DCCI Annual Report 2020

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Introduction by the Chair

2020 was a challenging year on many fronts for Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI). I am pleased to report, however, that the organisation as a whole responded to those challenges with determination. Our CEO, Rosemary Steen, started her tenure remotely, and immediately set to work strengthening the Executive Team.

13 Andrew Bradley Chair, DCCI

Following the resignation of our Chair, Breege O’Donoghue, in September 2020, I was appointed as Chair in May 2021. On behalf of our members, we acknowledge her contribution during her term at DCCI. The design and craft sector makes a significant contribution to Ireland’s economy. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, a perhaps unexpected, but welcome, consequence was the raised awareness and appreciation of the sector among the public, as people embraced the wellbeing benefits that accrue from handmade objects. With ‘staycations’ being the only option for many Irish families in 2020, our Made Local campaign struck a real chord, as evidenced by

record numbers of public engagement on social media, and strong retail sales recorded in August and September. Many of our members traded steadily once the season got underway, which is an achievement considering the absence of international visitors. Made Local demonstrated that there is a healthy demand for Irish craft, and we plan to continue this promotion again in 2021. These campaigns had the added value of shifting the perception of the sector from niche to mainstream markets. Furthermore, careers in craft and design are no longer considered to be fringe, but rather they now play an increasingly important role in Ireland’s cultural, social and economic development. Finally, we said goodbye to retiring directors Fiona Deegan, Mairead McCorley, John O’Connor and Elaine Riordan, and we thank them sincerely for their contributions. We welcomed our new board members, all of whom have settled in and are already making a positive impact. I would also like to thank the DCCI team for their hard work and commitment throughout this unusual year. I am grateful for their efforts in adapting to

Chair & Chief Executive’s Report

As we considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our sector, the Board agreed to commission two specific pieces of work: firstly, an Economic Impact Assessment, previously conducted in 2010, to assess the economic contribution of the design and craft sector to Ireland’s economy. This concluded in May 2021. Secondly, a Five-year Strategic Plan to guide the development and growth of Design & Crafts Council Ireland.

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