4 minute read


by Nicole Byrum


We were less than 2 hours from our beach vacation destination when I decided to check the forecast on my mobile weather app. I instantly regretted that decision. Every hour for the next 48 hours was littered with the thunderstorm icon. And not only that but with an 85% chance! In the weeks leading up to vacation, I had envisioned white sand and the Gulf of Mexico under bright blue skies and sunshine. This forecast was the opposite of that mental picture and had me feeling pretty grumpy!

I looked at the clock and decided to give myself 10 minutes to pout. For several minutes I dwelled on my disappointment. I imagined my husband, kids, and I sitting around in our rented condo watching old movies instead of playing on the beach. I let myself be sad and annoyed. But around the 8-minute mark, I decided to pray, though not for the forecast to be changed. Rather, for God to help me accept with open hands whatever He had for us that week. As I prayed, my grumpiness quickly subsided. In its place was a feeling of peace.

The first evening of our arrival found us eating dinner outside overlooking the ocean. The sun was shining, and the waves were crashing as my daughter and I shared the “Fisherman’s Platter.” A good start to the week indeed! The following morning and afternoon were filled with sunshine and plenty of time in the sparkling aqua water. The day concluded with a sunset boat ride and another delicious seafood dinner.

When the rains came Tuesday morning, I was completely fine with it. After all, it was nice to be a little lazy. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend an early morning than reading some great books! Once the rain subsided, we hit the pool rather than chance the red-flagged ocean. After some time, the clouds began to roll back in and I suddenly had the urge to go for a run.

I knew I didn’t have long before the rains came, I figured about 20 minutes. I took off from our condo and ran along the boardwalk. All the beachgoers were hurriedly packing up towels and blankets and making their way to their cars. I kept running. I turned around to backtrack my way home at the 10-minute mark. What an awesome sight to see the thick storm clouds rolling in over the water! As I took in the scene of the stormy gulf, I had to smile as I thought back to my prayer in the car. I had been grumpy about the predicted storms, but here I was experiencing so much joy because of it!

As it turns out, my estimate was off by about 6 minutes. What started as a sprinkle quickly became a torrential downpour! My shoes began squishing with each step, but I didn’t care. Even as an adult closing in on 40, I still love running in the rain just as much as when I was a kid. It was not lost on me during those moments that I had become thankful for the rain I had not wanted. In fact, that thunderstorm turned out to be one of my favorite memories from vacation.

I praise God that His Spirit lead me to pray for open hands. Feelings of annoyance and irritation could easily have reared their ugly heads at the sight of those rain clouds. Instead, He allowed me to enjoy a blessing I could not have foreseen. Psalm 36:5 says, “Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” Suffice to say, these words will forever hold a tangible picture in my mind of this eternal truth.

We have since returned to our home in Ohio where I sit at my kitchen table typing these words. The Gulf Coast has been traded for cornfields and the salty ocean air has vanished. But that run is embedded in my memory and serves as a beautiful reminder to hold out open hands for whatever God has in store for me. Whether it be sunshine or rain, for I know there will be both, I can trust all is for my ultimate good and His glory. I praise Him even now for the forthcoming blessings I never could have imagined produced from situations I never would have chosen. For I know in all things He is so good.

I am a therapist and writer who is passionate about family, faith, and recovery. I am the author of Remade: Living Free, a book that explores topics related to substance abuse, recovery, and unhealthy relationships from a biblical perspective.

Click the book cover to order Nicole’s book from Amazon.com

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