4 minute read
Moments Before The Cross by Hannarich Asiedu
Would you do whatever it takes to get out of trouble? Even trouble you knew you were guilty of? Would you beg your way out of punishment to forgiveness?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re not alone. Even little kids with no accurate understanding of the world often do so too.
I am a mother of three little boys, all under the age of four. When they get into mischief and end up in trouble with us “parents,” they devise several schemes to escape punishment. Either none accepts responsibility for the offense (especially the first two where each accuses the other of being the offender.) Or they start doing and saying things they know we love to see or hear—like giving big old hugs; reciting a memory verse or two; ultimately saying in their little toddler voices,” I’m so sorry, mommy, I will never do that again” (I must admit that one certainly melts my heart sometimes).
As adults, it’s intricately a part of our being to escape trouble, blame others like our ancestor Adam blamed Eve, or plead forgiveness.
Moments before the cross, Jesus being fully man and fully God, had those tendencies. His human nature dreaded the death and humiliation that lay ahead of Him so much that when He prayed, “sweats of blood” dripped down (paraphrased from Luke 22:44 NIV). If you and I were given a choice to say we were not the “king of the Jews” to avoid being crucified on a cross, we would most likely say we weren’t and then ask God to forgive us later. He is our forgiving father, after all, right?
Yet Jesus’ attitude was the exact opposite. Here is an attitude of Jesus we need to adopt in this generation if we claim to love Him. Jesus displayed extreme confidence in the face of the tense atmosphere that built up moments before the cross. From His initial hearing by the high priest, then with Pontius Pilate, and even with Ceaser. Jesus could have simply begged for forgiveness and recanted everything He had said, and He may have been set free.
He stood firm even after Pontius Pilate asks Him, “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” (paraphrased from John 19:10 NIV)
How do Jesus’ confidence moments before the cross play out in our lives today?
With so much going on today, we need to show our faith now more than ever before. My dear friend had to undergo a minor procedure at a hospital in the United States. When the doctor scheduled to perform the surgery came in, he asked if he could pray with him. That was a very bold move this doctor made. If you live in other nations outside of America or even Europe, you may not realize the gravity of the situation. My friend and his wife could have sued him if they weren’t Christians. He could have lost his license as a medical practitioner. But he boldly asked if he could pray with them, not knowing what their response could be.
Now more than ever, we need to be bold in our stand for the Lord, especially in the face of compromising situations. With cancel culture on the rampant, YouTubers being de-monetized who take particular stands for the Lord, the possibility of social media blocking you out, etc., it may seem easier to try to fit in with the crowd. But like Jesus a few moments before the cross, as He exuded confidence, so must we. Fitting in is no longer an option. We should be either hot or cold, light or darkness. In Revelations 3:16 (NIV), we are told what will happen if we remain lukewarm.
“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
• The times and seasons we are in now will call for Christians who are bold to defend the gospel and take a stand for the Lord regardless of the consequences.
• The times and seasons we are in will not be enough to be regular churchgoers warming the sanctuary seats.
• The times and seasons we are in will call for intentionally ensuring that our lips and hearts say the same thing. That we are the same people at church, at home, at our workplaces everywhere.
Will you take a stand for the Lord no matter what? Will you exude overwhelming confidence moments before your cross?
Hannarich Asiedu is an addicted lover of God. She is happily married, Mom to three little guys, and lives in Dallas with her family. Hannarich believes happiness is contagious and longs to see everyone she encounters enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.
She is the author of the upcoming book “DECODING THE IN-LAW CODE.” She has a bachelor’s degree in English and French and has been in Management overseeing Corporate Relationships for almost a decade now. She has various non-fiction books in the works and is a public speaker and a Certified Life Coach.
For more information on her book releases and other works, please visit her website at http://www.myhannarich.com