5 minute read
Faith Over Fear, Love Over Legalism by Jerry A. Davidson
I am called to submit to authority, not only in action but in spirit. I long to understand biblical submission better. There are so many areas in which I must submit to differing authorities, and I am learning how to do so even when I disagree. The highest biblical authority to which we are commanded to be in submission is God himself. In this, I have failed daily, in both spirit and action. Yet I do not want to resort to legalism or moralism, which truly is not a heart of submission.
God controls life and death. (1 Samuel 2:6) God places ecclesiastical and legal authorities over us to which we are to submit. (1 Peter 2:13-3:7) In all cases, we submit in spirit and deed, not grumbling. There is no “but” to this command. We submit to God ultimately.
This said, in my opinion, wearing a face mask demonstrates a lack of submission to and faith in the authority of God over life and death and is a practice in arbitrary legalism. Despite any data on either side of the matter, time after time in history and Scripture, we see God having full command over life, death, disease, wars, and all other things. (Numbers 16:43-50)
In the God-given authority to ecclesiastical leaders, there is no authority given to overrule the conscience of another believer unless that person is directly contradicting a scriptural command. In fact, God instructs believers to respect each other’s differences of belief in all matters (Romans 14:1- 12). It is divisive and not submissive to God and His redeeming work in others to enforce an unsinful, arbitrary rule viewed by only one faction of believers, regardless of whether a minority or majority of the congregation pressure their view to be implemented. God must be the one to judge between sheep and sheep. (Ezekiel 24:20-22)
Which is more unifying: asking all to comply with a rule that has no Scriptural basis for being a sin or not, or allowing each individual to practice discernment and good conscience on such matters and teaching each believer to respect the other? If Romans 14:1-12 was not written for a situation such as that which we are currently in regarding face masks, for what situation might it have been written? For what modern-day matter might this have been written if not for the practice of personal faith, sanctification, and each believer’s personal walk with the Spirit?
I’m asking for you to not ask or force me to choose between submitting to my elders and God. Romans 14 was directed at those who are fully convinced on one side of an issue to respect those who are fully convinced on the opposite side of the issue. I do not doubt that you personally believe that you are honoring God and loving others by wearing a face mask. I likewise believe that I am honoring God and loving others equally by not doing so.
God calls us to unity as a church. This call assumes that there will be tension, miscommunication, misunderstandings, and differences. To be unified then, we must approach each other with the assumption of the best, most loving, and faithful intentions of the other. Most of all, we must teach unity, love, grace, and understanding under the purview of God’s law and His Word only.
I grow ever weary of this issue. Those who believe as I have felt a diminishing of love and understanding from our leaders. I have felt this. I have personally spoken to those who have received replies from their leaders dismissing their struggles with both this issue and the regulation implemented by their church leaders. Is this love? Is this grace and understanding? Shepherds are becoming known by their sheep to be shepherds who are led by the whims of the sheep themselves. The church is primed for the wolves to come if we do not find unity despite the differences. If we enforce one side of the difference on non-sin issues, there will be more division. Discipling and open conversation will heal those divisions, yet all I (and many others on this issue) have personally received is condemnation and demands to comply.
Church leaders, please love and nurture your flock. They need you. They need to understand your thinking, and they need to know that they can come to you when they are struggling to understand. If one does not understand why another will not wear a face mask, let there be conversations of grace, not grumbling, complaints, and demands that others wear them. If one does not understand why others are wearing masks, let him come to the leaders knowing he will find love and understanding. Or better yet, encourage the two believers who differ on this to meet with you together and discuss openly.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35 ESV)
There are many verses, technically an endless list, on God’s authority over life and judgment and man’s futility in trying to control his life, but these are Old Testament passages that have stood out to me:
Amos 6:12-13 - Amos 9:10 - Daniel 5:23 - Ezekiel 34:20-22 - Ezekiel 36:22-38 - Genesis 11:1-9 - Lamentations 3:37-39 - Jeremiah 51:58 Jeremiah 23:16-17 - Isaiah 63:6 - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - Ecclesiastes 10:1 - Ecclesiastes 1
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 NKJV
Jerry A. Davidson
Jerry A. Davidson lives in Alexander, AR with his wife, Amy. He is a hymn writer, vocal coach at Davidson Vocal Coaching, author, as well as worship leader at CrossPoint Church in Bryant, AR. His desire is to write stories and songs that bring glory to God through a deep understanding of His Word and design for the world.