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President’s Message

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Editor’s Message

Editor’s Message

Hello to all our sterile Technicians

Welcome to our mid-year edition of “The Supplyline”

Who would believe we are in the middle of June already.

I have just returned from my first visit home to Scotland in 6 years. It was so nice to tour around my home country and visit with family and friends. It is summer in Scotland and I actually managed to get myself sunburnt, who would have thought it. Now it is back to work and reality and the holiday already feels like it was a lifetime away. Have added a couple of photos for you.

Planning for our conference at Te Papa in September is well ahead and the programme will be out soon. This is an important conference. We have as our keynote speaker Dr Martin Chadwick our professions Chief Allied Professions Officer from the Ministry of Health. If you are having difficulty in getting approval to attend conference, please remind your CSSD manager and your Director of Allied Health at work who is the keynote speaker.

Recently the NZSSA have had a few meetings with Ministry of Health. The first was regarding Sterile Technicians being added to the Green list of employees who can be fast tracked into the country to work. It is important to understand that this can only occur if the person is a qualified technician and that there qualifications are assessed as being equal to those of a NZ training qualified technician. There are specific criteria that are required to be met and these were developed by the NZSSA in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and now sit with Immigration NZ. This is a process that was undertaken by several professions. Details of the requirements are available on the NZSSA website.

Our second meeting with the Ministry of Health was attended in my absence by members of our executive committee. It was advised that as a profession we complete the work required to become a self-regulated profession. The MOH believes we are well advanced in this and that is why we were able to persuade MBIE and Immigration NZ to add our profession to the green list. This will be our focus going forward.

I have to admit to being remiss. I have several qualification badges to send out to members, however work commitments have prevented me from doing so. It is my intention to do this over the next few weeks. It will of course cost me as I am enrolling my granddaughter an impoverished University student to assist me in the process. As always I am happy to receive correspondence from our members about what they are doing and have achieved or just for general enquiries and or just to let off steam.See you all at Conference 2023.

Shelagh Thomas President NZSSA

Cathy Rackley - Recognising 47 years of dedication and commitment to NZ Sterilising

In June 2023, Cathy Rackley is retiring after a remarkable achievement of 47 years of work and contributions to NZ Sterilising.

Cathy commenced work at the Dunedin Public Hospital in 1976, her career ending as the unit manager of Sterile Services Te Whatu Ora Southern. Cathy was a member of the executive of New Zealand Sterile Services Association for 21 years where she served as Secretary for 12 years. Working with the New Zealand Sterile Services Association for 21 years Cathy added “I was privileged to work with a group of passionate and dedicated colleagues.”

Cathy is most proud of combining CSSD and TSSU into one service, integrating staff and practices into one team, and credits the staff at Southern District Health with their willingness to embrace change and teamwork. Looking back on her career Cathy acknowledges how the industry has evolved “Technology advancements in the equipment we use to process medical devices, instrument design has become more complex, compliance requirements and educational resources have increased dramatically resulting in positive changes to the industry and further development of the qualification for SSU technicians have benefited the industry significantly.”

On reflection of Cathy’s 47 years in CSSD, Cathy highlighted:

• Always have back up plans for every situation,

• Working in Sterile Services is not just a ‘job’ it is a healthcare profession,

• ‘We’ are part of a multi-profession team providing healthcare to patients,

• There is no I in team, we all work together for a shared outcome,

• Your workday is fluid, it can change from one minute to the next.

On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of patients that have benefitted from Cathy’s dedication, from all her friends and colleagues and from all of the team at Whiteley, we thank Cathy for her hard work and dedication to Healthcare.

Cathy is recognised for her leadership, adaptable nature, wry smile and passion for teamwork. We wish Cathy every happiness for the future; we hope retirement involves less email and more time to enjoy life outside of Sterilising!!

A wonderful career that should be celebrated!!

It is time to have your say! The second public comment period is open for Draft AS 5369 other devices in health and non-health related facilities

Comment Start Date: 29/05/23

Comment End Date: 10/07/23

You can view the draft with latest comments and provide your feedback here: https://comment.standards.org.au/Drafts/69fd77f8-6ef8-4ed58d27-9952f07c5403

Note: Only comments relating to sections presented within boxes will be addressed by the HE -023 committee.

47th New Zealand Sterile Sciences

Association Annual Conference.

6th – 8th September 2023

To be held at Te Papa, Wellington.

Theme: Changing Landscape

Registration and welcome function: Te Papa

Dinner: The Public Trust Hall

Dinner Theme: Movie night, come as your favourite movie character

For more information go to the NZSSA registration portal


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