1 minute read
Craig and I haven’t been able to go very far with everyone being quarantined. We have however, taken a few drives to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we have had lately.
I am in love with old houses, abandoned houses and buildings across America. One day, I will publish a book of the photos from our drive from California to Ohio. We followed Route 66 for quite a while and visited true Americana with the old gift shops and tourist attractions that are all but gone.
In these photos, I found three old houses really close to where we live in Hudson, the one on the bottom right is in Hudson, just a few blocks from us. In my imagination, I can see someone coming in and making it into a grand bed and breakfast.
The other two houses a few miles from us, on the same road just about 1/2 mile apart. The smaller house on the top right has a beautiful old barn behind it. I couldn’t get a good shot of the barn from the road.
The two barns are very much in use and just beautiful. The middle barn is used by the horses on the bottom right.
You don’t have to go far to find something interesting to photograph. Go out and take a ride, see what you can find. We would love to hear from you!