this
full time and 60 part time
Enterprise and Employment,
year look like being well up
jobs, with 275 outworkers also
Mr. Ruairi Quinn T.D., who
on last year.
benefiting from the increased orders." He congratulated
officially opened the Fair, former Taoiseach Mr. Charles
Mr. Cyril Forbes, in his first
Bord Trachtala for the
J. Haughey, Mr. Nicholas
year as Chairman of the Crafts
excellent job they do in
Robinson, American
Council of Ireland was
bringing overseas buyers to
Ambassador Jean Kennedy
delighted with the success of
Ireland for Showcase Dublin.
Smith and actress Maureen
the Fair and was on hand for
O'Hara, to name but a few.
the duration to chat with
Showcase Dublin goes from
exhibitors, buyers and special
strength to strength. With the
The Fair has a growing
guests. He commented: "The
success of this year's Fair we
international reputation for
importance of this event is
can really look forward to
providing a wide range of
"Contemporary American Quilts" a travelling exhibition of the Crafts Council of England and Wales, hosted by the Crafts Council of Ireland at the RHA Gallagher Gallery (ends 5th March).
This is your final opportunity to see this exhibition which has proven itself to be extremely successful, it presents the dynamism of quilt making in America. The exhibition was officially opened by the
Cyril Forbes, Chairman of the Crafts Council of Ireland and Jean Kennedy-Smith, US Ambassador and founder of "Very Special Arts" at the opening of Contemporary American Quilts. Quilt by Nancy Crow.
American Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith on 26th January. The hosting is the
and June. This will bring
together the work of basket makers from all over Ireland
culmination of a joint project between the Crafts Council of Ireland, the US Embassy and Delta Airlines.
and the Crafts Council hopes to
An exhibition of
run a concurrent programme of
mechanical toys
workshops. Mairead McAnallen
10th March - 30th April
would like to hear from those
This exhibition is initiated and
interested in workshop
curated by the Crafts Council
participation. Please contact her
Gallery and will show work by
at the Crafts Council in Dublin
The last of the accompanying textile workshops takes place this week-end (5th-6th March). Irish makers, Brian Buckley, Entitled "Healing Quilts Grainne Morton and many of
England's most influential
makers, including Paul
Spooner, Lucy Casson, Tony
For further details please
Mann and John Maltby (better
contact Sean O'Farrell
Medicine Art" with Susan Shie and James Acord. The fee is ÂŁ55 and includes lunch each day. Places limited. Also "Very Special Arts known in Ireland as a potter). Workshop" (1st-3rd March) A Open day
quilting workshop for people with learning disabilities. Further information is available from the Crafts Council of Ireland's Dublin office.
at the Crafts Council of Ireland,
May - June
Crescent Workshop, for Schools
An exhibition exploring the
and PLC courses on the 21st April.
traditional skills of the basket
Contact; Leslie Reed, Training and
maker will take place in May
Education Officer
Business Skills Training
Manager, 20a, Stanmore Road,
The Crafts Council of Ireland
The Border III -
London E11 3BU.
is interested in hearing from
The Northern Ireland
Tel. 081-530 3376
established and establishing
Patchwork Guild and the Irish
craftworkers who would like
Patchwork Society invites
training in either accounting
entries to this open entry
or sales techniques on short
show. It will open in Autumn
one or two day courses.
1994. For further information
Works For '94
Contact Emer Ferran.
send a SAE to Hands Across
27 January - 3 April
The Border III, Irish Patchwork
A snapshot of today's craft
The Crafts Council would
Society, P.O. Box 45, Blackrock,
trends, illustrated in the work of
like to thank everyone who
Co. Dublin. There will be a
15 up and coming young
returned the Register of Craft
prize for the most innovative
makers, selected from an open
Workers application form and
piece sponsored by Alan
submission of over 500
remind those who have not
Graham, Sew-Knit Machines
yet done so to do so
Centre, Lisburn.
All works for sale.
Position Sought
Colour Into Cloth
Young German weaver seeks
14 April -19 June
placement with Irish weaver
A survey of the most original
(June -July)
uses of hand-printed, dyed and
Brian Clarke is holding a series
Contact Ms. Iris Bamberg,
painted textiles throughout the
of two and three week
Johannesstr 63, 70176
twentieth century
residential workshops, seven in
Stuttgart, Germany.
(Supported by the Clothworker's
all, at his studio in Co. Wicklow.
