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Faith by John Alexander
Faith By John Alexander
As I contemplated the topic of Seasons of Faith, I was drawn to those times in my life when I needed the Lord the most to get me through. Those times when circumstances beyond my control come into my life and I reached out to God with faith that He would see me through the storm came to mind. I am reminded of high school football practice when the coach would put us through a “gut check.” He helped us learn our strength, endurance, and perseverance. It was hard going through it, but we came out on the other side knowing that we were strong. Enduring tough times beyond our control stretches us and grows our faith.
One of those times hit mid-February when my wife had an unexpected emergency heart bypass surgery. Thankfully, the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted just enough that I could be by her side all day every day in the ICU and then the hospital room as she pulled through. The first twenty-four hours after the surgery were touch and go. Praise the Lord, she’s now recovering well at home as I write this. I pray your faith is strong and that you will find peace in the midst of storms that come into your life. I’d like to share a few poems that speak of those times.
Blessings, John
Life’s Best By John Alexander
Sometimes perplexed by what to say, I seldom try to lead or sway.
Instead, I try to share my heart, Reach out with words, God’s love impart.
I don’t know what you’re going through. I know God’s love is there for you.
Regardless of what life will bring, The Lord will help my heart to sing.
Although I don’t know who you are, Or whether you’re from near or far,
I lift a prayer this day for you. I pray you know God’s love is true.
I pray this day that you are blessed, And know God’s love, life at its best.
Faith and Hope By John Alexander
Through valleys may your faith be strong. I pray that hope may be your song.
May you look toward what’s yet to be, Believe the things you cannot see.
May you find comfort in God’s Word, Your soul refreshed by what you’ve heard.
May you have faith to walk today, To trust in Christ to lead the way,
Not just today but all the year To live by faith, abandon fear.
May you be given wings to fly; May troubles fade as you soar high.
May you know and feel God’s love, Your spirit long for things above.
May you know peace that God can bring, To feel the joy once more to sing.
Learning Endurance By John Alexander
Some weeks I am glad when they’ve come to an end, Those weeks I got through with the prayers of a friend.
It’s those who surround me and lift me in prayer Who help me remember God’s love and His care.
I’m reminded when weary of running the race, There is good that can come from each day that I face.
I’m learning endurance and trust in the Lord. I’ll remember these times as the days my faith soared.
The Lord brings me peace in the midst of the storm. His Spirit enables calm thoughts to take form.
He’s lead me through troubles and hardships before. I know I can trust Him to do it once more.
The news reports chaos, and fighting, and strife. I pray it won’t last for the rest of my life.
I pray that the hatred will come to an end. Lord help us to love and to heal and to mend.
John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
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