2 minute read

I’ll Fly Away by Peter Caligiuri

“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” (Psalm 90:10 KJV)

Years ago, I used to visit an elderly couple from our church who, because of age and its attending aches and pains, no longer could come to Sunday services. In the corner of their little apartment, they kept a cage with two parakeets that tweeted happily off and on during our time, especially when we began to sing. It seemed that their favorite song was, “I’ll Fly Away” because if their cage door was left open, they got especially enthusiastic and during the music, they would swoop out with their wingtips brushing by my head and then perch up on top of the kitchen cabinets. In their balcony seat, they seemed quite at home and didn’t miss a note in their singing. Now both of those birds as well as my dear friends have flown off to the presence of Jesus. Sometimes I imagine them looking down from their advantage point, still singing and waiting for me and my guitar to come join them. We can be blessed and comforted with the joy of knowing that if our hearts belong to Him, Jesus promises that when He returns, we will fly away to meet Him in the air!

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