Guild. Organised jointly with
They are in silversmithing and
Vivid Earth Trading
the Holbourne Museum and
chasing and are intended for
A new centrally located arts
Crafts Study Centre, Bath).
people with some experience in
and crafts retail and gallery
metals. They are intended to be
outlet recently opened in
Creative Spirit Workshops
international events and are
Belfast. A showcase for
March 4th, 5th, 6th 1994
being heavily advertised
Northern Irish crafts people
abroad. There will be 5-7
and southern artists and crafts
students in each workshop and
it is a unique opportunity for
For further information contact
metalsmiths to come together
Angela Carolan, Vivid Earth
and work and share ideas and
Trading, 93, Dublin Road,
techniques. Tuition time will be
Belfast. Tel. 08 0232 245787.
Painting Techniques
For further details phone Brian at 0404-46385 or write to him at 2, Ballinaclash, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.
March 25th, 26th, 27th 1994 Creativity and Acrylic Painting Techniques April 22nd, 23rd, 24th 1994 Creativity and Introduction to Oil Painting
40 hours per week and the cost all in is IRP 410.00 per week.
Creativity and Watercolour
Art and crafts supplies
Contact: Mrs. Carmel Devaney,
information service - Create
Station Rd., Foxford,
Co. Mayo
For further information please
Tel: 094-56339
contact Hilda Varley, Database
Fax: 094-56794
Layne Goldsmith (USA), Janet
Mr. Michael Sheppard,
Ledsham (Ireland), Jenny
"Artists in Glass & EYAS"
MacKay (Scotland), Lene
Tel. 0502-36556,
at the Guinness Gallery,
Nielsen (Denmark), Katherina
Fax. 0502-36546
Foxrock Village, Dublin 18.
Thomas (Germany) and
February 25th - April 2nd
Elisabeth Weissensteiner
Opening Monday - Saturday
(Austria). Contact: (+sae)
11.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Caroline Dunn,
Electric Kiln, 3 phase 50KW Phone Gabrielle Gregoire
Sunday 2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
149, Manchester Road,
For further information
Greenfield, Oldham,
contact: Patricia Clyne-Kelly
OL3 7HD.
Tel 0457 870228.
International Felt Conference
IGGO '94 takes place at
overhead beater, standard
Hartbury House, Gloucester,
Durrow Castle, Co. Laois at
beam, sectioned beam, 4 box
8th-10th April, 1994.
Easter. The concept is to
Lectures, demonstrations,
create a display and selling
fly shuttle, 16 shafts, approx. 1,600 heddles tension box,
workshops and an exhibition
opportunity for Ireland's
track and mounting system selvadge roller Mac Classic
by leading contemporary fibre
horticultural and arts/crafts
2/40 computer with black
artists. Contributors include
and white design and weave
Jeanette Appleton (England),
For further information
Jenny Cowern (England),
please contact;
programme. Contact: 08 0504 266822
For Sale 1 cubic metre (35 cubic feet)
For Sale Loom with accessories and full instructions (one owner) 1.5m loom including
The Management Committee 1994
Crafts Council Staff
The Crafts Council of Ireland
Chair Mr. Cyril Forbes
Vice Chair Ms. Hilary Pratt
Chief Executive Craft Development Officer
Dublin Powerscourt Townhouse Centre
Mr. Michael Feeney Ms. Suzanne May Mr. Michael McCrory Mr. Rudolf Heltzel
Administrative Officer
Christine Ross Sean O'Farrell Margaret Jones
Administrative Assistant Catherine Jordan Gallery Administrator Mairead McAnallen Exhibitions Assistant Shop Assistant
Ms. Eveline Greif
The Crescent Workshop Training and Education Officer Supervisor/Information Officer
Mr. Brendan Flood
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Kaethe Burt-O'Dea
Leslie Reed Emer Ferran
Nuala McGrath
The Crescent Workshop, Castle Yard Kilkenny Tel. 056 61804 or 62734 Fax.
Thomastown Pottery Skills Course Trainer Gus Mabelson
Ms. Mary Jackson Ms. Bernadette Madden
01 679 7368 01679 9197
Siobhan Me Donald
Ms. Breda Haugh
Ms. Maureen Caimduff
Dublin 2 Tel. Fax.
Greg McAteer
Dr. David Shaw-Smith
Ms. Angela Forte
South William Street,
056 63754
Designed in the Crescent Workshop by Daragh 6 Toole
Jewellery Design and Production Skills Course Trainer
Jane Huston
All information is published in good faith but without research, so please check carefully before committing yourself to work or financial outlay Please forward all further information to Emer Ferrar 1 The copy date for the next issue is the 18th April. Print date 25th April.