5 minute read
Our Faith by Craig Ruhl
Just over three years ago, God gave Karen and me the vision and mission of creating a digital magazine. During one of our country photography road trips, we were discussing how we would like to combine our loves of photography, writing, and reading into a ministry that would fulfill our call to spread the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. We became filled with the Holy Spirit during that drive. Suddenly we were mentally downloading ideas and concepts at an alarming rate. As I remember that day, the admonishment to “be careful what you ask for” comes to mind. Because of that spirit-led brainstorming session, Faith On Every Corner magazine was birthed. The key component has always been “Faith.” It was our faith in Jesus Christ that we wanted to share. We also wanted to hear and read other people’s stories about their faith and how they were living through that faith in their families and communities. The Holy Spirit showed us how to use articles, stories, and photography to encourage and support our fellow Christians. We also believed that our magazine could help someone who was questioning or seeking to become a Christian. So, in faith, we set out on what has been a blessed journey and three years later we continue to fulfill our mission, by God’s grace and using the gifts we have received from Him.
Faith. Just what is this word “faith” that is in the name of our company and on the masthead of our magazine? The Merriam-Webster dictionary offers several definitions, one which is “firm belief in something for which there is no proof.” We find a better definition of our Christian faith in the Bible. Hebrews 11:1, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” (NLT) The concept of faith is a key foundation block of our Christian life. Another factor is the concept that faith requires trust. We do not have genuine faith in something or somebody until we have complete trust as well; the two go hand in hand.
Once faith and trust have been established, the next step is to take action. In James 2:26, we are told, “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.” (NLT) You have likely heard one or more of these expressions: walk your talk, talk is cheap, or action speaks louder than words. Until we put our thoughts and words into practice, our faith lacks substance. The way we lead our lives says much about the strength of our faith.
Karen and I became filled with the mission of sharing our faith with others, and that happened quickly. We shifted gears into considering how that sharing could be put into action. As we continued our drive that day, we talked about so much, making notes as we went. Karen has been a graphic designer, photographer, and writer for many years. I like to read, write, and edit. We each had years of business experience. Between us, we had the God-given gifts and talents to publish a faith-based digital magazine. We both had been on social media for over 25 years and knew many other Christians that we could approach for content, support, and encouragement. When we returned home that night, Karen got started on laying out the design of the first issue.
We each wrote articles and stories that we felt would touch the hearts and stimulate the minds of our readers. Karen contacted friends and business associates who began contributing to the magazine. An idea had been born. It would soon learn to walk and then run. Our faith was being placed in action. We were actively pursuing the mission that was placed in our hands through our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Although we could not know for certain if our magazine would be successful, we believed that the Holy Spirit, who dwelled in us, was guiding our every step. One of our favorite Bible verses that supports our faith is found in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The ideas and mission that we received while on that road trip were God-inspired and so, based on faith, we proceeded, trusting completely. With God, a promise made is a promise kept.
Faith is essential to our lives, but we are not meant to be selfish with it. Throughout the Bible, we are called to share our faith with others. In the centuries before paper, pen, and computers, faith was shared verbally. The foundation of our Christian beliefs and values were taught in the form of stories and then passed down from generation to generation. When the first Bible was printed, a limited number of people could read, let alone afford to own a book. Bibles were in the churches and the preachers would read to the congregation, explaining the text and relating the teachings to everyday life. Today, there are many books and magazines available that aid in understanding Biblical principles and how we should apply them to our lives in these modern and often confusing times.
In each issue of Faith On Every Corner, we bring together articles and stories that further our mission of sharing not just our faith, but that of people from around the world. It is our prayer that the words we present will touch hearts and open minds so that the reader may learn more about their personal faith and be encouraged to put that faith into action. Many of our readers have written to let us know of the difference an article or story has made in their lives. Now in our fourth year of publication, the Lord has expanded our territory, our readership, to over sixty countries. Faith On Every Corner is being read in some parts of the world where it is illegal and dangerous to have or read the Bible or any Christian literature. We do not know how much of a difference our mission is making, but God does and that is whom we serve.
I’ll close with three Bible verses that have guided us into action. God bless you. Keep the faith!
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15 (NLT)
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14 (NLT)
Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:19 (NLT)
Craig Ruhl