2 minute read

My Song of Rebirth and Spring by Brenda McDaniel

Warmer weather and bright sunshine to put your heart and mind in a pleasant mood. To do what you want, to stay outside as long as you like, to jog, run and play either as a child or adult. Play games or sports like tennis, golf, basketball, baseball, or football. Or if you like the water, go swimming or go to the beautiful beaches throughout our vast country. Take your pets out or let them outside for long walks and playtime. Enjoy the beautiful creation of nature that the Lord has blessed us with since time began on earth. Sit on your porch or patio and enjoy the beautiful skies, birds chirping, squirrels and rabbits running through your yard. And enjoy the variety of trees and flowers beginning to bloom. Spring is a time of rebirth of nature and for animals, insects, etc. to come out and do what nature tells them to do. It’s coming from the cold, cloudy, snowy days of winter. And from being inside, trying to stay warm, to taking your coat or jacket off and enjoying the pleasant weather of Spring. You learn to be more thankful for pleasant weather after coming through the harsh, cold winter. We remember that these things are very similar to our Lord Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. The dark frigid winter is like this world which was lost and evil before and during the death of our Lord and Savior. It was crying out for healing, spiritual and physical. All people wanting someone to care for and love them for who they are and not how others may see them. Then Christ arose from the tomb, and Spring came once again. The cold, dreary, lonesome winter left, and, in its place, Spring came a bright, loving and forgiving time. Nature forgave the Winter for its harshness, as Christ forgave this world for mistreating Him so. He was put on the cruel cross, died for our sins, and was resurrected. Easter is a rebirth of Spring once again. And hope arose once again in the hearts and minds of man and woman. For He, our Savior Jesus Christ brought us forgiveness of our sins and hope for the future and eternal life through his death and resurrection. Praise our Lord!!!!

Easter Poem


Our Lord smiled. Our Lord healed. As our Lord died. Our Lord cried. “Father forgive them, for they know not, what they do!” He Arose, He Arose!!! For he is Risen!!! Our Lord be Praised!!!

Brenda has her first book published through Page Publishing called My Angel My Hero. She has fulfilled her lifelong dream of being a writer. She also has an MA in Counseling. She is retired and lives in Montgomery county Virginia. My Angel My Hero is available on Amazon.

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