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Reflecting On Our Road Trips by Karen Ruhl
Each month as I design and format the magazine, I come to our Road Trippin’ page. It usually isn’t hard to pick one of our road trips for the month, but like everyone else, this has been a tough year.
We are used to getting up early and loading the car with camera gear and a cooler with sodas. Somewhere along the drive, we stop for breakfast and snacks, and bathroom breaks. But this year has made it harder and harder to find the places to stop for breaks.
We still took drives and took photos like the one at the bottom of Lake James. We drive up and down roads in hopes of a new view we have not seen and on this trip we were rewarded with this beautiful view of the lake and the mountains. We long for a trip to the ocean. The lighthouse on the left reminds me that we need to let God guide our paths and enjoy what He puts in front of us. There is beauty surrounding us, whether at the Cape Hatteras Light Station on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, or a tiny colorful town in Mexico. One thing is certain, God is with us on each of our trips. We pray often on our trips and thank him continually. We have plans to travel a bit this year - God willing and we stay healthy. As we do, we will continue to share the photos and stories with you.
We hope you have enjoyed our Road Trips this year.
Oh, I forgot to mention to look closely at the lighthouse at the bottom by the fence. While I was taking photos, a group of deer came out for their candid shots. It is my hope that you and your family get out and take some drives. Take photos - use
your cell phone, and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.
Photo by Karen Ruhl
Photo by Karen Ruhl
Photo by Karen Ruhl