4 minute read


There is a song with lyrics that say “Baby, it’s hot outside,” and to this, we are in total agreement! We have reached into the 90s for days on end and I know many of you have too. I hope you all have comfort from the heat and keep those in prayer who do not have any way to escape it.

While talking to a friend in Nigeria this week, she was telling about the rationing of electricity there. I pray that many of you reading this are able to find a cool spot and stay hydrated.


My eyes and heart are opened every time I get to talk to a new writer. Some of the stories I hear are heartbreaking, and yet the writer has come through by the Grace of God. Their goal is to share their stories, hoping to touch just one soul who may need to read it. It is our mission to continue to publish this magazine in hopes of reaching those people.

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We are praying for you and love each of our readers. Blessings. ~ Karen

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Let the fog lift... by Karen Ruhl

Photo by Karen Ruhl

There are days when my mind just feels like it is in a fog. With so many opinions about what is happening in the world, and the world watching to see how the United States will handle the pandemic, it is easy to get bogged down and feel that you are seeing everything through fog-covered lenses.

My comfort comes from many scriptures that help me remember to lean on God and know that He does not have any fog keeping Him from seeing clearly. Proverbs 15:3 “the Lord is watching everywhere, keeping His eye on both the evil and the good.”

One thing we need to keep in mind is that scripture applies to us, not just THEM. It is easy to think about others that you disagree with as having the wrong opinion, not agreeing with the way they live their lives, judging them, holding resentment. But, God, in His infinite wisdom addresses all of this in His word to us.

Proverbs 15:11 “Even death and destruction hold no secrets from the Lord. How much more does He know the human heart!”

This always makes me sit up straighter and think about where my heart is. We are all broken, we all make mistakes, but if we get into the word, the fog will lift, and we will get a clear picture of how we are to act. We are never alone, and never far from His word if we have our Bible nearby.

I took the photo above on The Blue Ridge Parkway. We went there on this day so I could try to capture fog over the mountains. What you cannot really see in this shot is the depth of the mountains because there is a heavy fog layer. There are miles and miles of mountains beyond that first couple of ridges we can see somewhat clearly. Yet, we don’t know what dangers could be ahead of us because the roads are fogged in.

As God’s children, we never have to feel foggy about what we are to do, or where we should go to ask for help. The Lord has me in Proverbs as I write this article. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Let’s make it our goal to clear the fog by getting into His word, by opening our Bibles throughout the week, to build our relationship with Him. And to hope that when He looks at our hearts, He smiles at us, His sons and daughters knowing that we are seeking Him.

May God bless you all. I urge you to stay in prayer for our country and our leaders. We pray for you all and hope to hear from you.

Blessings, Karen


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