3 minute read
by Nicole Byrum
I am a therapist and writer who is passionate about family, faith, and recovery. I am the author of Remade: Living Free, a book that explores topics related to substance abuse, recovery, and unhealthy relationships from a biblical perspective.
Thanksgiving will be here soon enough, and for me, that means one thing... strawberry cake! Oh, I can almost taste (and smell) it now! That wonderful strawberry flavor and most delicious icing have been a staple of this holiday for me for as long as I can remember. Having a birthday so close to Thanksgiving has made strawberry birthday cake a staple of our family holiday tradition. And while I look forward to eating that cake made so lovingly by my mom every year, I also look forward to making a cake as well.
You see, I’ve had a lot of fantastic Thanksgivings full of pumpkin pie, turkey trots, birthday presents, and time with family: but nothing beats the Thanksgiving morning of November 27, 2008. Those quiet moments spent in the hospital bed with my 1-day-old daughter lying on my chest ranks as one of the best memories of my life... and for sure, my most favorite Thanksgiving Day.
I love that I get to share a Thanksgiving-time birthday with my daughter. Not only do we get twice the cake, but it’s twice the reminder to be grateful for life itself.
Some of my favorite words about life were spoken by Jesus in John 10:10 (KJV). Listen to these words from the author and perfecter of our faith, the creator of life itself: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Life to the full. This is the life given to those who believe in the saving power of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Sadly, we all too often fall victim to believing the things of this world bring about an abundant life. Vacations, cars, careers, clothes, and relationships easily become our perceived means of living life to the full. And while these things are certainly blessings to be enjoyed, they are not what Jesus had in mind when he spoke the above words.
In my book, Remade: Living Free, I devote an entire chapter to the meaning of “life to the fullest.” While I am not going to recount the chapter in its entirety here, I would like to share a brief summary excerpt:
“Living in the light of God’s immense love for us, evidenced through the giving of His son, Jesus, as the sacrifice for our sins, knowing we have been rescued from eternal damnation into a life of eternity with our Savior, being raised with Christ into new life through the Holy Spirit, who continuously shapes us into the likeness of the One who died for us... that is an abundant life. And it is so much better than anything this world can offer.”
“Life to the fullest is living in the fullness of the presence of God. No more walking with our heads down, seeking the scraps of worldly living. May we instead walk with our heads high and our eyes focused on the One who gives us life in every sense imaginable.”
May this Thanksgiving season be a time to remember and recount the infinite blessings received over the past year. But may it also be a time to reflect on the magnitude of living life to the full as a new creation in Christ. And by all means, may your time with family and friends be joyous and your pie or cake be sweet.
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. ~James 5:7-8 NKJV
Photo by Karen Ruhl
Photos by Karen Ruhl
Photo by Karen Ruhl